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Re: [Fwd: Re: Proof cluster ready for testing]


"Yang, Wei" <[log in to unmask]>


15 Jun 2010 12:12:23 -0700Tue, 15 Jun 2010 12:12:23 -0700





text/plain (698 lines)

Hi Bart,

The disk space on proof cluster are made of local storage. Each boer has a 250GB second disk for this test. Obviously we don't expect high performance from those disks.

Here are how your data files are distributed among T2 data servers. Each T2 data server has a array of 46 disks and a file is stripped across 32 disks.

$ export [log in to unmask]

$ for i in 03 04 05 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52; do echo -n "# of files on wain0$i : "; /bin/ls root://wain0$i//atlas/xrootd/atlasuserdisk/user10.ZacharyMarshall.data10_7TeV.00152409.physics_MinBias.recon.ESD.f238.V1.2010.04.12_AANT_sub06570779 2>/dev/null | wc -l; done
# of files on wain003 : 0
# of files on wain004 : 0
# of files on wain005 : 0
# of files on wain011 : 76
# of files on wain012 : 75
# of files on wain013 : 72
# of files on wain014 : 77
# of files on wain015 : 0
# of files on wain016 : 66
# of files on wain022 : 83
# of files on wain043 : 80
# of files on wain044 : 76
# of files on wain045 : 76
# of files on wain046 : 76
# of files on wain047 : 66
# of files on wain048 : 84
# of files on wain049 : 80
# of files on wain050 : 83
# of files on wain051 : 76
# of files on wain052 : 69

$ for i in 03 04 05 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52; do echo -n "# of files on wain0$i : "; /bin/ls root://wain0$i//atlas/xrootd/usr/b/bcbutler/user10.BartClaytonButler.SlimmedQCDv1.153565_AANT/ 2>/dev/null | wc -l; done# of files onwain003 : 45
# of files on wain004 : 0
# of files on wain005 : 14
# of files on wain011 : 66
# of files on wain012 : 49
# of files on wain013 : 73
# of files on wain014 : 78
# of files on wain015 : 62
# of files on wain016 : 62
# of files on wain022 : 81
# of files on wain043 : 0
# of files on wain044 : 0
# of files on wain045 : 0
# of files on wain046 : 0
# of files on wain047 : 0
# of files on wain048 : 66
# of files on wain049 : 0
# of files on wain050 : 0
# of files on wain051 : 0
# of files on wain052 : 0

$ unset LD_PRELOAD

Wei Yang | [log in to unmask] | 650-926-3338(O)

On Jun 15, 2010, at 8:50 AM, Bart Butler wrote:

> I have a bunch more results and found a large bug in my previous tests, but first:
> Is the dataset
> /atlas/xrootd/atlasuserdisk/user10.ZacharyMarshall.data10_7TeV.00152409.physics_MinBias.recon.ESD.f238.V1.2010.04.12_AANT_sub06570779
> in a part of T2 storage whose performance would be expected to be different than
> root://atl-xrdr//atlas/xrootd/usr/b/bcbutler/user10.BartClaytonButler.SlimmedQCDv1.153565_AANT/
> or should these two datasets' retrieval be similar in speed?
> Also, can you explain how the cluster xrootd storage works? Is it made from the boer worker nodes' local storage or connected to the boer nodes via ethernet?
> Thanks,
> -Bart
> Yang, Wei wrote:
>> Hi Bart,
>> Thanks for the interesting analysis. Comments embedded below.
>> regards,
>> Wei Yang |
>> [log in to unmask]
>> | 650-926-3338(O)
>> On Jun 13, 2010, at 1:06 AM, Bart Butler wrote:
>>> Correct me if this makes no sense, but if the remote files are replicated enough on xrootd such that they are being read from different disks (that is, you have 36 workers, each reading a different file from 36 identical disks) then processing rate would still scale linearly with # of workers, but could still be limited by the individual disk speed, which could help explain why smaller file size seems to help so much given that the network bandwidth isn't being saturated. Of course, if the disk multiplicity in the T2 is much lower such that this is a totally unreasonable scenario, then yeah, the T2 storage can't be the bottleneck.
>> Interesting and valid argument. I didn't think of this scenario. In that case, each disk imposes a limit of 8MB/s.
>> Where are those files on T2 storage? Are they at
>> root://atl-xrdr//atlas/xrootd/atlasuserdisk/user10.ZacharyMarshall.data10_7TeV.00152409.physics_MinBias.recon.ESD.f238.V1.2010.04.12_AANT_sub0657077
>> If so, files are almost evenly distributed on 16 data servers. Each whole file resides on one of the data servers, and are spread across an array 32 (usable) disks on that data server). So we should be able to see the rate flat out once there are more than 16 workers if the disk array is the limit.
>>> Also, the same argument can apply to the local worker disks. If the files are replicated to the local disks and then read into memory, the worker hard drives could be the limiting factor. I sort of doubt the CPU speed could be the bottleneck, considering I turned off a lot of calculations in one of my tests and got a negligible speed increase.
>> I doubt the CPU is the bottleneck too. Once I put it under ganglia monitoring, we will have a better idea. There are other possibilities similar to what you described in the 36 disk scenario but may be caused be other reasons. One is that the data transfer speed from T2 to workers are limited by inefficiency of network and its protocol. The other is that if the T2 storage was busy and was dealing with large # of Panda jobs, then the rate may also scale linearly (below what disk, CPU and network can handle when they are idle).
>>> And if 4 cores are sharing the same disk, removing these branches for all 4 cores could reduce seek time considerably for a single disk and maybe account for the non-linear speed-up we see when we turn off branches/reduce the size of the ntuple.
>> Maybe, it is hard to tell.
>>> They don't. That error is from the client ROOT session running on atlint01. We use a macro to load all files matching a pattern (typically *.root*) in a directory into a TDSet. The macro has always worked fine using xrootd URLs to the T2 storage, but it doesn't seem to work with the cluster xrootd storage for some reason. Either my xrootd URL for the cluster is wrong or something is configured differently between the two storage locations. Can you verify that the URL I am using is correct?
>> OK I know why. The T2 storage has an obsolete feature. The proof cluster uses a new, simplified setup that doesn't have it. However, without this feature, gSystem->OpenDirectory() will not return anything if the directory is xrootd path (root://...). To work around, you will need to modify you macro and do something like this (pseudo code)
>> posixDirName="/xrootd/proof/bcbutler/user10.ZacharyMarshall..._AANT/";
>> xrootDirName="root://boer0123//atlas/proof/bcbutler/user10.ZacharyMarshall..._AANT/";
>> void *dirp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(posixDirName);
>> ...
>> TString path = TString(xrootDirName + fn);
>> You will have to run the client on atlint01 because /xrootd/proof/... is only available on atlint01.
>>> The dirName passed to the macro is:
>>> root://boer0123//atlas/proof/bcbutler/user10.ZacharyMarshall.data10_7TeV.00152409.physics_MinBias.recon.ESD.f238.V1.2010.04.12_AANT/
>>> 7 Int_t GetTDSetFromDirectory(TDSet *dset,
>>> 8 const char* match= "*.root*",
>>> 9 TString dirName = "",
>>> 10 Int_t NFilesToAttach = -1)
>>> 11 {
>>> 12 void *dirp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(dirName);
>>> 13 char *ent;
>>> 14 int i = 0;
>>> 15 while ((ent = const_cast<char*>(gSystem->GetDirEntry(dirp)))) {
>>> 16
>>> 17 TString fn = TString(ent);
>>> 18 TString path = TString(dirName + fn);
>>> 19 TRegexp matchExp(match,kTRUE);
>>> 20
>>> 21 if (fn.Contains(matchExp)) {
>>> 22 dset->Add(path);
>>> 23 i++;
>>> 24 }
>>> 25 if (i == NFilesToAttach) break;
>>> 26 }
>>> 27 cout << "N Files attached = " << i << endl;
>>> 28 gSystem->FreeDirectory(dirp);
>>> 29 return i;
>>> 30 }
>>>> regards,
>>>> Wei Yang |
>>>> [log in to unmask]
>>>> | 650-926-3338(O)
>>>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Bart Butler wrote:
>>>>> Pre-compilation works with the 5.26-proof version. My AFS filesystem was read-only and the save didn't go through. One problem solved.
>>>>> More observations (keep in mind all rates have ~10% uncertainty from run to run, maybe related to T2 storage load):
>>>>> 1. The GUI Is Screwy: GUI progress bar makes no sense, even when the job seems to be running. The processing time elapsed clock increments a second every 10 seconds or so, which makes the events/sec rates about 10X bigger than they actually are. That said, the # of events processed number is off, as the GUI said the job had processed ~50K events while each of the workers had processed between 30K and 40K events. I think the X11 forwarding from SLAC might not have the bandwidth to keep this updated in real time (though the PROOF Lite GUI on atlint01 works fine forwarded from SLAC...maybe it's this speedometer gizmo?) so I'm going to try batch mode to see if that helps.
>>>>> Update: Batch mode fixes this, real time rates which update and make sense, and PROOF obeys stop commands now. Stay away from the GUI (at least remotely).
>>>>> 2. Speed scales linearly with number of workers for these tests (running off T2 xrootd). The ntuple used is around 90kb/evt and the analysis writes a lot of histograms and. With all 36 workers, 1550 evts/sec (~43 evts/sec/worker). Pretty slow.
>>>>> 3. Turning off most histograms gives about a 3-6% speed improvement (1625 evts/sec, 45 evts/sec/worker)--->negligible.
>>>>> 4. Turning all MC truth calculations off but still running on the same dataset: 1660 evts/sec, 46 evts/sec/worker.
>>>>> 5. Turning MC branches off but still running on the same dataset: 2075 evts/sec, 58 evts/sec/worker.
>>>>> 6. Use data instead of MC (no truth information and thus smaller ntuple ~83kb/evt). 3471 evt/sec, 96 evts/sec/worker.
>>>>> 7. Same as #6 but run from the proof cluster storage. Says it can't find the files. Is root://boer0123//atlas/proof/bcbutler/user10.ZacharyMarshall.data10_7TeV.00152409.physics_MinBias.recon.ESD.f238.V1.2010.04.12_AANT/*.root* not correct?
>>>>> Exact error:
>>>>> Srv err: Unable to open directory /atlas/proof/bcbutler/user10.ZacharyMarshall.data10_7TeV.00152409.physics_MinBias.recon.ESD.f238.V1.2010.04.12_AANT/
>>>>> I'm not sure how helpful this is for deciding machinery other than confirming things we already's clear with this big ntuple (and this particular analysis) that the cluster's processing speed is input-limited rather than CPU limited, so maybe we should focus on more CPUs rather than faster CPUs? Small changes in ntuple size result in massive speed increases, though the picture is muddied a bit with the addition complication of turning branches on and off (which is clearly not a negligible effect, but smaller than slimming).
>>>>> I'm not sure exactly what turning a branch off does when reading from a network the entire tree transferred and then only the enabled branches are loaded into memory? That would indicate that local disk speed would be something worthwhile to invest in, given turning truth branches off gave a 25% increase from test 4 to 5.
>>>>> The biggest gain in speed was obtained from using a smaller ntuple (no truth) but the increase in speed seems very large compared to the actual size difference of the ntuples per event...I'm not sure how to interpret this.
>>>>> -Bart
>>>>> Yang, Wei wrote:
>>>>>> I just sudo to bcbutler and ran root, and killed all your sessions:
>>>>>> root [1] TProof::Reset("boer0123",1);
>>>>>> | Message from server:
>>>>>> | CleanupSessions: hard-reset: signalling active sessions for termination
>>>>>> | Message from server:
>>>>>> | CleanupSessions: hard-reset: cleaning up client: requested by: bcbutler.7796:35@atl-prod05
>>>>>> | CleanupSessions: hard-reset: forwarding the reset request to next tier(s)
>>>>>> | Send: cleanup request to
>>>>>> [log in to unmask]:1093
>>>>>> for user: bcbutler
>>>>>> | Send: cleanup request to
>>>>>> [log in to unmask]:1093
>>>>>> for user: bcbutler
>>>>>> | Send: cleanup request to
>>>>>> [log in to unmask]:1093
>>>>>> for user: bcbutler
>>>>>> | Send: cleanup request to
>>>>>> [log in to unmask]:1093
>>>>>> for user: bcbutler
>>>>>> | Send: cleanup request to
>>>>>> [log in to unmask]:1093
>>>>>> for user: bcbutler
>>>>>> | Send: cleanup request to
>>>>>> [log in to unmask]:1093
>>>>>> for user: bcbutler
>>>>>> | Send: cleanup request to
>>>>>> [log in to unmask]:1093
>>>>>> for user: bcbutler
>>>>>> | Send: cleanup request to
>>>>>> [log in to unmask]:1093
>>>>>> for user: bcbutler
>>>>>> | Send: cleanup request to
>>>>>> [log in to unmask]:1093
>>>>>> for user: bcbutler
>>>>>> I actually ran it twice. The first time it seems to have killed all sessions on workers but left the one on master behind. The second time it kill the one on master as well.
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Wei Yang |
>>>>>> [log in to unmask]
>>>>>> | 650-926-3338(O)
>>>>>> On Jun 10, 2010, at 2:51 AM, Bart Butler wrote:
>>>>>>> Another thing that has been consistently a problem with the cluster is the seeming inability to kill a job. I hit Cancel/Stop on the GUI and waited for about 10 minutes for the process to complete. This did nothing, so I hit Ctrl-C, which got me this:
>>>>>>> Enter A/a to switch asynchronous, S/s to stop, Q/q to quit, any other key to continue: s
>>>>>>> Info in <TSignalHandler::Notify>: Processing interrupt signal ... s
>>>>>>> Enter A/a to switch asynchronous, S/s to stop, Q/q to quit, any other key to continue: s
>>>>>>> Info in <TSignalHandler::Notify>: Processing interrupt signal ... s
>>>>>>> Info in <TMonitor::Select>: *** interrupt occured ***
>>>>>>> Enter A/a to switch asynchronous, S/s to stop, Q/q to quit, any other key to continue: s
>>>>>>> Info in <TSignalHandler::Notify>: Processing interrupt signal ... s
>>>>>>> Info in <TMonitor::Select>: *** interrupt occured ***
>>>>>>> Selecting q for quit doesn't seem to do anything either. Eventually I had to log into atlint01 again and kill the root process manually. On a subsequent attempt, I was able to reconnect successfully, but my previous session was still running (or crashed) and it just reconnected to that (stalled) session. I'm trying to kill that session again now so I can run a longer test.
>>>>>>> Short version: there seems to be an issue with killing jobs cleanly which seems to leave the cluster in an unusable state (at least until some internal timeout completes?), but it does seem to be running (from the T2 storage at the moment, longer T2 vs. cluster storage performance test in the works assuming this session ever dies) using all workers provided the shared library is pre-compiled. This is something I saw in local sessions and back in May, so that it is not really surprising that it's an issue with the cluster too considering my code to make the package hasn't changed much. Figuring out on-the-fly compilation on the workers would be nice down the road. Getting the ability to kill jobs cleanly now is necessary though.
>>>>>>> -Bart
>>>>>>> Yang, Wei wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Bart,
>>>>>>>> I made another attempt. Here is what I used to start at client side (assuming bash) on a rhel5-64 machine
>>>>>>>> . /afs/slac/g/atlas/packages/gcc432/
>>>>>>>> export ROOTSYS=/afs/
>>>>>>>> export PATH=${PATH}:/$ROOTSYS/bin
>>>>>>>> $ROOTSYS/bin/root
>>>>>>>> It seems I was able to load a .par file. Can you give it a try? Also, remember on atlint01, if you copy a file to /xrootd/proof/bcbutler, you should TDset::Add("root://boer0123//atlas/proof/bcbulter/..."). However, I found that reading from T2 storage seems to be faster than reading from the disks in the proof cluster (without localizer).
>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>> Wei Yang |
>>>>>>>> [log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>> | 650-926-3338(O)
>>>>>>>> On Apr 29, 2010, at 3:25 PM, Bart Butler wrote:
>>>>>>>>> First thing first, I think I killed your cluster. The xrootd mount is no longer readable from atlint01 and I can't submit PROOF jobs to it anymore. This happened after killing my client root session manually after a massively-screwed up job.
>>>>>>>>> Secondly, I am have a hell of a time compiling my shared library correctly. Which version of ROOT is the cluster running? If I'm not running the exact same root version and gcc version as every worker node, I can't make binaries (which is what Booker did with his test package it seems. I do it too when I run PROOF-Lite). And if I can't make binaries, I have to submit source packages. This should be fine but it's never worked well for me. My first theory was that because the packages are kept in a common place on xrootd in my user space, the compilation errors I was getting from some workers were because all 32 (I was never able to connect to 4 of the 36 workers) tried to compile the package at the same time in the same place. Running on a single worker worked fine (but of course was slow). I don't think this compilation issue was the whole story though, because if the single worker thing worked, the next time all workers should have been able to load the compiled version with
>>>>>>>>> out problems assuming they are all running the same version of ROOT, and they crashed and burned just as badly that time. That's when the cluster itself crashed.
>>>>>>>>> Another thing was that making TDSets from the Tier 2 xrootd storage worked fine, but when I tried using the same files I had copied to the cluster xrootd storage it couldn't find them for some reason.
>>>>>>>>> My log files should be in /xrootd/proof/bcbutler if you guys get the cluster working again.
>>>>>>>>> -Bart
>>>>>>>>> Yang, Wei wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Bart, David,
>>>>>>>>>> any news on this?
>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Wei Yang |
>>>>>>>>>> [log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>> | 650-926-3338(O)
>>>>>>>>>> On Apr 21, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Bart Butler wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I'll try to run a few jobs tonight and see what happens.
>>>>>>>>>>> -Bart
>>>>>>>>>>> Yang, Wei wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> [add Andy Hass ...]
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi David, Booker,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I mounted the xrootd space of the proof cluster at /xrootd/proof on atlint01. It looks like we have ~1.8TB total on the cluster. So something ~ 1TB should work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The cluster should be able to access T2 storage if your provide the URL of those root file to process. But the whole idea of using proof is to avoid network traffic as much as possible. As we are still validation the functions, it would be good to try both. Or if you put half of the data on proof cluster, and leave the other half on T2 storage (no NFS please).
>>>>>>>>>>>> The proof master node is boer0123. If you copy files to the cluster, the xroot URL is root://boer0123//atlas/proof (I suggest you to create a fizisist sub-dir).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Booker, it looks like proof also leaves some file in the cluster. How would you suggest to manage the space, by user, by group, or something else?
>>>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Wei Yang |
>>>>>>>>>>>> [log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>> | 650-926-3338(O)
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Apr 21, 2010, at 8:40 AM, David W. Miller wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Booker and Wei,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a few questions: from what machine do we launch the jobs? Any machine at SLAC, but specifying the URI correctly? Also, if the data are on atlasuserdisk or usr in /xrootd/atlas/ is that sufficient?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Apr 21, 2010, at 17:36 PM, Ariel Schwartzman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Booker Bense <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: April 21, 2010 16:09:51 PM GMT+02:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Schwartzman, Ariel G."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "Yang, Wei"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Proof cluster ready for testing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Ariel Schwartzman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Booker,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I cannot access this machine remotely:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ssh -Y
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's on the slac internal network, you'll need to login to a slac
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> machine and run root programs from there. You shouldn't need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> login access to the master node.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _ Booker C. Bense
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ==========================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>> David W. Miller
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SLAC
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stanford University
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Physics
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SLAC Info: Building 84, B-156. Tel: +1.650.926.3730
>>>>>>>>>>>>> CERN Info: Building 01, 1-041. Tel: +41.76.487.2484
>>>>>>>>>>>>> EMAIL:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> HOMEPAGE:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ==========================================

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