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HPS-SVN  October 2014

HPS-SVN October 2014


r1336 - in /java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle:


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Thu, 30 Oct 2014 04:25:22 -0000





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Author: mccaky
Date: Wed Oct 29 21:25:20 2014
New Revision: 1336

Added documentation to particle reconstruction drivers and improved code efficiency.


Modified: java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/
--- java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/ (original)
+++ java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/ Wed Oct 29 21:25:20 2014
@@ -20,147 +20,188 @@
 import org.hps.recon.vertexing.BilliorVertex;
 import org.hps.recon.vertexing.BilliorVertexer;
- * The Main HPS implementation of ReconParticleDriver...makes V0 candidates and does vertex fits
+ * The main HPS implementation of ReconParticleDriver. Method generates
+ * V0 candidates and does vertex fits.
+ *
  * @author Omar Moreno <[log in to unmask]>
  * @version $Id$
 public class HpsReconParticleDriver extends ReconParticleDriver {
- private enum Constraint {
- }
- public HpsReconParticleDriver(){}
- @Override
- protected void startOfData(){
-// unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName = "UnconstrainedV0Candidates";
-// beamConV0CandidatesColName = "BeamspotConstrainedV0Candidates";
-// targetConV0CandidatesColName = "TargetConstrainedV0Candidates";
-// unconstrainedV0VerticesColName = "UnconstrainedV0Vertices";
-// beamConV0VerticesColName = "BeamspotConstrainedV0Vertices";
-// targetConV0VerticesColName = "TargetConstrainedV0Vertices";
- }
- /**
- *
- */
- @Override
- void findVertices(List<ReconstructedParticle> electrons, List<ReconstructedParticle> positrons) {
- ReconstructedParticle candidate = null;
- BilliorVertex vtxFit = null;
- // Loop through both electrons and positrons and try to find a common vertex
- for(ReconstructedParticle positron : positrons){
- for(ReconstructedParticle electron : electrons){
- // Get the tracks associated with the electron and the positron
- Track electronTrack = electron.getTracks().get(0);
- Track positronTrack = positron.getTracks().get(0);
- // Covert the tracks to BilliorTracks used by the vertexer
- BilliorTrack electronBTrack = toBilliorTrack(electronTrack);
- BilliorTrack positronBTrack = toBilliorTrack(positronTrack);
- for(Constraint constraint : Constraint.values()){
- vtxFit = fitVertex(constraint, electronBTrack, positronBTrack);
- candidate = makeReconstructedParticle(electron, positron, vtxFit);
- switch(constraint){
- unconstrainedV0Vertices.add(vtxFit);
- unconstrainedV0Candidates.add(candidate);
- break;
- beamConV0Vertices.add(vtxFit);
- beamConV0Candidates.add(candidate);
- break;
- targetConV0Vertices.add(vtxFit);
- targetConV0Candidates.add(candidate);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- */
- BilliorVertex fitVertex(Constraint constraint, BilliorTrack electron, BilliorTrack positron){
- BilliorVertexer vtxFitter = new BilliorVertexer(bField);
- // TODO: The beam size should come from the conditions database
- vtxFitter.setBeamSize(beamsize);
- switch(constraint){
- vtxFitter.doBeamSpotConstraint(false);
- break;
- vtxFitter.doBeamSpotConstraint(true);
- break;
- vtxFitter.doTargetConstraint(true);
- break;
- }
- List<BilliorTrack> billiorTracks = new ArrayList<BilliorTrack>();
- billiorTracks.add(electron);
- billiorTracks.add(positron);
- return vtxFitter.fitVertex(billiorTracks);
- }
- /**
- *
- */
- ReconstructedParticle makeReconstructedParticle(ReconstructedParticle electron, ReconstructedParticle positron, BilliorVertex vtxFit){
- ReconstructedParticle candidate = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).setStartVertex(vtxFit);
- candidate.addParticle(electron);
- candidate.addParticle(positron);
- // TODO: The calculation of the total fitted momentum should be done within
- // BilloirVertex
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).setMass(vtxFit.getParameters().get("invMass"));
- Hep3Vector fittedMomentum = new BasicHep3Vector(vtxFit.getParameters().get("p1X"),
- vtxFit.getParameters().get("p1Y"),
- vtxFit.getParameters().get("p1Z"));
- fittedMomentum = VecOp.add(fittedMomentum, new BasicHep3Vector(vtxFit.getParameters().get("p2X"),
- vtxFit.getParameters().get("p2Y"),
- vtxFit.getParameters().get("p2Z")));
- this.printDebug("Fitted momentum in tracking frame: " + fittedMomentum.toString());
- fittedMomentum = CoordinateTransformations.transformVectorToDetector(fittedMomentum);
- this.printDebug("Fitted momentum in detector frame: " + fittedMomentum.toString());
- HepLorentzVector fourVector = new BasicHepLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
- ((BasicHepLorentzVector) fourVector).setV3(fourVector.t(), fittedMomentum);
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).set4Vector(fourVector);
- // Add the ReconstructedParticle to the Vertex
- vtxFit.setAssociatedParticle(candidate);
- return candidate;
- }
- /**
- *
- */
+ /**
+ * Represents a type of constraint for vertex fitting.
+ *
+ * @author Omar Moreno <[log in to unmask]>
+ */
+ private enum Constraint {
+ /** Represents a fit with no constraints. */
+ /** Represents a fit with beam spot constraints. */
+ /** Represents a fit with target constraints. */
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates reconstructed V0 candidate particles and vertices for
+ * electron positron pairs using no constraints, beam constraints,
+ * and target constraints. These are saved to the appropriate lists
+ * in the super class.
+ * @param electrons - The list of electrons.
+ * @param positrons - The list of positrons.
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void findVertices(List<ReconstructedParticle> electrons, List<ReconstructedParticle> positrons) {
+ // Iterate over the positrons and electrons to perform vertexing
+ // on the pairs.
+ for(ReconstructedParticle positron : positrons) {
+ for(ReconstructedParticle electron : electrons) {
+ // Get the tracks associated with the electron and
+ // the positron.
+ Track electronTrack = electron.getTracks().get(0);
+ Track positronTrack = positron.getTracks().get(0);
+ // Covert the tracks to BilliorTracks.
+ BilliorTrack electronBTrack = toBilliorTrack(electronTrack);
+ BilliorTrack positronBTrack = toBilliorTrack(positronTrack);
+ // Create candidate particles for each constraint.
+ for(Constraint constraint : Constraint.values()) {
+ // Generate a candidate vertex and particle.
+ BilliorVertex vtxFit = fitVertex(constraint, electronBTrack, positronBTrack);
+ ReconstructedParticle candidate = makeReconstructedParticle(electron, positron, vtxFit);
+ // Add the candidate vertex and particle to the
+ // appropriate LCIO collection.
+ switch(constraint){
+ unconstrainedV0Vertices.add(vtxFit);
+ unconstrainedV0Candidates.add(candidate);
+ break;
+ beamConV0Vertices.add(vtxFit);
+ beamConV0Candidates.add(candidate);
+ break;
+ targetConV0Vertices.add(vtxFit);
+ targetConV0Candidates.add(candidate);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the default LCIO collection names if they are not already
+ * defined previously.
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void startOfData(){
+ // If the LCIO collection names have not been defined, assign
+ // them to the default names.
+ if(unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName == null) { unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName = "UnconstrainedV0Candidates"; }
+ if(beamConV0CandidatesColName == null) { beamConV0CandidatesColName = "BeamspotConstrainedV0Candidates"; }
+ if(targetConV0CandidatesColName == null) { targetConV0CandidatesColName = "TargetConstrainedV0Candidates"; }
+ if(unconstrainedV0VerticesColName == null) { unconstrainedV0VerticesColName = "UnconstrainedV0Vertices"; }
+ if(beamConV0VerticesColName == null) { beamConV0VerticesColName = "BeamspotConstrainedV0Vertices"; }
+ if(targetConV0VerticesColName == null) { targetConV0VerticesColName = "TargetConstrainedV0Vertices"; }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fits a vertex from an electron/positron track pair using the
+ * indicated constraint.
+ * @param constraint - The constraint type to use.
+ * @param electron - The electron track.
+ * @param positron - The positron track.
+ * @return Returns the reconstructed vertex as a <code>BilliorVertex
+ * </code> object.
+ */
+ private BilliorVertex fitVertex(Constraint constraint, BilliorTrack electron, BilliorTrack positron){
+ // Create a vertex fitter from the magnetic field.
+ BilliorVertexer vtxFitter = new BilliorVertexer(bField);
+ // TODO: The beam size should come from the conditions database.
+ vtxFitter.setBeamSize(beamSize);
+ // Perform the vertexing based on the specified constraint.
+ switch(constraint){
+ vtxFitter.doBeamSpotConstraint(false);
+ break;
+ vtxFitter.doBeamSpotConstraint(true);
+ break;
+ vtxFitter.doTargetConstraint(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Add the electron and positron tracks to a track list for
+ // the vertex fitter.
+ List<BilliorTrack> billiorTracks = new ArrayList<BilliorTrack>();
+ billiorTracks.add(electron);
+ billiorTracks.add(positron);
+ // Find and return a vertex based on the tracks.
+ return vtxFitter.fitVertex(billiorTracks);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a reconstructed V0 candidate particle from an electron,
+ * positron, and billior vertex.
+ * @param electron - The electron.
+ * @param positron - The positron.
+ * @param vtxFit - The billior vertex.
+ * @return Returns a reconstructed particle with properties generated
+ * from the child particles and vertex given as an argument.
+ */
+ private ReconstructedParticle makeReconstructedParticle(ReconstructedParticle electron, ReconstructedParticle positron, BilliorVertex vtxFit){
+ // Create a new reconstructed particle to represent the V0
+ // candidate and populate it with the electron and positron.
+ ReconstructedParticle candidate = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).setStartVertex(vtxFit);
+ candidate.addParticle(electron);
+ candidate.addParticle(positron);
+ // TODO: The calculation of the total fitted momentum should be
+ // done within BilloirVertex.
+ // Calculate the candidate particle momentum and associate it
+ // with the reconstructed candidate particle.
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).setMass(vtxFit.getParameters().get("invMass"));
+ Hep3Vector fittedMomentum = new BasicHep3Vector(vtxFit.getParameters().get("p1X"),
+ vtxFit.getParameters().get("p1Y"),
+ vtxFit.getParameters().get("p1Z"));
+ fittedMomentum = VecOp.add(fittedMomentum, new BasicHep3Vector(vtxFit.getParameters().get("p2X"),
+ vtxFit.getParameters().get("p2Y"),
+ vtxFit.getParameters().get("p2Z")));
+ fittedMomentum = CoordinateTransformations.transformVectorToDetector(fittedMomentum);
+ HepLorentzVector fourVector = new BasicHepLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ ((BasicHepLorentzVector) fourVector).setV3(fourVector.t(), fittedMomentum);
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).set4Vector(fourVector);
+ // VERBOSE :: Output the fitted momentum data.
+ printDebug("Fitted momentum in tracking frame: " + fittedMomentum.toString());
+ printDebug("Fitted momentum in detector frame: " + fittedMomentum.toString());
+ // Add the ReconstructedParticle to the vertex.
+ vtxFit.setAssociatedParticle(candidate);
+ // Return the V0 candidate.
+ return candidate;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a <code>Track</code> object to a <code>BilliorTrack
+ * </code> object.
+ * @param track - The original track.
+ * @return Returns the original track as a <code>BilliorTrack
+ * </code> object.
+ */
     private BilliorTrack toBilliorTrack(Track track) {
- HelicalTrackFit trackFit = ((SeedTrack) track).getSeedCandidate().getHelix();
- return new BilliorTrack(trackFit);
+ // Convert the track to a helical track fit.
+ HelicalTrackFit trackFit = ((SeedTrack) track).getSeedCandidate().getHelix();
+ // Generate and return the billior track.
+ return new BilliorTrack(trackFit);

Modified: java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/
--- java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/ (original)
+++ java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/ Wed Oct 29 21:25:20 2014
@@ -21,150 +21,318 @@
 import org.hps.recon.tracking.TrackUtils;
- * Driver that matches SVT Tracks and Ecal Clusters and creates
- * ReconstructedParticles.
+ * Driver framework for generating reconstructed particles and matching
+ * clusters and tracks.
  * @author Mathew Graham <[log in to unmask]>
  * @author Omar Moreno <[log in to unmask]>
  * @version $Id$
 public abstract class ReconParticleDriver extends Driver {
- // Flags
- boolean debug = false;
- // Reconstructed particle collections
- List<ReconstructedParticle> finalStateParticles;
- List<ReconstructedParticle> unconstrainedV0Candidates;
- List<ReconstructedParticle> beamConV0Candidates;
- List<ReconstructedParticle> targetConV0Candidates;
- List<ReconstructedParticle> electrons;
- List<ReconstructedParticle> positrons;
- List<Vertex> unconstrainedV0Vertices;
- List<Vertex> beamConV0Vertices;
- List<Vertex> targetConV0Vertices;
- // Collections
- String ecalClustersCollectionName = "EcalClusters";
- String tracksCollectionName = "MatchedTracks";
- String finalStateParticlesColName = "FinalStateParticles";
- String unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName = "UnconstrainedV0Candidates";
- String beamConV0CandidatesColName = "BeamspotConstrainedV0Candidates";
- String targetConV0CandidatesColName = "TargetConstrainedV0Candidates";
- String unconstrainedV0VerticesColName = "UnconstrainedV0Vertices";
- String beamConV0VerticesColName = "BeamspotConstrainedV0Vertices";
- String targetConV0VerticesColName = "TargetConstrainedV0Vertices";
-// String unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName = null;
-// String beamConV0CandidatesColName = null;
-// String targetConV0CandidatesColName = null;
-// String vertexCandidatesColName = null;
-// String vertexBeamConsCandidatesName = null;
-// String unconstrainedV0VerticesColName = null;
-// String beamConV0VerticesColName = null;
-// String targetConV0VerticesColName = null;
- // The beamsize array is in the tracking frame
- /* TODO mg-May 14, 2014: the the beam size from the conditions db...also beam position! */
- double[] beamsize = {0.001, 0.2, 0.02};
- double maxTrackClusterDistance = 10000; // [mm]
- double bField;
- // flipSign is a kludge...
- // HelicalTrackFitter doesn't deal with B-fields in -ive Z correctly
- // so we set the B-field in +iveZ and flip signs of fitted tracks
- //
- // Note: This should be -1 for test run configurations and +1 for
- // prop-2014 configurations
- int flipSign = 1;
- public ReconParticleDriver() {
- }
- public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
- this.debug = debug;
- }
- public void setMaxTrackClusterDistance(double maxTrackClusterDistance) {
- this.maxTrackClusterDistance = maxTrackClusterDistance;
- }
- public void setBeamSigmaX(double sigma_x) {
- beamsize[1] = sigma_x;
- }
- public void setBeamSigmaY(double sigma_y) {
- beamsize[2] = sigma_y;
- }
+ /**
+ * Sets the name of the LCIO collection for beam spot constrained
+ * V0 candidate particles.
+ * @param beamConV0CandidatesColName - The LCIO collection name.
+ */
+ public void setBeamConV0CandidatesColName(String beamConV0CandidatesColName) {
+ this.beamConV0CandidatesColName = beamConV0CandidatesColName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the name of the LCIO collection for beam spot constrained
+ * V0 candidate vertices.
+ * @param beamConV0VerticesColName - The LCIO collection name.
+ */
+ public void setBeamConV0VerticesColName(String beamConV0VerticesColName) {
+ this.beamConV0VerticesColName = beamConV0VerticesColName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the beam size sigma in the x-direction.
+ * @param sigmaX - The standard deviation of the beam width in the
+ * x-direction.
+ */
+ public void setBeamSigmaX(double sigmaX) { beamSize[1] = sigmaX; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the beam size sigma in the y-direction.
+ * @param sigmaY - The standard deviation of the beam width in the
+ * y-direction.
+ */
+ public void setBeamSigmaY(double sigmaY) { beamSize[2] = sigmaY; }
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether verbose debug text should be written out during
+ * runtime or note. Defaults to <code>false</code>.
+ * @param debug - <code>true</code> indicates that debug text should
+ * be written and <code>false</code> that it should be suppressed.
+ */
+ public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the maximum allowed separation distance between a matched
+ * cluster and track pair.
+ * @param dxCut - The maximum separation distance in the x-direction.
+ */
+ public void setDxCut(double dxCut) {
+ this.dxCut = dxCut;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the maximum allowed separation distance between a matched
+ * cluster and track pair.
+ * @param dyCut - The maximum separation distance in the y-direction.
+ */
+ public void setDyCut(double dyCut) {
+ this.dyCut = dyCut;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the LCIO collection name for calorimeter cluster data.
+ * @param ecalClustersCollectionName - The LCIO collection name.
+ */
     public void setEcalClusterCollectionName(String ecalClustersCollectionName) {
         this.ecalClustersCollectionName = ecalClustersCollectionName;
+ /**
+ * Sets the name of the LCIO collection for reconstructed particles.
+ * @param finalStateParticlesColName - The LCIO collection name.
+ */
+ public void setFinalStateParticlesColName(String finalStateParticlesColName) {
+ this.finalStateParticlesColName = finalStateParticlesColName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the name of the LCIO collection for target constrained V0
+ * candidate particles.
+ * @param targetConV0CandidatesColName - The LCIO collection name.
+ */
+ public void setTargetConV0CandidatesColName(String targetConV0CandidatesColName) {
+ this.targetConV0CandidatesColName = targetConV0CandidatesColName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the name of the LCIO collection for target constrained V0
+ * candidate vertices.
+ * @param targetConV0VerticesColName - The LCIO collection name.
+ */
+ public void setTargetConV0VerticesColName(String targetConV0VerticesColName) {
+ this.targetConV0VerticesColName = targetConV0VerticesColName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the LCIO collection name for particle track data.
+ * @param tracksCollectionName - The LCIO collection name.
+ */
     public void setTracksCollectionName(String tracksCollectionName) {
         this.tracksCollectionName = tracksCollectionName;
- public void setFinalStateParticlesColName(String finalStateParticlesColName) {
- this.finalStateParticlesColName = finalStateParticlesColName;
- }
+ /**
+ * Sets the name of the LCIO collection for unconstrained V0
+ * candidate particles.
+ * @param unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName - The LCIO collection name.
+ */
     public void setUnconstrainedV0CandidatesColName(String unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName) {
         this.unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName = unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName;
- public void setBeamConV0CandidatesColName(String beamConV0CandidatesColName) {
- this.beamConV0CandidatesColName = beamConV0CandidatesColName;
- }
- public void setTargetConV0CandidatesColName(String targetV0CandidatesColName) {
- this.targetConV0CandidatesColName = targetConV0CandidatesColName;
- }
+ /**
+ * Sets the name of the LCIO collection for unconstrained V0
+ * candidate vertices.
+ * @param unconstrainedV0VerticesColName - The LCIO collection name.
+ */
     public void setUnconstrainedV0VerticesColName(String unconstrainedV0VerticesColName) {
         this.unconstrainedV0VerticesColName = unconstrainedV0VerticesColName;
- public void setBeamConV0VerticesColName(String beamConV0VerticesColName) {
- this.beamConV0VerticesColName = beamConV0VerticesColName;
- }
- public void setTargetConV0VerticesColName(String targetV0VerticesColName) {
- this.targetConV0VerticesColName = targetConV0VerticesColName;
- }
+ /**
+ * Updates the magnetic field parameters to match the appropriate
+ * values for the current detector settings.
+ */
     protected void detectorChanged(Detector detector) {
+ // Set the magnetic field parameters to the appropriate values.
         Hep3Vector ip = new BasicHep3Vector(0., 0., 1.);
         bField = detector.getFieldMap().getField(ip).y();
- if (bField < 0)
- flipSign = -1;
- }
- public void process(EventHeader event) {
- // All events should have a collection of Ecal clusters. If the event
- // doesn't have one, skip the event.
- if (!event.hasCollection(Cluster.class, ecalClustersCollectionName))
+ if (bField < 0) { flipSign = -1; }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates reconstructed V0 candidate particles and vertices from
+ * sets of positrons and electrons. Implementing methods should
+ * place the reconstructed vertices and candidate particles into the
+ * appropriate class variable lists in <code>ReconParticleDriver
+ * </code>.
+ * @param electrons - The list of electrons.
+ * @param positrons - The list of positrons.
+ */
+ protected abstract void findVertices(List<ReconstructedParticle> electrons, List<ReconstructedParticle> positrons);
+ /**
+ * Create the set of final state particles from the event tracks
+ * and clusters. Clusters will be matched with tracks when this
+ * is possible.
+ * @param clusters - The list of event clusters.
+ * @param tracks - The list of event tracks.
+ * @return Returns a <code>List</code> collection containing all
+ * of the <code>ReconstructedParticle</code> objects generated from
+ * the argument data.
+ */
+ protected List<ReconstructedParticle> makeReconstructedParticles(List<Cluster> clusters, List<Track> tracks) {
+ // Create a list in which to store reconstructed particles.
+ List<ReconstructedParticle> particles = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
+ // Create a list of unmatched clusters. A cluster should be
+ // removed from the list if a matching track is found.
+ //List<Cluster> unmatchedClusters = new ArrayList<Cluster>(clusters);
+ java.util.Set<Cluster> unmatchedClusters = new java.util.HashSet<Cluster>(clusters);
+ // Iterate over all of the tracks and generate reconstructed
+ // particles for each one. If possible, match a cluster to the
+ // track as well.
+ for (Track track : tracks) {
+ // Create a reconstructed particle to represent the track.
+ ReconstructedParticle particle = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
+ HepLorentzVector fourVector = new BasicHepLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ // Store the track in the particle.
+ particle.addTrack(track);
+ // Store the momentum derived from the track in the particle.
+ Hep3Vector momentum = new BasicHep3Vector(track.getTrackStates().get(0).getMomentum());
+ momentum = CoordinateTransformations.transformVectorToDetector(momentum);
+ ((BasicHepLorentzVector) fourVector).setV3(fourVector.t(), momentum);
+ // Derive the charge of the particle from the track.
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).setCharge(track.getCharge() * flipSign);
+ // Extrapolate the particle ID from the track. Positively
+ // charged particles are assumed to be positrons and those
+ // with negative charges are assumed to be electrons.
+ if (particle.getCharge() > 0) {
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).setParticleIdUsed(new SimpleParticleID(-11, 0, 0, 0));
+ }
+ else if (particle.getCharge() < 0) {
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).setParticleIdUsed(new SimpleParticleID(11, 0, 0, 0));
+ }
+ // Track the best matching cluster for the track. A null
+ // value indicates that no cluster matches the track to
+ // within the maximum displacement limits.
+ Cluster matchedCluster = null;
+ // Loop through all the unmatched clusters and select the
+ // cluster, if any, that best fits with the track.
+ clusterLoop:
+ for (Cluster cluster : unmatchedClusters) {
+ // Check if the cluster and track are a valid match.
+ if (isMatch(cluster, track)) {
+ // Store the matched cluster.
+ matchedCluster = cluster;
+ // Since a match has been found, the loop can be
+ // terminated.
+ break clusterLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ // If a cluster was found that matches the track...
+ if (matchedCluster != null) {
+ // Update the reconstructed particle with the data from
+ // the cluster.
+ particle.addCluster(matchedCluster);
+ ((BasicHepLorentzVector) fourVector).setT(matchedCluster.getEnergy());
+ // Remove the cluster from the set of unmatched clusters.
+ unmatchedClusters.remove(matchedCluster);
+ }
+ // Store the momentum vector in the reconstructed particle.
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).set4Vector(fourVector);
+ // Add the particle to the list of reconstructed particles.
+ particles.add(particle);
+ }
+ // If any cluster remain unmatched after the tracks are finished,
+ // they should be processed into additional reconstructed particles.
+ if (!unmatchedClusters.isEmpty())
+ // Iterate over the remaining unmatched clusters.
+ for (Cluster unmatchedCluster : unmatchedClusters) {
+ // Create a reconstructed particle to represent the
+ // unmatched cluster.
+ ReconstructedParticle particle = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
+ HepLorentzVector fourVector = new BasicHepLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ // Add the cluster to the particle.
+ particle.addCluster(unmatchedCluster);
+ // Set the reconstructed particle properties based on
+ // the cluster properties.
+ ((BasicHepLorentzVector) fourVector).setT(unmatchedCluster.getEnergy());
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).setCharge(0);
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).set4Vector(fourVector);
+ // The particle is assumed to be a photon, since it
+ // did not leave any track.
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).setParticleIdUsed(new SimpleParticleID(22, 0, 0, 0));
+ // Add the particle to the reconstructed particle list.
+ particles.add(particle);
+ }
+ // Return the list of reconstructed particles.
+ return particles;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prints a message as per <code>System.out.println</code> to the
+ * output stream if the verbose debug output option is enabled.
+ * @param debugMessage - The message to print.
+ */
+ protected void printDebug(String debugMessage) {
+ // If verbose debug mode is enabled, print out the message.
+ if(debug) { System.out.printf("%s :: %s%n", simpleName, debugMessage); }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes the track and cluster collections in the event into
+ * reconstructed particles and V0 candidate particles and vertices.
+ * These reconstructed particles are then stored in the event.
+ * @param event - The event to process.
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void process(EventHeader event) {
+ // All events are required to contain calorimeter clusters. If
+ // the event lacks these, then it should be skipped.
+ if (!event.hasCollection(Cluster.class, ecalClustersCollectionName)) {
- // Get the collection of Ecal clusters from the event. A triggered
- // event should have Ecal clusters. If it doesn't, skip the event.
+ }
+ // VERBOSE :: Note that a new event is being read.
+ printDebug("\nProcessing Event...");
+ // Otherwise, get the list of calorimeter clusters.
         List<Cluster> clusters = event.get(Cluster.class, ecalClustersCollectionName);
- //if(clusters.isEmpty()) return;
- this.printDebug("Number of Ecal clusters: " + clusters.size());
- // Get the collection of tracks from the event
- List<Track> tracks = event.get(Track.class, tracksCollectionName);
- this.printDebug("Number of Tracks in "+tracksCollectionName+" : " + tracks.size());
+ // VERBOSE :: Output the number of clusters in the event.
+ printDebug("Clusters :: " + clusters.size());
+ // Get the set of tracks from the event. If no such collection
+ // exists, initialize an empty list instead.
+ List<Track> tracks;
+ if(event.hasCollection(Track.class, tracksCollectionName)) {
+ tracks = event.get(Track.class, tracksCollectionName);
+ }
+ else { tracks = new ArrayList<Track>(0); }
+ // VERBOSE :: Output the number of tracks in the event.
+ printDebug("Tracks :: " + tracks.size());
+ // Instantiate new lists to store reconstructed particles and
+ // V0 candidate particles and vertices.
         finalStateParticles = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
         electrons = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
         positrons = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
@@ -174,193 +342,227 @@
         unconstrainedV0Vertices = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
         beamConV0Vertices = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
         targetConV0Vertices = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
- //
- finalStateParticles = this.makeReconstructedParticles(clusters, tracks);
- this.printDebug("Total number of Final State Particles: " + finalStateParticles.size());
- // Put all the reconstructed particles in the event
+ // Generate the reconstructed particles.
+ finalStateParticles = makeReconstructedParticles(clusters, tracks);
+ // VERBOSE :: Output the number of reconstructed particles.
+ printDebug("Final State Particles :: " + finalStateParticles.size());
+ // Store the reconstructed particles collection.
         event.put(finalStateParticlesColName, finalStateParticles, ReconstructedParticle.class, 0);
- // Loop through the list of final state particles and separate the
- // charged particles to either electrons or positrons. These lists
- // will be used for vertexing purposes.
- for (ReconstructedParticle finalStateParticle : finalStateParticles)
- if (finalStateParticle.getCharge() > 0)
- positrons.add(finalStateParticle);
- else if (finalStateParticle.getCharge() < 0)
- electrons.add(finalStateParticle);
- this.printDebug("Number of Electrons: " + electrons.size());
- this.printDebug("Number of Positrons: " + positrons.size());
- // Vertex electron and positron candidates
+ // Separate the reconstructed particles into electrons and
+ // positrons so that V0 candidates can be generated from them.
+ for (ReconstructedParticle finalStateParticle : finalStateParticles) {
+ // If the charge is positive, assume an electron.
+ if(finalStateParticle.getCharge() > 0) { positrons.add(finalStateParticle); }
+ // Otherwise, assume the particle is a positron.
+ else if(finalStateParticle.getCharge() < 0) { electrons.add(finalStateParticle); }
+ }
+ // VERBOSE :: Output the number of reconstructed positrons
+ // and electrons.
+ printDebug("Number of Electrons: " + electrons.size());
+ printDebug("Number of Positrons: " + positrons.size());
+ // Form V0 candidate particles and vertices from the electron
+ // and positron reconstructed particles.
         findVertices(electrons, positrons);
- // If the list exist, put the vertexed candidates and vertices into the event
+ // Store the V0 candidate particles and vertices for each type
+ // of constraint in the appropriate collection in the event,
+ // as long as a collection name is defined.
         if (unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName != null) {
- this.printDebug("Total number of unconstrained V0 candidates: " + unconstrainedV0Candidates.size());
+ printDebug("Unconstrained V0 Candidates: " + unconstrainedV0Candidates.size());
             event.put(unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName, unconstrainedV0Candidates, ReconstructedParticle.class, 0);
         if (beamConV0CandidatesColName != null) {
- this.printDebug("Total number of beam constrained V0 candidates: " + unconstrainedV0Candidates.size());
+ printDebug("Beam-Constrained V0 Candidates: " + unconstrainedV0Candidates.size());
             event.put(beamConV0CandidatesColName, beamConV0Candidates, ReconstructedParticle.class, 0);
         if (targetConV0CandidatesColName != null) {
- this.printDebug("Total number of target constrained V0 candidates: " + unconstrainedV0Candidates.size());
+ printDebug("Target-Constrained V0 Candidates: " + unconstrainedV0Candidates.size());
             event.put(targetConV0CandidatesColName, targetConV0Candidates, ReconstructedParticle.class, 0);
         if (unconstrainedV0VerticesColName != null) {
- this.printDebug("Total number of unconstrained V0 vertices: " + unconstrainedV0Vertices.size());
+ printDebug("Unconstrained V0 Vertices: " + unconstrainedV0Vertices.size());
             event.put(unconstrainedV0VerticesColName, unconstrainedV0Vertices, Vertex.class, 0);
         if (beamConV0VerticesColName != null) {
- this.printDebug("Total number of beam constrained V0 vertices: " + beamConV0Vertices.size());
+ printDebug("Beam-Constrained V0 Vertices: " + beamConV0Vertices.size());
             event.put(beamConV0VerticesColName, beamConV0Vertices, Vertex.class, 0);
         if (targetConV0VerticesColName != null) {
- this.printDebug("Total number of target constrained V0 vertices: " + beamConV0Vertices.size());
+ printDebug("Target-Constrained V0 Vertices: " + beamConV0Vertices.size());
             event.put(targetConV0VerticesColName, targetConV0Vertices, Vertex.class, 0);
- /**
- *
- */
- abstract void findVertices(List<ReconstructedParticle> electrons, List<ReconstructedParticle> positrons);
- /**
- * make the final state particles from clusters & tracks
- * loop over the tracks first and try to match with clusters
- */
- protected List<ReconstructedParticle> makeReconstructedParticles(List<Cluster> clusters, List<Track> tracks) {
- // Instantiate the list of reconstructed particles
- List<ReconstructedParticle> particles = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
- // Instantiate the list of unmatched clusters. Remove if we find track match
- List<Cluster> unmatchedClusters = new ArrayList<Cluster>(clusters);
- for (Track track : tracks) {
- ReconstructedParticle particle = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
- HepLorentzVector fourVector = new BasicHepLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
- //
- // Add all track information to the ReconstructedParticle
- //
- particle.addTrack(track);
- // Set the momentum of the ReconstructedParticle
- Hep3Vector momentum = new BasicHep3Vector(track.getTrackStates().get(0).getMomentum());
- momentum = CoordinateTransformations.transformVectorToDetector(momentum);
- ((BasicHepLorentzVector) fourVector).setV3(fourVector.t(), momentum);
- // Set the charge of the ReconstructedParticle
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).setCharge(track.getCharge() * flipSign);
- // Set the particle ID
- if (particle.getCharge() > 0)
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).setParticleIdUsed(new SimpleParticleID(-11, 0, 0, 0));
- else if (particle.getCharge() < 0)
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).setParticleIdUsed(new SimpleParticleID(11, 0, 0, 0));
- Cluster matchedCluster = null;
- // Loop through all of the clusters and find the one that best matches
- // the track.
- for (Cluster cluster : unmatchedClusters) {
- // Get the position of the Ecal cluster
- Hep3Vector clusterPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(cluster.getPosition());
- // Extrapolate the track to the Ecal cluster position
- Hep3Vector trackPosAtEcal = TrackUtils.extrapolateTrack(track, clusterPosition.z());
- this.printDebug("Ecal cluster position: " + clusterPosition.toString());
- double rMax = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- // Check if any of the extrapolated values are invalid.
- // TODO: There are some track whose extrapolated coordinates
- // are NaN. The problem seems to be that the y-coordinate
- // of the extrapolated helix is found to be non-real. This
- // needs to be fixed.
- if (Double.isNaN(trackPosAtEcal.x()) || Double.isNaN(trackPosAtEcal.y()))
- continue;
- this.printDebug("Track position at shower max: " + trackPosAtEcal.toString());
-// double r = VecOp.sub(trackPosAtEcal, clusterPosition).magnitude();
- // Don't trust extrapolation...just do y-difference for now
- double r = Math.abs(clusterPosition.y() - trackPosAtEcal.y());
- this.printDebug("Distance between Ecal cluster and track position: " + r + " mm");
- // Check if the Ecal cluster and track are within the same
- // detector volume i.e. both top or bottom
- if (clusterPosition.y() * trackPosAtEcal.y() < 0) {
- this.printDebug("Track and Ecal cluster are in opposite volumes. Track Y @ ECAL = " + trackPosAtEcal.z());
- continue;
- }
- // TODO: Checking whether r < rMax should be occuring within isMatch. isMatch
- // is basically repeating a lot of the same code as above.
- if (r < rMax && isMatch(cluster, track)) {
- rMax = r;
- matchedCluster = cluster;
- }
- }
- if (matchedCluster != null) {
- particle.addCluster(matchedCluster);
- ((BasicHepLorentzVector) fourVector).setT(matchedCluster.getEnergy());
- unmatchedClusters.remove(matchedCluster);
- }
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).set4Vector(fourVector);
- particles.add(particle);
- }
- if (!unmatchedClusters.isEmpty())
- for (Cluster unmatchedCluster : unmatchedClusters) {
- // Create a reconstructed particle and add it to the
- // collection of particles
- ReconstructedParticle particle = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
- HepLorentzVector fourVector = new BasicHepLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
- particle.addCluster(unmatchedCluster);
- ((BasicHepLorentzVector) fourVector).setT(unmatchedCluster.getEnergy());
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).setCharge(0);
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).set4Vector(fourVector);
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) particle).setParticleIdUsed(new SimpleParticleID(22, 0, 0, 0));
- particles.add(particle);
- }
- return particles;
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param debugMessage
- */
- protected void printDebug(String debugMessage) {
- if (debug)
- System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + debugMessage);
- }
- /**
- *
- */
- boolean isMatch(Cluster cluster, Track track) {
- // Get the position of the Ecal cluster
+ /**
+ * Sets the LCIO collection names to their default values if they
+ * are not already defined.
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void startOfData() {
+ // If any of the LCIO collection names are not properly defined, define them now.
+ if(ecalClustersCollectionName == null) { ecalClustersCollectionName = "EcalClusters"; }
+ if(tracksCollectionName == null) { tracksCollectionName = "MatchedTracks"; }
+ if(finalStateParticlesColName == null) { finalStateParticlesColName = "FinalStateParticles"; }
+ if(unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName == null) { unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName = "UnconstrainedV0Candidates"; }
+ if(beamConV0CandidatesColName == null) { beamConV0CandidatesColName = "BeamspotConstrainedV0Candidates"; }
+ if(targetConV0CandidatesColName == null) { targetConV0CandidatesColName = "TargetConstrainedV0Candidates"; }
+ if(unconstrainedV0VerticesColName == null) { unconstrainedV0VerticesColName = "UnconstrainedV0Vertices"; }
+ if(beamConV0VerticesColName == null) { beamConV0VerticesColName = "BeamspotConstrainedV0Vertices"; }
+ if(targetConV0VerticesColName == null) { targetConV0VerticesColName = "TargetConstrainedV0Vertices"; }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines if a cluster is a potential match for a given track.
+ * If it is, returns the distance between the extrapolation of the
+ * track to the z-position of the cluster and the cluster position.
+ * Otherwise, returns <code>null</code> to indicate that the pair
+ * is not a valid match.
+ * @param cluster - The cluster to check.
+ * @param track - The track to check.
+ * @return Returns the distance between the cluster and extrapolated
+ * track position in millimeters as a <code>Double</code> if the
+ * pair is a potential match. Returns <code>null</code> otherwise.
+ */
+ private boolean isMatch(Cluster cluster, Track track) {
+ // Get the position of the cluster and extrapolate the position
+ // of the track at the z-position of the cluster.
         Hep3Vector clusterPosition = new BasicHep3Vector(cluster.getPosition());
- // Extrapolate the track to the Ecal cluster position
         Hep3Vector trackPosAtEcal = TrackUtils.extrapolateTrack(track, clusterPosition.z());
- double dxCut = 20.0;
- double dyCut = 20.0;
- if (Math.abs(trackPosAtEcal.x() - clusterPosition.x()) > dxCut)
+ // TODO: There are some track whose extrapolated coordinates
+ // are NaN. The problem seems to be that the y-coordinate
+ // of the extrapolated helix is found to be non-real. This
+ // needs to be fixed.
+ // There is an issue with track extrapolation that sometimes
+ // yields NaN for extrapolated track parameters. Tracks with
+ // this issue are not usable and thusly the check should be
+ // skipped.
+ if (Double.isNaN(trackPosAtEcal.x()) || Double.isNaN(trackPosAtEcal.y())) {
+ // VERBOSE :: Indicate the reason for the match failing.
+ printDebug("\tFailure :: Track extrapolation error.");
+ // Return false to indicate that the pair do not match.
             return false;
- if (Math.abs(trackPosAtEcal.y() - clusterPosition.y()) > dyCut)
+ }
+ // VERBOSE :: Output the position of the extrapolated track
+ // and the cluster.
+ printDebug("\tCluster Position :: " + clusterPosition.toString());
+ printDebug("\tTrack Position :: " + trackPosAtEcal.toString());
+ // If one of either the cluster or extrapolated track fall on
+ // one volume of the detector and the other is in the other
+ // volume, then they can not be a match. (i.e. both parts of
+ // the pair must be on the top or bottom of the detector.)
+ if (clusterPosition.y() * trackPosAtEcal.y() < 0) {
+ // VERBOSE :: Indicate the reason for the match failing.
+ printDebug("\tFailure :: Cluster/Track pair in opposite volumes.");
+ // Return false to indicate that the pair do not match.
             return false;
+ }
+ // Check to make sure that the x and y displacements between
+ // the extrapolated track position and cluster position are
+ // within the allowed bounds. If they are not, this pair is
+ // not a match.
+ if (Math.abs(trackPosAtEcal.x() - clusterPosition.x()) > dxCut) {
+ // VERBOSE :: Indicate the reason for the match failing.
+ printDebug("\tFailure :: Pair x-displacement exceeds allowed threshold.");
+ // Return false to indicate that the pair do not match.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(trackPosAtEcal.y() - clusterPosition.y()) > dyCut) {
+ // VERBOSE :: Indicate the reason for the match failing.
+ printDebug("\tFailure :: Pair y-displacement exceeds allowed threshold.");
+ // Return false to indicate that the pair do not match.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // VERBOSE :: Indicate the reason for the match failing.
+ printDebug("\tSuccess :: Cluster/track pair match!.");
+ // A pair that has reached this point is a potential match.
+ // Return true to indicate a match.
         return true;
+ // ==============================================================
+ // ==== Class Variables =========================================
+ // ==============================================================
+ // Local variables.
+ /** The maximum separation distance in the x-direction beyond which
+ * a cluster and track will be rejected for pairing. */
+ private double dxCut = 20.0;
+ /** The maximum separation distance in the y-direction beyond which
+ * a cluster and track will be rejected for pairing. */
+ private double dyCut = 20.0;
+ /** Indicates whether debug text should be output or not. */
+ private boolean debug = false;
+ /** The simple name of the class used for debug print statements. */
+ private final String simpleName = getClass().getSimpleName();
+ // Reconstructed Particle Lists
+ /** Stores reconstructed electron particles. */
+ private List<ReconstructedParticle> electrons;
+ /** Stores reconstructed positron particles. */
+ private List<ReconstructedParticle> positrons;
+ /** Stores particles reconstructed from an event. */
+ protected List<ReconstructedParticle> finalStateParticles;
+ /** Stores reconstructed V0 candidate particles generated without constraints. */
+ protected List<ReconstructedParticle> unconstrainedV0Candidates;
+ /** Stores reconstructed V0 candidate particles generated with beam spot constraints. */
+ protected List<ReconstructedParticle> beamConV0Candidates;
+ /** Stores reconstructed V0 candidate particles generated with target constraints. */
+ protected List<ReconstructedParticle> targetConV0Candidates;
+ /** Stores reconstructed V0 candidate vertices generated without constraints. */
+ protected List<Vertex> unconstrainedV0Vertices;
+ /** Stores reconstructed V0 candidate vertices generated with beam spot constraints. */
+ protected List<Vertex> beamConV0Vertices;
+ /** Stores reconstructed V0 candidate vertices generated with target constraints. */
+ protected List<Vertex> targetConV0Vertices;
+ // LCIO Collection Names
+ /** LCIO collection name for calorimeter clusters. */
+ private String ecalClustersCollectionName = "EcalClusters";
+ /** LCIO collection name for tracks. */
+ private String tracksCollectionName = "MatchedTracks";
+ /** LCIO collection name for reconstructed particles. */
+ private String finalStateParticlesColName = "FinalStateParticles";
+ /** LCIO collection name for V0 candidate particles generated without constraints. */
+ protected String unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName = null;
+ /** LCIO collection name for V0 candidate particles generated with beam spot constraints. */
+ protected String beamConV0CandidatesColName = null;
+ /** LCIO collection name for V0 candidate particles generated with target constraints. */
+ protected String targetConV0CandidatesColName = null;
+ /** LCIO collection name for V0 candidate vertices generated without constraints. */
+ protected String unconstrainedV0VerticesColName = null;
+ /** LCIO collection name for V0 candidate vertices generated with beam spot constraints. */
+ protected String beamConV0VerticesColName = null;
+ /** LCIO collection name for V0 candidate vertices generated with target constraints. */
+ protected String targetConV0VerticesColName = null;
+ // Beam size variables.
+ // The beamsize array is in the tracking frame
+ /* TODO mg-May 14, 2014: the the beam size from the conditions db...also beam position! */
+ protected double[] beamSize = {0.001, 0.2, 0.02};
+ protected double bField;
+ // flipSign is a kludge...
+ // HelicalTrackFitter doesn't deal with B-fields in -ive Z correctly
+ // so we set the B-field in +iveZ and flip signs of fitted tracks
+ //
+ // Note: This should be -1 for test run configurations and +1 for
+ // prop-2014 configurations
+ private int flipSign = 1;

Modified: java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/
--- java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/ (original)
+++ java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/ Wed Oct 29 21:25:20 2014
@@ -10,41 +10,59 @@
 import org.hps.recon.vertexing.TwoTrackVertexer;
+ * Method creates reconstructed particles from tracks and clusters for
+ * test run data. Also generates candidate A' reconstructed particles.
+ * This method does not generate a separate vertex collection.
  * @author Omar Moreno <[log in to unmask]>
  * @version $Id$
 public class TestRunReconParticleDriver extends ReconParticleDriver {
- public TestRunReconParticleDriver(){};
- @Override
- protected void startOfData(){
- unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName = "V0Candidates";
- }
- @Override
- void findVertices(List<ReconstructedParticle> electrons, List<ReconstructedParticle> positrons) {
- TwoTrackVertexer vtxFitter = new TwoTrackVertexer();
- // Loop through both electrons and positrons and try to vertex them
- for(ReconstructedParticle positron : positrons){
- for(ReconstructedParticle electron : electrons){
- // Get the tracks associated with the electrons and positrons
- Track electronTrack = electron.getTracks().get(0);
- Track positronTrack = positron.getTracks().get(0);
- vtxFitter.setTracks(electronTrack, positronTrack);
- vtxFitter.fitVertex();
- Vertex vertex = vtxFitter.getFittedVertex();
- ReconstructedParticle candidate = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
- ((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).setStartVertex(vertex);
- candidate.addParticle(electron);
- candidate.addParticle(positron);
- unconstrainedV0Candidates.add(candidate);
- }
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * Generates reconstructed V0 candidate particles from electron
+ * and positron pairs.
+ * @param electrons - The list of electrons.
+ * @param positrons - The list of positrons.
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void findVertices(List<ReconstructedParticle> electrons, List<ReconstructedParticle> positrons) {
+ // Create a vertex fitter.
+ TwoTrackVertexer vtxFitter = new TwoTrackVertexer();
+ // Iterate over the electrons and positrons and try to generate
+ // an A' candidate from them.
+ for(ReconstructedParticle positron : positrons){
+ for(ReconstructedParticle electron : electrons){
+ // Get the electron and positron tracks.
+ Track electronTrack = electron.getTracks().get(0);
+ Track positronTrack = positron.getTracks().get(0);
+ // Feed the tracks to the vertex fitter.
+ vtxFitter.setTracks(electronTrack, positronTrack);
+ vtxFitter.fitVertex();
+ // Get the reconstructed vertex.
+ Vertex vertex = vtxFitter.getFittedVertex();
+ // Create a reconstructed particle for the candidate
+ // particle generated from the electron/positron pair.
+ ReconstructedParticle candidate = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
+ ((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).setStartVertex(vertex);
+ candidate.addParticle(electron);
+ candidate.addParticle(positron);
+ // Add the candidate particle to list.
+ unconstrainedV0Candidates.add(candidate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the unconstrained A' candidate particle collection name if
+ * it has not already been defined.
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void startOfData(){
+ if(unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName == null) { unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName = "V0Candidates"; }
+ }

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