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HPS-SVN  December 2014

HPS-SVN December 2014


r1765 - /java/trunk/ecal-recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/ecal/cluster/


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Wed, 17 Dec 2014 00:55:50 -0000





text/plain (683 lines)

Author: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tue Dec 16 16:55:44 2014
New Revision: 1765

Port EcalClusterIC to new clustering framework.


Added: java/trunk/ecal-recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/ecal/cluster/
--- java/trunk/ecal-recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/ecal/cluster/ (added)
+++ java/trunk/ecal-recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/ecal/cluster/ Tue Dec 16 16:55:44 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+package org.hps.recon.ecal.cluster;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import java.awt.Point;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.hps.recon.ecal.HPSEcalClusterIC;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IGeometryInfo;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Trd;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+ * <p>
+ * This class creates clusters from a CalorimeterHit input collection.
+ * <p>
+ * This clustering logic is based on that from the CLAS-Note-2005-001.
+ * <p>
+ * The analysis and position corrections are described in
+ * <a href="">HPS Note 2014-001</a>.
+ * <p>
+ * The algorithm sorts hits from highest to lowest energy and build clusters around each local maximum/seed hit.
+ * Common hits are distributed between clusters when minimum between two clusters. There is a threshold cut for
+ * minimum hit energy, minimum cluster energy, and minimum seed hit energy. There is also a timing threshold with
+ * respect to the seed hit. All of these parameters are tunable and should be refined with more analysis. Energy
+ * corrections are applied separately.
+ *
+ * @author Holly Szumila-Vance <[log in to unmask]>
+ * @author Kyle McCarty <[log in to unmask]>
+ * @author Jeremy McCormick <[log in to unmask]>
+ */
+public class ClasInnerCalClusterer extends AbstractClusterer {
+ // Energy comparator which performs position comparison when energy is equal.
+ private static final EnergyComparator ENERGY_COMP = new EnergyComparator();
+ // Threshold for considering hit for clustering.
+ double hitEnergyThreshold;
+ // Minimum energy threshold for seed hits; if seed hit is below this value,
+ // the cluster is excluded from the output. Units in GeV.
+ double seedEnergyThreshold;
+ // Minimum energy threshold for cluster hits; if total cluster
+ // energy is below, the cluster is excluded. Units in GeV.
+ double clusterEnergyThreshold;
+ // Apply time cut to hits
+ boolean timeCut;
+ // Minimum time cut window range. Units in ns.
+ double minTime;
+ // Maximum time cut window range. Units in ns.
+ double timeWindow;
+ // Make a map for quick calculation of the x-y position of crystal face
+ public Map<Point, double[]> correctedPositionMap = new HashMap<Point, double[]>();
+ // Variables for electron position corrections
+ static final double ELECTRON_POS_A = 0.0066;
+ static final double ELECTRON_POS_B = -0.03;
+ static final double ELECTRON_POS_C = 0.028;
+ static final double ELECTRON_POS_D = -0.45;
+ static final double ELECTRON_POS_E = 0.465;
+ // Variables for positron position corrections
+ static final double POSITRON_POS_A = 0.0072;
+ static final double POSITRON_POS_B = -0.031;
+ static final double POSITRON_POS_C = 0.007;
+ static final double POSITRON_POS_D = 0.342;
+ static final double POSITRON_POS_E = 0.108;
+ // Variables for photon position corrections
+ static final double PHOTON_POS_A = 0.005;
+ static final double PHOTON_POS_B = -0.032;
+ static final double PHOTON_POS_C = 0.011;
+ static final double PHOTON_POS_D = -0.037;
+ static final double PHOTON_POS_E = 0.294;
+ public ClasInnerCalClusterer() {
+ super(new String[] { "hitEnergyThreshold", "seedEnergyThreshold", "clusterEnergyThreshold", "minTime", "timeWindow", "timeCut" }, new double[] { 0.0075, 0.1, 0.3, 0.0, 20.0, 0. });
+ }
+ public void initialize() {
+ hitEnergyThreshold = this.getCut("hitEnergyThreshold");
+ seedEnergyThreshold = this.getCut("seedEnergyThreshold");
+ clusterEnergyThreshold = this.getCut("clusterEnergyThreshold");
+ minTime = this.getCut("minTime");
+ timeWindow = this.getCut("timeWindow");
+ timeCut = (this.getCut("timeCut") == 1.);
+ }
+ public List<Cluster> createClusters(EventHeader event, List<CalorimeterHit> hits) {
+ // Create a list to store the event hits in.
+ List<CalorimeterHit> hitList = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+ List<CalorimeterHit> baseList = hits;
+ for (CalorimeterHit r : baseList) {
+ hitList.add(r);
+ }
+ // Create a list to store the newly created clusters in.
+ ArrayList<Cluster> clusterList = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
+ // Create a list to store the rejected hits in.
+ ArrayList<CalorimeterHit> rejectedHitList = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+ // Sort the list of hits by energy.
+ Collections.sort(hitList, ENERGY_COMP);
+ // Filter the hit list of any hits that fail to pass the
+ // designated threshold.
+ filterLoop: for (int index = hitList.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
+ // If the hit is below threshold or outside of time window, kill it.
+ if ((hitList.get(index).getCorrectedEnergy() < hitEnergyThreshold) || (timeCut && (hitList.get(index).getTime() < minTime || hitList.get(index).getTime() > (minTime + timeWindow)))) {
+ rejectedHitList.add(hitList.get(index));
+ hitList.remove(index);
+ }
+ // Since the hits are sorted by energy from highest to
+ // lowest, any hit that is above threshold means that all
+ // subsequent hits will also be above threshold. Continue through
+ // list to check in time window.
+ else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a map to connect the cell ID of a calorimeter crystal to the hit which occurred in that crystal.
+ HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit> hitMap = new HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit>();
+ for (CalorimeterHit hit : hitList) {
+ hitMap.put(hit.getCellID(), hit);
+ }
+ // Map a crystal to a list of all clusters in which it is a member.
+ Map<CalorimeterHit, List<CalorimeterHit>> commonHits = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, List<CalorimeterHit>>();
+ // Map a crystal to the seed of the cluster of which it is a member.
+ HashMap<CalorimeterHit, CalorimeterHit> hitSeedMap = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, CalorimeterHit>();
+ // Loop through all calorimeter hits to locate seeds and perform
+ // first pass calculations for component and common hits.
+ for (int ii = 0; ii <= hitList.size() - 1; ii++) {
+ CalorimeterHit hit = hitList.get(ii);
+ // Get the set of all neighboring crystals to the current hit.
+ Set<Long> neighbors = neighborMap.get(hit.getCellID());
+ // Generate a list to store any neighboring hits in.
+ ArrayList<CalorimeterHit> neighborHits = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+ // Sort through the set of neighbors and, if a hit exists
+ // which corresponds to a neighbor, add it to the list of
+ // neighboring hits.
+ for (Long neighbor : neighbors) {
+ // Get the neighboring hit.
+ CalorimeterHit neighborHit = hitMap.get(neighbor);
+ // If it exists, add it to the list.
+ if (neighborHit != null) {
+ neighborHits.add(neighborHit);
+ }
+ }
+ // Track whether the current hit is a seed hit or not.
+ boolean isSeed = true;
+ // Loops through all the neighboring hits to determine if
+ // the current hit is the local maximum within its set of
+ // neighboring hits.
+ seedHitLoop: for (CalorimeterHit neighbor : neighborHits) {
+ if (!equalEnergies(hit, neighbor)) {
+ isSeed = false;
+ break seedHitLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ // If this hit is a seed hit, just map it to itself.
+ if (isSeed && hit.getCorrectedEnergy() >= seedEnergyThreshold) {
+ hitSeedMap.put(hit, hit);
+ }
+ // If this hit is a local maximum but does not pass seed threshold,
+ // remove from hit list and do not cluster.
+ else if (isSeed && hit.getCorrectedEnergy() < seedEnergyThreshold) {
+ hitList.remove(ii);
+ rejectedHitList.add(hit);
+ ii--;
+ }
+ // If this hit is not a seed hit, see if it should be
+ // attached to any neighboring seed hits.
+ else {
+ // Sort through the list of neighboring hits.
+ for (CalorimeterHit neighborHit : neighborHits) {
+ // Check whether the neighboring hit is a seed.
+ if (hitSeedMap.get(neighborHit) == neighborHit) {
+ // If the neighboring hit is a seed hit and the
+ // current hit has been associated with a cluster,
+ // then it is a common hit between its previous
+ // seed and the neighboring seed.
+ if (hitSeedMap.containsKey(hit)) {
+ // Check and see if a list of common seeds
+ // for this hit already exists or not.
+ List<CalorimeterHit> commonHitList = commonHits.get(hit);
+ // If it does not, make a new one.
+ if (commonHitList == null) {
+ commonHitList = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+ }
+ // Add the neighbors to the seeds to set of
+ // common seeds.
+ commonHitList.add(neighborHit);
+ commonHitList.add(hitSeedMap.get(hit));
+ // Put the common seed list back into the set.
+ commonHits.put(hit, commonHitList);
+ }
+ // If the neighboring hit is a seed hit and the
+ // current hit has not been added to a cluster yet
+ // associate it with the neighboring seed and note
+ // that it has been clustered.
+ else {
+ hitSeedMap.put(hit, neighborHit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // End primary seed loop.
+ // Performs second pass calculations for component hits.
+ secondaryHitsLoop: for (CalorimeterHit secondaryHit : hitList) {
+ // Look for hits that already have an associated seed/clustering.
+ if (!hitSeedMap.containsKey(secondaryHit)) {
+ continue secondaryHitsLoop;
+ }
+ // Get the secondary hit's neighboring crystals.
+ Set<Long> secondaryNeighbors = neighborMap.get(secondaryHit.getCellID());
+ // Make a list to store the hits associated with the
+ // neighboring crystals.
+ List<CalorimeterHit> secondaryNeighborHits = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+ // Loop through the neighboring crystals.
+ for (Long secondaryNeighbor : secondaryNeighbors) {
+ // Get the hit associated with the neighboring crystal.
+ CalorimeterHit secondaryNeighborHit = hitMap.get(secondaryNeighbor);
+ // If the neighboring crystal exists and is not already
+ // in a cluster, add it to the list of neighboring hits.
+ if (secondaryNeighborHit != null && !hitSeedMap.containsKey(secondaryNeighborHit)) {
+ secondaryNeighborHits.add(secondaryNeighborHit);
+ }
+ }
+ // Loop over the secondary neighbor hits.
+ for (CalorimeterHit secondaryNeighborHit : secondaryNeighborHits) {
+ // If the neighboring hit is of lower energy than the
+ // current secondary hit, then associate the neighboring
+ // hit with the current secondary hit's seed.
+ if (!equalEnergies(secondaryNeighborHit, secondaryHit)) {
+ hitSeedMap.put(secondaryNeighborHit, hitSeedMap.get(secondaryHit));
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ } // End component hits loop.
+ // Performs second pass calculations for common hits.
+ commonHitsLoop: for (CalorimeterHit clusteredHit : hitSeedMap.keySet()) {
+ // Seed hits are never common hits and can be skipped.
+ if (hitSeedMap.get(clusteredHit) == clusteredHit) {
+ continue commonHitsLoop;
+ }
+ // Get the current clustered hit's neighboring crystals.
+ Set<Long> clusteredNeighbors = neighborMap.get(clusteredHit.getCellID());
+ // Store a list of all the clustered hits neighboring
+ // crystals which themselves contain hits.
+ List<CalorimeterHit> clusteredNeighborHits = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+ // Loop through the neighbors and see if they have hits.
+ for (Long neighbor : clusteredNeighbors) {
+ // Get the hit associated with the neighbor.
+ CalorimeterHit clusteredNeighborHit = hitMap.get(neighbor);
+ // If it exists, add it to the neighboring hit list.
+ if (clusteredNeighborHit != null && hitSeedMap.get(clusteredNeighborHit) != null) {
+ clusteredNeighborHits.add(clusteredNeighborHit);
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the seed hit associated with this clustered hit.
+ CalorimeterHit clusteredHitSeed = hitSeedMap.get(clusteredHit);
+ // Loop over the clustered neighbor hits.
+ for (CalorimeterHit clusteredNeighborHit : clusteredNeighborHits) {
+ // Check to make sure that the clustered neighbor hit
+ // is not already associated with the current clustered
+ // hit's seed.
+ if ((hitSeedMap.get(clusteredNeighborHit) != clusteredHitSeed)) {
+ // Check for lowest energy hit and that comparison hit is not already common.
+ // If already common, this boundary is already accounted for.
+ if (!equalEnergies(clusteredHit, clusteredNeighborHit) && !commonHits.containsKey(clusteredNeighborHit)) {
+ // Check and see if a list of common seeds
+ // for this hit already exists or not.
+ List<CalorimeterHit> commonHitList = commonHits.get(clusteredHit);
+ // If it does not, make a new one.
+ if (commonHitList == null) {
+ commonHitList = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+ }
+ // Add the neighbors to the seeds to set of
+ // common seeds.
+ commonHitList.add(clusteredHitSeed);
+ commonHitList.add(hitSeedMap.get(clusteredNeighborHit));
+ // Put the common seed list back into the set.
+ commonHits.put(clusteredHit, commonHitList);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // End common hits loop.
+ // Remove any common hits from the clustered hits collection.
+ for (CalorimeterHit commonHit : commonHits.keySet()) {
+ hitSeedMap.remove(commonHit);
+ }
+ /*
+ * All hits are sorted from above. The next part of the code is for calculating energies and positions.
+ */
+ // Create map to contain the total energy of each cluster
+ Map<CalorimeterHit, Double> seedEnergy = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, Double>();
+ // Get energy of each cluster, excluding common hits
+ for (CalorimeterHit iSeed : hitList) {
+ if (hitSeedMap.get(iSeed) == iSeed) {
+ seedEnergy.put(iSeed, 0.0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Putting total cluster energies excluding common hit energies into map with seed keys
+ for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, CalorimeterHit> entry : hitSeedMap.entrySet()) {
+ CalorimeterHit eSeed = entry.getValue();
+ double eEnergy = seedEnergy.get(eSeed);
+ eEnergy += entry.getKey().getCorrectedEnergy();
+ seedEnergy.put(eSeed, eEnergy);
+ }
+ // Create a map to contain final uncorrected cluster energies including common hit distributions.
+ Map<CalorimeterHit, Double> seedEnergyTot = seedEnergy;
+ // Distribute common hit energies with clusters
+ for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, List<CalorimeterHit>> entry1 : commonHits.entrySet()) {
+ CalorimeterHit commonCell = entry1.getKey();
+ CalorimeterHit seedA = entry1.getValue().get(0);
+ CalorimeterHit seedB = entry1.getValue().get(1);
+ double eFractionA = (seedEnergy.get(seedA)) / ((seedEnergy.get(seedA) + seedEnergy.get(seedB)));
+ double eFractionB = (seedEnergy.get(seedB)) / ((seedEnergy.get(seedA) + seedEnergy.get(seedB)));
+ double currEnergyA = seedEnergyTot.get(seedA);
+ double currEnergyB = seedEnergyTot.get(seedB);
+ currEnergyA += eFractionA * commonCell.getCorrectedEnergy();
+ currEnergyB += eFractionB * commonCell.getCorrectedEnergy();
+ seedEnergyTot.put(seedA, currEnergyA);
+ seedEnergyTot.put(seedB, currEnergyB);
+ }
+ // Cluster Position as per HPS Note 2014-001
+ // Create map with seed as key to position/centroid value
+ Map<CalorimeterHit, double[]> rawSeedPosition = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, double[]>();
+ Map<CalorimeterHit, double[]> corrSeedPosition = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, double[]>();
+ // top level iterates through seeds
+ for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, Double> entryS : seedEnergyTot.entrySet()) {
+ // get the seed for this iteration
+ CalorimeterHit seedP = entryS.getKey();
+ double xCl = 0.0; // calculated cluster x position, prior to correction
+ double yCl = 0.0; // calculated cluster y position
+ double eNumX = 0.0;
+ double eNumY = 0.0;
+ double eDen = 0.0;
+ double w0 = 3.1;
+ // iterate through hits corresponding to seed
+ for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, CalorimeterHit> entryP : hitSeedMap.entrySet()) {
+ if (entryP.getValue() == seedP) {
+ // /////////////////////////////
+ // This block fills a map with crystal to center of face of crystal
+ // Get the hit indices as a Point.
+ int ix = entryP.getKey().getIdentifierFieldValue("ix");
+ int iy = entryP.getKey().getIdentifierFieldValue("iy");
+ Point hitIndex = new Point(ix, iy);
+ // Get the corrected position for this index pair.
+ double[] position = correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex);
+ // If the result is null, it hasn't been calculated yet.
+ if (position == null) {
+ // Calculate the corrected position.
+ IGeometryInfo geom = entryP.getKey().getDetectorElement().getGeometry();
+ double[] pos = geom.transformLocalToGlobal(VecOp.add(geom.transformGlobalToLocal(geom.getPosition()), (Hep3Vector) new BasicHep3Vector(0, 0, -1 * ((Trd) geom.getLogicalVolume().getSolid()).getZHalfLength()))).v();
+ // Convert the result to a Double[] array.
+ position = new double[3];
+ position[0] = pos[0];
+ position[1] = pos[1];
+ position[2] = pos[2];
+ // Store the result in the map.
+ correctedPositionMap.put(hitIndex, position);
+ }
+ // /////////////////////////////
+ // Use Method 3 weighting scheme described in note:
+ eNumX += Math.max(0.0, (w0 + Math.log(entryP.getKey().getCorrectedEnergy() / seedEnergyTot.get(seedP)))) * (correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex)[0] / 10.0);
+ eNumY += Math.max(0.0, (w0 + Math.log(entryP.getKey().getCorrectedEnergy() / seedEnergyTot.get(seedP)))) * (correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex)[1] / 10.0);
+ eDen += Math.max(0.0, (w0 + Math.log(entryP.getKey().getCorrectedEnergy() / seedEnergyTot.get(seedP))));
+ }
+ }
+ xCl = eNumX / eDen;
+ yCl = eNumY / eDen;
+ double[] rawPosition = new double[3];
+ rawPosition[0] = xCl * 10.0;// mm
+ rawPosition[1] = yCl * 10.0;// mm
+ int ix = seedP.getIdentifierFieldValue("ix");
+ int iy = seedP.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy");
+ Point hitIndex = new Point(ix, iy);
+ rawPosition[2] = correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex)[2];
+ // Apply position correction factors:
+ // Position correction for electron:
+ int pdg = 11;
+ double xCorr = posCorrection(pdg, xCl * 10.0, seedEnergyTot.get(seedP));
+ double[] corrPosition = new double[3];
+ corrPosition[0] = xCorr * 10.0;// mm
+ corrPosition[1] = yCl * 10.0;// mm
+ corrPosition[2] = correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex)[2];
+ corrSeedPosition.put(seedP, corrPosition);
+ rawSeedPosition.put(seedP, rawPosition);
+ }// end of cluster position calculation
+ /*
+ * Outputs results to cluster collection.
+ */
+ // Only write output if something actually exists.
+ if (hitMap.size() != 0) {
+ // Loop over seeds
+ for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, CalorimeterHit> entry2 : hitSeedMap.entrySet()) {
+ if (entry2.getKey() == entry2.getValue()) {
+ if (seedEnergyTot.get(entry2.getKey()) < clusterEnergyThreshold) {
+ // Not clustered for not passing cuts
+ rejectedHitList.add(entry2.getKey());
+ }
+ else {
+ // New cluster
+ HPSEcalClusterIC cluster = new HPSEcalClusterIC(entry2.getKey());
+ clusterList.add(cluster);
+ // Loop over hits belonging to seeds
+ for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, CalorimeterHit> entry3 : hitSeedMap.entrySet()) {
+ if (entry3.getValue() == entry2.getValue()) {
+ if (rejectedHitList.contains(entry2.getValue())) {
+ rejectedHitList.add(entry3.getKey());
+ } else {
+ // Add hit to cluster
+ cluster.addHit(entry3.getKey());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, List<CalorimeterHit>> entry4 : commonHits.entrySet()) {
+ if (entry4.getValue().contains(entry2.getKey())) {
+ // Add shared hits for energy distribution between clusters
+ cluster.addSharedHit(entry4.getKey());
+ }
+ }
+ // Input uncorrected cluster energies
+ if (seedEnergyTot.values().size() > 0) {
+ cluster.setEnergy(seedEnergyTot.get(entry2.getKey()));
+ cluster.setUncorrectedEnergy(seedEnergyTot.get(entry2.getKey()));
+ }
+ // Input both uncorrected and corrected cluster positions.
+ cluster.setCorrPosition(corrSeedPosition.get(entry2.getKey()));
+ cluster.setRawPosition(rawSeedPosition.get(entry2.getKey()));
+ }// End checking thresholds and write out.
+ }
+ } // End cluster loop
+ // System.out.println("Number of clusters: "+clusterList.size());
+ } // End event output loop.
+ return clusterList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles pathological case where multiple neighboring crystals have EXACTLY the same energy.
+ *
+ * @param hit
+ * @param neighbor
+ * Neighbor to hit
+ * @return boolean value of if the hit is a seed
+ */
+ private boolean equalEnergies(CalorimeterHit hit, CalorimeterHit neighbor) {
+ boolean isSeed = true;
+ int hix = hit.getIdentifierFieldValue("ix");
+ int hiy = Math.abs(hit.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy"));
+ int nix = neighbor.getIdentifierFieldValue("ix");
+ int niy = Math.abs(neighbor.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy"));
+ double hE = hit.getCorrectedEnergy();
+ double nE = neighbor.getCorrectedEnergy();
+ if (hE < nE) {
+ isSeed = false;
+ } else if ((hE == nE) && (hiy > niy)) {
+ isSeed = false;
+ } else if ((hE == nE) && (hiy == niy) && (hix > nix)) {
+ isSeed = false;
+ }
+ return isSeed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates position correction based on cluster raw energy, x calculated position, and particle type as per <a
+ * href="">HPS Note 2014-001</a>
+ *
+ * @param pdg
+ * Particle id as per PDG
+ * @param xCl
+ * Calculated x centroid position of the cluster, uncorrected, at face
+ * @param rawEnergy
+ * Raw energy of the cluster (sum of hits with shared hit distribution)
+ * @return Corrected x position
+ */
+ public double posCorrection(int pdg, double xPos, double rawEnergy) {
+ double xCl = xPos / 10.0;// convert to mm
+ if (pdg == 11) { // Particle is electron
+ double xCorr = positionCorrection(xCl, rawEnergy, ELECTRON_POS_A, ELECTRON_POS_B, ELECTRON_POS_C, ELECTRON_POS_D, ELECTRON_POS_E);
+ return xCorr * 10.0;
+ } else if (pdg == -11) {// Particle is positron
+ double xCorr = positionCorrection(xCl, rawEnergy, POSITRON_POS_A, POSITRON_POS_B, POSITRON_POS_C, POSITRON_POS_D, POSITRON_POS_E);
+ return xCorr * 10.0;
+ } else if (pdg == 22) {// Particle is photon
+ double xCorr = positionCorrection(xCl, rawEnergy, PHOTON_POS_A, PHOTON_POS_B, PHOTON_POS_C, PHOTON_POS_D, PHOTON_POS_E);
+ return xCorr * 10.0;
+ } else { // Unknown
+ double xCorr = xCl;
+ return xCorr * 10.0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the position correction in cm using the raw energy and variables associated with the fit of the particle as described in <a
+ * href="">HPS Note 2014-001</a>
+ *
+ * @param xCl
+ * @param rawEnergy
+ * @param varA
+ * @param varB
+ * @param varC
+ * @param varD
+ * @param varE
+ * @return
+ */
+ public double positionCorrection(double xCl, double rawEnergy, double varA, double varB, double varC, double varD, double varE) {
+ double xCorr = xCl - (varA / Math.sqrt(rawEnergy) + varB) * xCl - (varC * rawEnergy + varD / Math.sqrt(rawEnergy) + varE);
+ return xCorr;
+ }
+ private static class EnergyComparator implements Comparator<CalorimeterHit> {
+ /**
+ * Compares the first hit with respect to the second. This method will compare hits first by energy, and then spatially. In the case of equal energy hits, the hit closest to the beam gap and
+ * closest to the positron side of the detector will be selected. If all of these conditions are true, the hit with the positive y-index will be selected. Hits with all four conditions
+ * matching are the same hit.
+ * @param hit1 The hit to compare.
+ * @param hit2 The hit with respect to which the first should be compared.
+ */
+ public int compare(CalorimeterHit hit1, CalorimeterHit hit2) {
+ // Hits are sorted on a hierarchy by three conditions. First,
+ // the hits with the highest energy come first. Next, they
+ // are ranked by vertical proximity to the beam gap, and
+ // lastly, they are sorted by horizontal proximity to the
+ // positron side of the detector.
+ // Get the hit energies.
+ double[] e = { hit1.getCorrectedEnergy(), hit2.getCorrectedEnergy() };
+ // Perform the energy comparison. The higher energy hit
+ // will be ordered first.
+ if (e[0] < e[1]) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (e[0] > e[1]) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // If the hits are the same energy, we must perform the
+ // spatial comparisons.
+ else {
+ // Get the position with respect to the beam gap.
+ int[] iy = { Math.abs(hit1.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy")), Math.abs(hit2.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy")) };
+ // The closest hit is first.
+ if (iy[0] > iy[1]) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (iy[0] < iy[1]) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Hits that are identical in vertical distance from
+ // beam gap and energy are differentiated with distance
+ // horizontally from the positron side of the detector.
+ else {
+ // Get the position from the positron side.
+ int[] ix = { hit1.getIdentifierFieldValue("ix"), hit2.getIdentifierFieldValue("ix") };
+ // The closest hit is first.
+ if (ix[0] > ix[1]) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (ix[0] < ix[1]) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // If all of these checks are the same, compare
+ // the raw value for iy. If these are identical,
+ // then the two hits are the same. Otherwise, sort
+ // the numerical value of iy. (This removes the
+ // issue where hits (x, y) and (x, -y) can have
+ // the same energy and be otherwise seen as the
+ // same hit from the above checks.
+ else {
+ return"iy"), hit2.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }

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