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HPS-SVN  June 2015

HPS-SVN June 2015


r3165 - in /java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty:


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Fri, 19 Jun 2015 00:48:48 -0000





text/plain (479 lines)

Author: [log in to unmask]
Date: Thu Jun 18 17:48:35 2015
New Revision: 3165

Added two personal analysis drivers.


Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/	Thu Jun 18 17:48:35 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+package org.hps.users.kmccarty;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.hps.recon.ecal.triggerbank.TriggerModule;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+public class InvariantMassPairDriver extends Driver {
+	private int[] events = new int[3];
+	private TriggerModule[] trigger = new TriggerModule[2];
+	private String gtpClusterCollectionName = "EcalClustersGTP";
+	private String particleCollectionName = "FinalStateParticles";
+	private String reconParticleCollectionName = "UnconstrainedV0Candidates";
+	private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+	private IHistogram1D electronEnergyHist = aida.histogram1D("Trident Analysis/Electron Energy", 150, 0.000, 1.500);
+	private IHistogram1D positronEnergyHist = aida.histogram1D("Trident Analysis/Positron Energy", 150, 0.000, 1.500);
+	private IHistogram1D pairEnergyHist = aida.histogram1D("Trident Analysis/Energy Sum Distribution", 220, 0.00, 2.200);
+	private IHistogram2D pair2DEnergyHist = aida.histogram2D("Trident Analysis/2D Energy Distribution", 55, 0, 1.1, 55, 0, 1.1);
+	private IHistogram1D pair1MassHist = aida.histogram1D("Trident Analysis/Particle Invariant Mass (1 Hit)", 240, 0.000, 0.120);
+	private IHistogram1D pair1ModMassHist = aida.histogram1D("Trident Analysis/Particle Invariant Mass (2 Hit)", 240, 0.000, 0.120);
+	@Override
+	public void startOfData() {
+		// Instantiate the pair 1 trigger.
+		trigger[0] = new TriggerModule();
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.CLUSTER_HIT_COUNT_LOW,       1);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.CLUSTER_TOTAL_ENERGY_LOW,    0.054);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.CLUSTER_TOTAL_ENERGY_HIGH,   0.630);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_COPLANARITY_HIGH,       30);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_ENERGY_DIFFERENCE_HIGH, 0.540);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_ENERGY_SUM_LOW,         0.180);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_ENERGY_SUM_HIGH,        0.860);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_ENERGY_SLOPE_LOW,       0.600);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_ENERGY_SLOPE_F,         0.0055);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_TIME_COINCIDENCE,       12);
+		// Instantiate the pair 1 trigger with a hit count cut of two.
+		trigger[1] = new TriggerModule();
+		trigger[1].setCutValue(TriggerModule.CLUSTER_HIT_COUNT_LOW,       2);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.CLUSTER_TOTAL_ENERGY_LOW,    0.054);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.CLUSTER_TOTAL_ENERGY_HIGH,   0.630);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_COPLANARITY_HIGH,       30);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_ENERGY_DIFFERENCE_HIGH, 0.540);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_ENERGY_SUM_LOW,         0.180);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_ENERGY_SUM_HIGH,        0.860);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_ENERGY_SLOPE_LOW,       0.600);
+		trigger[1].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_ENERGY_SLOPE_F,         0.0055);
+		trigger[0].setCutValue(TriggerModule.PAIR_TIME_COINCIDENCE,       12);
+	}
+	@Override
+	public void endOfData() {
+		System.out.printf("Pair 1     :: %d / %d%n", events[0], events[2]);
+		System.out.printf("Pair 1 Mod :: %d / %d%n", events[1], events[2]);
+	}
+	@Override
+	public void process(EventHeader event) {
+		// Get a list of all tracks in the event.
+		List<ReconstructedParticle> trackList = event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class, particleCollectionName);
+		// Plot the energies of the electrons and positrons.
+		for(ReconstructedParticle track : trackList) {
+			// Positive tracks are assumed to be positrons.
+			if(track.getCharge() > 0) {
+				positronEnergyHist.fill(track.getMomentum().magnitude());
+			}
+			// Negative tracks are assumed to be electrons.
+			else if(track.getCharge() < 0) {
+				electronEnergyHist.fill(track.getMomentum().magnitude());
+			}
+		}
+		// Get track pairs.
+		List<ReconstructedParticle[]> trackPairList = getTrackPairs(trackList);
+		// Populate the pair plots.
+		trackPairLoop:
+		for(ReconstructedParticle[] trackPair : trackPairList) {
+			// Note the polarity of the tracks.
+			boolean[] trackIsPositive = {
+					trackPair[0].getCharge() > 0,
+					trackPair[1].getCharge() > 0
+			};
+			// Require that one track be positive and one be negative.
+			if(!(trackIsPositive[0] ^ trackIsPositive[1])) {
+				continue trackPairLoop;
+			}
+			// Populate the track pair plots.
+			pairEnergyHist.fill(VecOp.add(trackPair[0].getMomentum(), trackPair[1].getMomentum()).magnitude());
+			if(trackIsPositive[0]) {
+				pair2DEnergyHist.fill(trackPair[0].getMomentum().magnitude(), trackPair[1].getMomentum().magnitude());
+			} else {
+				pair2DEnergyHist.fill(trackPair[1].getMomentum().magnitude(), trackPair[0].getMomentum().magnitude());
+			}
+		}
+		// Check that the event has a collection of GTP clusters.
+		if(!event.hasCollection(Cluster.class, gtpClusterCollectionName)) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Increment the total event count.
+		events[2]++;
+		// Get the GTP clusters.
+		List<Cluster> clusters = event.get(Cluster.class, gtpClusterCollectionName);
+		// Get the list of top/bottom pairs.
+		List<Cluster[]> pairs = getClusterPairs(clusters);
+		// Iterate over the pairs and determine if any cluster passes
+		// pair 1 trigger or the pair 1 modified trigger.
+		boolean passedPair1 = false;
+		boolean passedPair1Mod = false;
+		pairLoop:
+		for(Cluster[] pair : pairs) {
+			// Check the cluster energy cut.
+			if(!trigger[0].clusterTotalEnergyCut(pair[0])) { continue pairLoop; }
+			if(!trigger[0].clusterTotalEnergyCut(pair[1])) { continue pairLoop; }
+			// Check the pair cuts.
+			if(!trigger[0].pairCoplanarityCut(pair)) { continue pairLoop; }
+			if(!trigger[0].pairEnergyDifferenceCut(pair)) { continue pairLoop; }
+			if(!trigger[0].pairEnergySumCut(pair)) { continue pairLoop; }
+			if(!trigger[0].pairEnergySlopeCut(pair)) { continue pairLoop; }
+			// Check if the pair passes the singles 0 hit count cut.
+			if(trigger[0].clusterHitCountCut(pair[0]) && trigger[0].clusterHitCountCut(pair[1])) {
+				// Note that a pair passed the pair 1 trigger.
+				passedPair1 = true;
+				// Check whether the pair passed the modified pair 1
+				// trigger hit count cut.
+				if(trigger[1].clusterHitCountCut(pair[0]) && trigger[1].clusterHitCountCut(pair[1])) {
+					passedPair1Mod = true;
+				}
+			} else { continue pairLoop; }
+		}
+		// If no pair passed the pair 1 cut, nothing further need be done.
+		if(!passedPair1) { return; }
+		// Otherwise, increment the "passed pair 1" count and the
+		// "passed pair 1 mod" count, if appropriate.
+		events[0]++;
+		if(passedPair1Mod) { events[1]++; }
+		// Get the collection of reconstructed V0 candidates.
+		List<ReconstructedParticle> candidateList = event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class, reconParticleCollectionName);
+		// Populate the invariant mass plot.
+		candidateLoop:
+		for(ReconstructedParticle particle : candidateList) {
+			// Check that it has component particles that meet the
+			// trident condition.
+			boolean seenPositive = false;
+			boolean seenNegative = false;
+			for(ReconstructedParticle track : particle.getParticles()) {
+				// Exactly one track must be negative. Its energy is
+				// disallowed from exceeding 900 MeV.
+				if(track.getCharge() < 0) {
+					// Reject a second negative particle.
+					if(seenNegative) { continue candidateLoop; }
+					// Otherwise, note that one has been seen.
+					seenNegative = true;
+					// Reject electrons with a momentum exceeding 900 MeV.
+					if(track.getMomentum().magnitude() > 0.900) {
+						continue candidateLoop;
+					}
+				}
+				// Exactly one track must be positive. Its energy is
+				// not constrained.
+				else if(track.getCharge() > 0) {
+					// Reject a second positive particle.
+					if(seenPositive) { continue candidateLoop; }
+					// Otherwise, note that one has been seen.
+					seenPositive = true;
+				}
+				// Lastly, reject any particle that produced a photon.
+				else { continue candidateLoop; }
+			}
+			// Populate the plots.
+			pair1MassHist.fill(particle.getMass());
+			if(passedPair1Mod) { pair1ModMassHist.fill(particle.getMass()); }
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a list of top/bottom cluster pairs.
+	 * @param clusters - A <code>List</code> collection of objects of
+	 * type <code>Cluster</code>.
+	 * @return Returns a <code>List</code> collection of 2-entry arrays
+	 * of <code>Cluster</code> objects representing top/bottom cluster
+	 * pairs. The first entry is always the top cluster.
+	 */
+	private static final List<Cluster[]> getClusterPairs(List<Cluster> clusters) {
+		// Separate the clusters into top and bottom clusters.
+		List<Cluster> topList = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
+		List<Cluster> botList = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
+		for(Cluster cluster : clusters) {
+			if(cluster.getCalorimeterHits().get(0).getIdentifierFieldValue("iy") > 0) {
+				topList.add(cluster);
+			}
+			else { botList.add(cluster); }
+		}
+		// Create a list of all top/bottom pairs.
+		List<Cluster[]> pairs = new ArrayList<Cluster[]>();
+		for(Cluster topCluster : topList) {
+			for(Cluster botCluster : botList) {
+				pairs.add(new Cluster[] { topCluster, botCluster });
+			}
+		}
+		// Return the list of cluster pairs.
+		return pairs;
+	}
+	private static final List<ReconstructedParticle[]> getTrackPairs(List<ReconstructedParticle> trackList) {
+		// Create an empty list for the pairs.
+		List<ReconstructedParticle[]> pairs = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle[]>();
+		// Add all possible pairs of tracks.
+		for(int i = 0; i < trackList.size(); i++) {
+			for(int j = i + 1; j < trackList.size(); j++) {
+				pairs.add(new ReconstructedParticle[] { trackList.get(i), trackList.get(j) });
+			}
+		}
+		// Return the list of tracks.
+		return pairs;
+	}

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/	Thu Jun 18 17:48:35 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+package org.hps.users.kmccarty;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+public class MTEAnalysis extends Driver {
+	// Define track LCIO information.
+	private String particleCollectionName = "FinalStateParticles";
+	private static final AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+	private IHistogram1D[] chargedTracksPlot = {
+			aida.histogram1D("MTE Analysis/Møller Event Tracks", 10, 0, 10),
+			aida.histogram1D("MTE Analysis/Trident Event Tracks", 10, 0, 10),
+			aida.histogram1D("MTE Analysis/Elastic Event Tracks", 10, 0, 10)
+	};
+	private IHistogram1D[] energyPlot = {
+			aida.histogram1D("MTE Analysis/Møller Energy Sum Distribution", 220, 0, 2.2),
+			aida.histogram1D("MTE Analysis/Trident Energy Sum Distribution", 220, 0, 2.2),
+			aida.histogram1D("MTE Analysis/Elastic Energy Distribution", 110, 0, 1.5)
+	};
+	private IHistogram1D[] electronPlot = {
+			aida.histogram1D("MTE Analysis/Møller Electron Energy Distribution", 220, 0, 2.2),
+			aida.histogram1D("MTE Analysis/Trident Electron Energy Distribution", 220, 0, 2.2),
+	};
+	private IHistogram1D positronPlot = aida.histogram1D("MTE Analysis/Trident Positron Energy Distribution", 220, 0, 2.2);
+	private IHistogram2D[] energy2DPlot = {
+			aida.histogram2D("MTE Analysis/Møller 2D Energy Distribution", 55, 0, 1.1, 55, 0, 1.1),
+			aida.histogram2D("MTE Analysis/Trident 2D Energy Distribution", 55, 0, 1.1, 55, 0, 1.1),
+	};
+	private static final int MØLLER  = 0;
+	private static final int TRIDENT = 1;
+	private static final int ELASTIC = 2;
+	private boolean verbose = false;
+	@Override
+	public void process(EventHeader event) {
+		if(event.hasCollection(ReconstructedParticle.class, particleCollectionName)) {
+			// Get the list of tracks.
+			List<ReconstructedParticle> trackList = event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class, particleCollectionName);
+			if(verbose) {
+				System.out.println(trackList.size() + " tracks found.");
+				for(ReconstructedParticle track : trackList) {
+					System.out.printf("Track :: Q = %4.1f; E = %6.3f%n",
+							track.getCharge(), track.getEnergy());
+				}
+			}
+			// Check each of the event-type conditions.
+			boolean isMøller = false;
+			boolean isTrident = false;
+			boolean isElastic = false;
+			// Produce all possible pairs of tracks.
+			List<ReconstructedParticle[]> pairList = getTrackPairs(trackList);
+			// Check the Møller condition. A Møller event is expected
+			// to have two tracks, both negative, with a net energy
+			// within a certain band of the beam energy.
+			møllerTrackLoop:
+			for(ReconstructedParticle[] pair : pairList) {
+				// Both tracks are required to be negatively charged.
+				if(pair[0].getCharge() >= 0 || pair[1].getCharge() >= 0) {
+					continue møllerTrackLoop;
+				}
+				// Both tracks must have clusters associated with them.
+				Cluster[] trackClusters = new Cluster[2];
+				for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+					// Disallow tracks with no associated clusters.
+					if(pair[i].getClusters().size() == 0) {
+						continue møllerTrackLoop;
+					}
+					// Store the first cluster associated with the track.
+					trackClusters[i] = pair[i].getClusters().get(0);
+				}
+				// Require that the track clusters be within a certain
+				// time window of one another.
+				if(Math.abs(trackClusters[0].getCalorimeterHits().get(0).getTime() - trackClusters[1].getCalorimeterHits().get(0).getTime()) > 500) {
+					continue møllerTrackLoop;
+				}
+				// No track may have an energy that exceeds 900 MeV.
+				if(pair[0].getMomentum().magnitude() >= 0.900 || pair[1].getMomentum().magnitude() >= 0.900) {
+					continue møllerTrackLoop;
+				}
+				// Get the energy sum.
+				double sum = VecOp.add(pair[0].getMomentum(), pair[1].getMomentum()).magnitude();
+				// "Møller-like" track pairs must have energies within
+				// an allowed energy range.
+				if(sum < 0.800 || sum > 1.500) {
+					continue møllerTrackLoop;
+				}
+				// Note that this is a Møller event.
+				isMøller = true;
+				// Populate the Møller plots.
+				energyPlot[MØLLER].fill(sum);
+				electronPlot[MØLLER].fill(pair[0].getMomentum().magnitude());
+				electronPlot[MØLLER].fill(pair[1].getMomentum().magnitude());
+				energy2DPlot[MØLLER].fill(pair[0].getMomentum().magnitude(), pair[1].getMomentum().magnitude());
+			}
+			// Check the elastic condition. Elastic events should be
+			// negatively and have an energy approximately equal to
+			// the beam energy.
+			for(ReconstructedParticle track : trackList) {
+				if(track.getCharge() < 0 && track.getMomentum().magnitude() >= 0.900) {
+					isElastic = true;
+					energyPlot[ELASTIC].fill(track.getMomentum().magnitude());
+				}
+			}
+			// Check the trident condition. Tridents are events that
+			// contain both one positive and one negative track.
+			for(ReconstructedParticle[] pair : pairList) {
+				if((pair[0].getCharge() < 0 && pair[1].getCharge() > 0) ||
+						pair[0].getCharge() > 0 && pair[1].getCharge() < 0) {
+					// Require that the energy of the electron is below
+					// 900 MeV.
+					if((pair[0].getCharge() < 0 && pair[0].getMomentum().magnitude() < 0.900)
+							|| (pair[1].getCharge() < 0 && pair[1].getMomentum().magnitude() < 0.900)) {
+						isTrident = true;
+						if(pair[0].getCharge() > 0) {
+							positronPlot.fill(pair[1].getMomentum().magnitude());
+							electronPlot[TRIDENT].fill(pair[0].getMomentum().magnitude());
+						} else {
+							positronPlot.fill(pair[0].getMomentum().magnitude());
+							electronPlot[TRIDENT].fill(pair[1].getMomentum().magnitude());
+						}
+						energyPlot[TRIDENT].fill(VecOp.add(pair[0].getMomentum(), pair[1].getMomentum()).magnitude());
+						energy2DPlot[TRIDENT].fill(pair[0].getMomentum().magnitude(), pair[1].getMomentum().magnitude());
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(verbose) {
+				System.out.printf("\tMøller  :: %b%n", isMøller);
+				System.out.printf("\tTrident :: %b%n", isTrident);
+				System.out.printf("\tElastic :: %b%n", isElastic);
+				System.out.println();
+			}
+			// Get the number of charged tracks in the event.
+			int tracks = 0;
+			for(ReconstructedParticle track : trackList) {
+				if(track.getCharge() != 0) { tracks++; }
+			}
+			// Add the result to the appropriate plots.
+			if(isMøller) {
+				chargedTracksPlot[MØLLER].fill(tracks);
+			} else if(isTrident) {
+				chargedTracksPlot[TRIDENT].fill(tracks);
+			} else if(isElastic) {
+				chargedTracksPlot[ELASTIC].fill(tracks);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	private static final List<ReconstructedParticle[]> getTrackPairs(List<ReconstructedParticle> trackList) {
+		// Create an empty list for the pairs.
+		List<ReconstructedParticle[]> pairs = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle[]>();
+		// Add all possible pairs of tracks.
+		for(int i = 0; i < trackList.size(); i++) {
+			for(int j = i + 1; j < trackList.size(); j++) {
+				pairs.add(new ReconstructedParticle[] { trackList.get(i), trackList.get(j) });
+			}
+		}
+		// Return the list of tracks.
+		return pairs;
+	}
+	private static final double getMagnitude(double[] vector) {
+		// Store the squares of each component of the vector.
+		double squareSum = 0;
+		// Add the square of each vector component.
+		for(double d : vector) {
+			squareSum += d * d;
+		}
+		// Return the square root of the sum.
+		return Math.sqrt(squareSum);
+	}

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