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LCDET-SVN  June 2015

LCDET-SVN June 2015


r3638 - in /projects/slicPandora/trunk: ./ examples/ include/ lib/ scripts/ settings/ src/ tests/


[log in to unmask]


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Mon, 15 Jun 2015 23:36:01 -0000





text/plain (6456 lines)

Author: [log in to unmask]
Date: Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
New Revision: 3638

Reimport slicPandora trunk.

    projects/slicPandora/trunk/examples/   (with props)
    projects/slicPandora/trunk/scripts/   (with props)

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/CMakeLists.txt
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/CMakeLists.txt	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# CMake file for building slicPandora, which is 
+# based on Marlin's CMakeLists.txt by Jan Engels, DESY.
+# @author Jeremy McCormick, SLAC
+# --- Check for Recent CMake ----
+# ---- Project Info ----
+PROJECT( slicPandora )
+# ---- Turn off RPATH ----
+# ---- Find and Setup External Packages ----
+INCLUDE( ilcsoft_default_settings )
+FIND_PACKAGE( LCContent 02.00.00 REQUIRED )
+#FIND_PACKAGE( PandoraMonitoring 02.00.00 )
+FOREACH( pkg LCIO PandoraSDK  )
+    IF ( ${pkg}_FOUND )
+        LINK_LIBRARIES( ${${pkg}_LIBRARIES} ) 
+    ENDIF()
+# ---- Monitoring define for Pandora ----
+#IF( PandoraMonitoring_FOUND )
+#    MESSAGE( STATUS "PandoraMonitoring package was not found -- please set PandoraMonitoring_DIR to activate PandoraMonitoring." )
+# ---- Variables for includes and libs ----
+# ---- Set includes and libs ----
+# ---- Project Include Dir ----
+# ---- Compiler Flags ----
+ADD_DEFINITIONS( "-Wall -ansi -pedantic" )
+ADD_DEFINITIONS( "-Wno-long-long" )
+    message( STATUS "The compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} has C++11 support." )
+    ADD_DEFINITIONS( "-std=c++11" )
+    message( STATUS "The compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} has no C++11 support. Some Pandora functionality will be limited." )
+# ---- Project Source Directory ----
+AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY( ./src library_sources )
+# ---- Shared Lib ----
+ADD_SHARED_LIBRARY( ${PROJECT_NAME} ${library_sources} )
+# ---- Executable ----
+ADD_EXECUTABLE( bin_${PROJECT_NAME} ./tests/PandoraFrontendTest )

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# cmake configuration file for @PROJECT_NAME@
+# @author Jan Engels, DESY
+# do not store find results in cache
+	NAMES PandoraPFANewProcessor.h
+					" -- failed to find @PROJECT_NAME@ include directory!!" )
+# do not store find results in cache
+					" -- failed to find @PROJECT_NAME@ library!!" )
+# set variables and display results
+		MESSAGE( FATAL_ERROR "Check for @PROJECT_NAME@: ${@PROJECT_NAME@_HOME} -- failed!!" )
+						" -- failed!! will skip this package..." )

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# create an uninstall target for cmake
+IF(NOT EXISTS "@[log in to unmask]")
+  MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find install manifest: \"@[log in to unmask]\"")
+ENDIF(NOT EXISTS "@[log in to unmask]")
+FILE(READ "@[log in to unmask]" files)
+STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" files "${files}")
+FOREACH(file ${files})
+  MESSAGE(STATUS "Uninstalling \"$ENV{DESTDIR}${file}\"")
+  IF(EXISTS "$ENV{DESTDIR}${file}")
+      "@CMAKE_COMMAND@" ARGS "-E remove \"$ENV{DESTDIR}${file}\""
+      OUTPUT_VARIABLE rm_out
+      RETURN_VALUE rm_retval
+      )
+    IF("${rm_retval}" STREQUAL 0)
+    ELSE("${rm_retval}" STREQUAL 0)
+      MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Problem when removing \"$ENV{DESTDIR}${file}\"")
+    ENDIF("${rm_retval}" STREQUAL 0)
+    MESSAGE(STATUS "File \"$ENV{DESTDIR}${file}\" does not exist.")

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/examples/LcioCollectionsExample.xml
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/examples/LcioCollectionsExample.xml	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/examples/LcioCollectionsExample.xml	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+    <!-- Track -->
+    <TrackCollection name="Tracks" />
+    <!-- TrackState -->
+    <TrackStateCollection name="StateAtStart" trackState="StateAtStart" />
+    <TrackStateCollection name="StateAtECal" trackState="StateAtECal" />
+    <TrackStateCollection name="StateAtEnd" trackState="StateAtEnd" />
+    <!-- CalorimeterHit -->
+    <CaloCollection name="EcalBarrelHits" caloType="EM_BARREL" /> 
+    <CaloCollection name="EcalEndcapHits" caloType="EM_ENDCAP" />
+    <CaloCollection name="HcalBarrelHits" caloType="HAD_BARREL" />
+    <CaloCollection name="HcalEndcapHits" caloType="HAD_ENDCAP" />
+    <CaloCollection name="MuonBarrelHits" caloType="MUON_BARREL" />
+    <CaloCollection name="MuonEndcapHits" caloType="MUON_ENDCAP" />

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/examples/PandoraSettings_forRPC.xml.old
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/examples/PandoraSettings_forRPC.xml.old	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/examples/PandoraSettings_forRPC.xml.old	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+<!-- Pandora settings xml file -->
+    <!-- Global pandora settings -->
+    <IsMonitoringEnabled> true </IsMonitoringEnabled>
+    <ShouldUseSimpleIsolationScheme> false </ShouldUseSimpleIsolationScheme>
+    <ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo> false </ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo>
+    <!-- Plugin helper functions -->
+    <HadronicEnergyCorrectionFunctions> CleanClusters MuonCoilCorrection </HadronicEnergyCorrectionFunctions>
+    <EmShowerFastFunction> FineGranularityEmShowerId </EmShowerFastFunction>
+    <PhotonFastFunction> FineGranularityPhotonId </PhotonFastFunction>
+    <ElectronFastFunction> FineGranularityElectronId </ElectronFastFunction>
+    <MuonFastFunction> FineGranularityMuonId </MuonFastFunction>
+    <!-- Select tracks and hits to use for clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "EventPreparation"/>
+    <!-- Primary clustering algorithm runs Clustering algorithm -->
+    <algorithm type = "PrimaryClustering">
+        <algorithm type = "Clustering" description = "ClusterFormation" instance = "mainClustering"/>
+        <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc">
+            <associationAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "LoopingTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BrokenTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging2"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks2"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging3"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging4"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ProximityBasedMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "ConeBasedMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "MipPhotonSeparation">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "SoftClusterMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "IsolatedHitMerging"/>
+            </associationAlgorithms>
+        </algorithm>
+        <ClusterListName> PrimaryClusterList </ClusterListName>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Reclustering algorithm runs multiple Clustering algorithms -->
+    <algorithm type = "Reclustering">
+        <reclusteringAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.24</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.4</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>2</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>2</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>2.24</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.44</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.18</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.3</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1.5</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.68</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.08</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.15</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.25</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1.25</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1.25</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.4</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.9</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.12</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.2</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.12</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.72</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.09</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.15</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.75</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.75</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.84</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.54</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.075</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.125</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.625</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.625</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.7</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.45</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.06</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.1</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.5</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.56</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.36</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.045</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.075</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.375</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.375</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.42</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.27</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.03</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.05</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.25</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.25</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.28</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.18</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10">
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>250</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>3</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>3</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>2</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11">
+                        <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12">
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>1000</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>6</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>3</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackDrivenMerging">
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "ResolveTrackAssociations">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackDrivenAssociation">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "ExitingTrack">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+        </reclusteringAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Muon clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "PrimaryClustering">
+        <algorithm type = "Clustering" description = "ClusterFormation">
+            <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.75</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+            <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>12.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>14</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+            <MaxClusterDirProjection>1000</MaxClusterDirProjection>
+            <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+            <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+        </algorithm>
+        <InputCaloHitListName> MuonYokeHits </InputCaloHitListName>
+        <RestoreOriginalCaloHitList> true </RestoreOriginalCaloHitList>
+        <ClusterListName> MuonClusterList </ClusterListName>
+        <ReplaceCurrentClusterList> false </ReplaceCurrentClusterList>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "MuonClusterAssociation"/>
+    <!-- Photon recovery -->
+    <algorithm type = "PhotonRecovery">
+        <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "MuonPhotonSeparation">
+        <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Prepare particle flow objects -->
+    <algorithm type = "ClusterPreparation">
+        <CandidateListNames>PrimaryClusterList</CandidateListNames>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "TrackPreparation">
+        <CandidateListNames>Input</CandidateListNames>
+        <trackClusterAssociationAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+            <algorithm type = "LoopingTrackAssociation"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecovery"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecoveryHelix"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecoveryInteractions"/>
+        </trackClusterAssociationAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "FragmentRemoval">
+        <fragmentRemovalAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "MainFragmentRemoval"/>
+            <algorithm type = "NeutralFragmentRemoval"/>
+            <algorithm type = "PhotonFragmentRemoval"/>
+        </fragmentRemovalAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Create particle flow objects -->
+    <algorithm type = "ForceSplitTrackAssociations"/>
+    <algorithm type = "PfoCreation"/>
+    <!-- Particle flow object modification algorithms -->
+    <algorithm type = "FinalParticleId"/>
+    <algorithm type = "V0PfoCreation"/>

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/examples/
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/examples/	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/examples/	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+./bin/PandoraFrontend ./examples/sidloi2_pandora.xml ./examples/PandoraSettingsNew.xml ./input.slcio ./pandoraRecon.slcio 10

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/CalorimeterHitProcessor.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/CalorimeterHitProcessor.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/CalorimeterHitProcessor.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// pandora
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "EventProcessor.h"
+#include "DetectorGeometry.h"
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/CalorimeterHit.h"
+using EVENT::CalorimeterHit;
+namespace pandora { class SubDetector; }
+ * This is an event processor that converts collections of CalorimeterHits
+ * to Pandora CaloHit::Parameters and registers them with the current
+ * Pandora instance.  The collections to process are retrieved from the JobManager's
+ * list of calorimeter collection types (e.g. EM_BARREL).
+ */
+class CalorimeterHitProcessor : public EventProcessor
+    /**
+     * Standard ctor.
+     */
+    CalorimeterHitProcessor()
+        : EventProcessor("CalorimeterHitProcessor")
+    {;}
+    /**
+     * Standard dtor.
+     */
+    virtual ~CalorimeterHitProcessor()
+    {;}
+    /**
+     * This method converts LCIO CalorimeterHits into Pandora CalHit::Parameters.
+     * @param The LCIO event containing the CalorimeterHit collections to convert.
+     */
+    void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent* event);
+    /**
+     * Make a 64-bit ID from the two 32-bit cell IDs of a CalorimeterHit.
+     * @param The CalorimterHit with the ID to be converted.
+     */
+    inline long long makeId64(CalorimeterHit* hit) const
+    {        
+        return ((long long)hit->getCellID1())<<32 | hit->getCellID0();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Convert an LCIO CalorimeterHit into a PandoraPFANew CaloHit Parameters.
+     * @param subdet The SubDetector parameters for the hit.
+     * @param xsubdet The extra SubDetector parameters.
+     * @oaran calhit The CaloHit to be converted.
+     * @return A Pandora CaloHit.
+     */
+    PandoraApi::CaloHit::Parameters makeCaloHitParameters(
+        const pandora::SubDetector* subdet,
+        DetectorGeometry::ExtraSubDetectorParameters* xsubdet,
+        CalorimeterHit* calhit);
+    /**
+     * Print the given CalHit::Parameters to cout.
+     * @param The CaloHit parameters to print out.
+     */
+    void printCaloHitParameters(const PandoraApi::CaloHit::Parameters& calparams);

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/ClusterShapes.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/ClusterShapes.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/ClusterShapes.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#ifndef ClusterShapes_h
+#define ClusterShapes_h
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <math.h>
+ *    Ported from MarlinUtil.  Only took findGravity() and getCentreOfGravity() functions.
+ *    There is no GSL dependency.  
+ *    --JM
+ *
+ *    @authors V. Morgunov (ITEP/DESY), A. Raspereza (DESY), O. Wendt (DESY)
+ *    @version $Id: ClusterShapes.h,v 1.2 2010/06/08 22:12:41 jeremy Exp $
+ *
+ */
+class ClusterShapes 
+    /**
+     *    Constructor
+     *    @param nhits : number of hits in the cluster
+     *    @param a     : amplitudes of elements ('cells') of the cluster. Stored in 
+     *                   an array, with one entry for each element ('cell'). Each entry 
+     *                   is depending on coordinates x,y,z (Cartesian), which are stored 
+     *                   in the arrays x,y,z.
+     *    @param x,y,z : array of coordinates corresponding to the array of amplitudes a.
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    ClusterShapes(int nhits, float* a, float* x, float* y, float* z);
+    /**
+     *    Destructor
+     */
+    ~ClusterShapes();
+    /**
+     * returns an array, which represents a vector from the origin of the
+     * coordiante system, i.\ e.\ IP, to the centre of gravity of the cluster. The centre 
+     * of gravity is calculated with the energy of the entries of the cluster.
+     */
+    float* getCentreOfGravity();
+    /** US spelling of getCentreOfGravity */
+    inline float* getCenterOfGravity() { return getCentreOfGravity() ; }
+    void  findGravity();
+    int _nHits;
+    float* _aHit;
+    float* _xHit;
+    float* _yHit;
+    float* _zHit;
+    float* _exHit;
+    float* _eyHit;
+    float* _ezHit;
+    int* _types;
+    float* _xl;
+    float* _xt;
+    float* _t;
+    float* _s;
+    int   _ifNotGravity;
+    float _totAmpl;
+    float _radius;
+    float _xgr;
+    float _ygr;
+    float _zgr;
+    float _analogGravity[3];
+    int   _ifNotWidth;
+    float _analogWidth;
+    int   _ifNotInertia;
+    float _ValAnalogInertia[3];
+    float _VecAnalogInertia[9];
+    int _ifNotEigensystem;
+    int   _ifNotElipsoid;
+    float _r1           ;  // Cluster spatial axis length -- the largest
+    float _r2           ;  // Cluster spatial axis length -- less
+    float _r3           ;  // Cluster spatial axis length -- less
+    float _vol          ;  // Cluster ellipsoid volume
+    float _r_ave        ;  // Cluster average radius  (qubic root)
+    float _density      ;  // Cluster density
+    float _eccentricity ;  // Cluster Eccentricity
+    float _r1_forw      ;
+    float _r1_back      ; 

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/DefaultProcessors.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/DefaultProcessors.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/DefaultProcessors.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * List of default slicPandora Processor headers.
+ */
+// slicPandora
+#include "CalorimeterHitProcessor.h"
+#include "EventMarkerProcessor.h"
+#include "PandoraProcessor.h"
+#include "PfoProcessor.h"
+#include "ResetPandoraProcessor.h"
+#include "SimCalorimeterHitProcessor.h"
+#include "SimpleTrackProcessor.h"
+#include "MCParticleProcessor.h"

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/DetectorGeometry.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/DetectorGeometry.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/DetectorGeometry.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// $Id: DetectorGeometry.h,v 1.16 2011/09/19 20:34:53 jeremy Exp $
+#ifndef DetectorGeometry_h
+#define DetectorGeometry_h 1
+// pandora
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+// stl
+#include <vector>
+class IDDecoder;
+class JobManager;
+ * Encapsulates the detector geometry including Pandora's geometry parameters,
+ * as well as various extras necessary to load Pandora geometry files generated
+ * by GeomConverter.
+ */
+class DetectorGeometry
+    // Extra layer parameters.
+    class ExtraLayerParameters
+    {
+    public:
+        pandora::InputFloat m_samplingFraction;
+        pandora::InputFloat m_emSamplingFraction;
+        pandora::InputFloat m_hadSamplingFraction;        
+        pandora::InputFloat m_cellThickness;
+        float m_intLength;
+        float m_radLength;
+    };
+    typedef std::vector<ExtraLayerParameters> ExtraLayerParametersList;
+    // Extra subdetector parameters, including cell sizes.
+    class ExtraSubDetectorParameters
+    {
+    public:
+        pandora::InputFloat m_cellThickness;
+        pandora::InputFloat m_cellSizeU;
+        pandora::InputFloat m_cellSizeV;
+        pandora::InputFloat m_mipEnergy;
+        pandora::InputFloat m_mipSigma;
+        pandora::InputFloat m_mipCut;
+        pandora::InputFloat m_timeCut;
+        std::string m_collection;
+        IDDecoder* m_decoder;
+        ExtraLayerParametersList m_extraLayerParams;
+        pandora::InputHitType m_inputHitType;
+        pandora::InputHitRegion m_inputHitRegion;
+        std::vector<pandora::CartesianVector*> m_normalVectors;
+        pandora::InputBool m_isDigital;
+    };
+    typedef std::map<std::string, ExtraSubDetectorParameters> ExtraSubDetectorParametersMap;
+    DetectorGeometry(JobManager *pJobManager, std::string);
+    virtual ~DetectorGeometry() {;}
+    /**
+     * Load geometry from an XML input file produced by GeomConverter in the "pandora" format.
+     */
+    void loadFromFile(std::string);
+    /**
+     * Get the map of ExtraSubDetectorParameters.
+     */
+    ExtraSubDetectorParametersMap* getExtraParameters()
+    {
+        return &subdetExtras;
+    }
+    ExtraSubDetectorParameters* getExtraSubDetectorParametersFromType(const std::string& calType)
+    {
+        return &(subdetExtras[calType]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Print SubDetectorParameters to cout.
+     */
+    void printOut(const char* subdetType, PandoraApi::Geometry::SubDetector::Parameters* subdet);
+    /**
+     * Get the pandora SubDetectorType for a given calorimeter type string.
+     */
+    pandora::SubDetectorType getPandoraSubDetectorType(const char*) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the pandora SubDetectorType for a given calorimeter type string.
+     */
+    pandora::SubDetectorType getPandoraSubDetectorType(const std::string&) const;
+    /**
+     * Simple utility method to return the InputHitRegion from the calorimeter type.
+     */
+    inline pandora::InputHitRegion getHitRegion(const std::string& calType) const;
+    /**
+     * Simple utility method to return the InputHitType from the calorimeter type.
+     */
+    inline pandora::InputHitType getHitType(const std::string& calType) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the pointer to the geometry's associated JobManager.
+     */
+    JobManager* getJobManager() const
+    {
+        return m_manager;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the inner b field strength, units Tesla
+     * @return the inner b field strength, units Tesla
+     */
+    float getInnerBField() const
+    {
+        return m_innerBField;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the detector name.
+     * @return The detector name.
+     */
+    const std::string& getDetectorName() const
+    {
+        return detectorName;
+    }
+    JobManager* m_manager;
+    ExtraSubDetectorParametersMap subdetExtras;
+    float m_innerBField;
+    std::string detectorName;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/DummyProcessor.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/DummyProcessor.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/DummyProcessor.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#ifndef DummyProcessor_h
+#define DummyProcessor_h 1
+#include "EventProcessor.h"
+class DummyProcessor : public EventProcessor
+    DummyProcessor();
+    virtual ~DummyProcessor();
+    void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*);

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/EventMarkerProcessor.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/EventMarkerProcessor.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/EventMarkerProcessor.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// $Id: EventMarkerProcessor.h,v 1.2 2010/06/08 22:12:41 jeremy Exp $
+#include "EventProcessor.h"
+ * Prints the event number for each event processed.
+ */
+class EventMarkerProcessor : public EventProcessor
+    EventMarkerProcessor() : EventProcessor("EventMarkerProcessor") {;}
+    virtual ~EventMarkerProcessor() {;}
+    void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent* event)
+    {
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+        std::cout << ">>>>>> EVENT #" << event->getEventNumber() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+    }

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/EventProcessor.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/EventProcessor.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/EventProcessor.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// $Id: EventProcessor.h,v 1.4 2010/03/11 22:18:44 jeremy Exp $
+#ifndef EventProcessor_h
+#define EventProcessor_h 1
+// stl
+#include <string>
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/LCEvent.h"
+// Avoid circular reference with EventProcessor class.
+class JobManager;
+using EVENT::LCEvent;
+ * This is an API for event processing classes.  Sub-classes must implement
+ * the processEvent() method.  Job information can be retrieved by using the 
+ * pointer to the JobManager.
+ */
+class EventProcessor
+    /**
+     * ctor which requires a name argument.
+     */
+    EventProcessor(std::string name)
+        : m_name(name)
+    {;}
+    /**
+     * Standard dtor.
+     */
+    virtual ~EventProcessor()
+    {;}
+    /**
+     * Set the pointer to the processor's JobManager.
+     */
+    inline void setJobManager(JobManager* manager)
+    {
+        m_manager = manager;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the pointer to the processor's JobManager.
+     */
+    inline JobManager* getJobManager() const
+    {
+        return m_manager;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the name of the processor.
+     */
+    inline const std::string& getName() const
+    {
+        return m_name;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Process a single LCIO event.  This is a pure virtual method that must be 
+     * implemented by sub-classes.  Processors that call Pandora algorithms may 
+     * ignore the LCEvent and retrieve objects directly from the Pandora instance.
+     */
+    virtual void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*) = 0;
+    JobManager* m_manager;
+    std::string m_name;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/IDDecoder.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/IDDecoder.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/IDDecoder.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// $Id: IDDecoder.h,v 1.4 2010/03/11 22:18:44 jeremy Exp $
+#ifndef IDDECODER_H
+#define IDDECODER_H 1
+// stl
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+ * This class extracts field values from 64-bit identifiers based on an identifier 
+ * description.  It provides similar functionality to the GeomConverter Java class
+ * org.lcsim.geometry.util.IDDecoder (but NOT the org.lcsim.geometry.IDDecoder interface
+ * with the same class name).
+ */
+class IDDecoder
+    /**
+     * An IDField represents a portion of a 64-bit id which contains a data field.
+     * This is defined by a starting bit, a length, and a flag that specifies
+     * whether the field may contain signed values that need to be decoded differently
+     * from unsigned fields.  Fields also have a name, e.g. "layer"..
+     */
+    class IDField
+    {        
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Fully specified ctor.  The parameters of IDFields do not change after creation.
+         */
+        IDField(const std::string& name, int start, int length, bool isSigned)
+            : m_name(name), m_start(start), m_length(length), m_signed(isSigned)
+        {;}
+        /**
+         * Standard dtor.
+         */
+        virtual ~IDField()
+        {;}
+        /**
+         * Get the name of the field.
+         */
+        inline const std::string& getName() const
+        {
+            return m_name;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get the start bit of the field, numbered from 0 to 63.
+         */
+        inline const int getStart() const
+        {
+            return m_start;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get the length of the field.
+         */
+        inline const int getLength() const
+        {
+            return m_length;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get the sign flag specifying whether this field may contain signed field values.
+         */
+        inline const bool isSigned() const
+        {
+            return m_signed;
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string m_name;
+        int m_start;
+        int m_length;
+        bool m_signed;
+    };
+    // List of fields.
+    typedef std::vector<IDField*> IDFields;
+    // Map of field indices to fields.
+    typedef std::map<int,IDField*> IndexedFieldMap;
+    // Map of field names to fields.
+    typedef std::map<std::string,IDField*> NamedFieldMap;
+    // Map field names to indices.
+    typedef std::map<std::string,int> Name2IndexMap;
+    /**
+     * ctor that requires a list of fields.
+     */
+    IDDecoder(IDFields fields)
+        : m_fields(fields)
+    {
+        // Setup the field maps.
+        int i=0;
+        for (IDFields::iterator iter = fields.begin();
+             iter != fields.end();
+             iter++)
+        {
+            m_indexMap[i] = (*iter);
+            m_nameMap[(*iter)->getName()] = (*iter);
+            m_name2IndexMap[(*iter)->getName()] = i;
+            i++;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Standard dtor.
+     */
+    virtual ~IDDecoder()
+    {;}
+    /**
+     * Extract a field at the given index from the id.
+     */
+    int getFieldValue(int index, long id);
+    /**
+     * Extract a field with the given name from the id.
+     */
+    int getFieldValue(const std::string& name, long id);
+    /**
+     * Get a field by index.
+     */
+    inline const IDField* getField(int index)
+    {
+        return m_indexMap[index];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get a field by name.
+     */
+    inline const IDField* getField(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        return m_nameMap[name];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the index of a field by name.
+     */
+    inline const int getFieldIndex(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        return m_name2IndexMap[name];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the number of fields.
+     */
+    inline const int getFieldCount() const
+    {
+        return m_fields.size();
+    }
+    IDFields m_fields;
+    IndexedFieldMap m_indexMap;
+    NamedFieldMap m_nameMap;
+    Name2IndexMap m_name2IndexMap;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/JobConfig.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/JobConfig.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/JobConfig.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// $Id: JobConfig.h,v 1.7 2012/01/31 15:08:34 jeremy Exp $
+#ifndef JOBCONFIG_H
+#define JOBCONFIG_H 1
+// stl
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+// slicPandora
+#include "LcioInputCollectionSettings.h"
+ * JobConfig contains the parameters for running Pandora jobs using the JobManager.
+ */
+class JobConfig
+    // List of input files.
+    typedef std::vector<std::string> FileList;
+    // List of calorimeter types.
+    typedef std::vector<std::string> CalorimeterTypes;
+    JobConfig()
+        : nrun(-1),
+          nskip(0),
+          m_useDefaultCaloTypes(true),
+          m_deleteExistingCollections(false)
+    {;}
+    virtual ~JobConfig()
+    {;}
+    /**
+     * Set the Pandora settings XML file path.
+     */
+    void setPandoraSettingsXmlFle(const char* pandoraSettingsXmlFile)
+    {
+        this->pandoraSettingsXmlFile = std::string(pandoraSettingsXmlFile);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the Pandora settings XML file path.
+     */
+    void setPandoraSettingsXmlFile(std::string pandoraSettingsXmlFile)
+    {
+        this->pandoraSettingsXmlFile = pandoraSettingsXmlFile;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the Pandora settings XML file path.
+     */
+    const std::string& getPandoraSettingsXmlFile() const
+    {
+        return pandoraSettingsXmlFile;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the path to the input Pandora geometry file generated by GeomConverter.
+     */
+    void setGeometryFile(const char* geometryFile)
+    {
+        this->geometryFile = std::string(geometryFile);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the path to the input Pandora geometry file generated by GeomConverter.
+     */
+    void setGeometryFile(std::string geometryFile)
+    {
+        this-> geometryFile = geometryFile;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the path to the geometry file.
+     */
+    const std::string& getGeometryFile() const
+    {
+        return geometryFile;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add an input LCIO file.
+     */
+    void addInputFile(const char* filename)
+    {
+        inputLcioFiles.push_back(std::string(filename));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add an input LCIO file.
+     */
+    void addInputFile(std::string filename)
+    {
+        inputLcioFiles.push_back(filename);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the list of input files.
+     */
+    const FileList& getInputFiles() const
+    {
+        return inputLcioFiles;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the LCIO output file path.
+     */
+    void setOutputFile(const char* outputFile)
+    {
+        this->outputFile = std::string(outputFile);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the LCIO output file path.
+     */
+    void setOutputFile(std::string outputFile)
+    {
+        this->outputFile = outputFile;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the LCIO output file path.
+     */
+    const std::string& getOutputFile() const
+    {
+        return outputFile;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the maximum number of events to process.
+     */
+    void setNumberOfEvents(int nrun)
+    {
+        this->nrun = nrun;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the maximum number of events to process.
+     */
+    const int getNumberOfEvents() const
+    {
+        return nrun;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the number of events to skip.
+     */
+    void setSkipEvents(int nskip)
+    {
+        this->nskip = nskip;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the number of events to skip.
+     */
+    const int getSkipEvents() const
+    {
+        return nskip;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get a list of calorimeter types.
+     */
+    const CalorimeterTypes& getCalorimeterTypes() const
+    {
+        return calTypes;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a CalorimeterType.
+     */
+    void addCalorimeterType(const char* calType)
+    {
+        calTypes.push_back(std::string(calType));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a CalorimeterType.
+     */
+    void addCalorimeterType(std::string calType)
+    {
+        calTypes.push_back(calType);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setup to use the default CalorimeterTypes list.
+     */
+    void setupDefaultCalorimeterTypes();
+    /**
+     * Set the XML file used for LCIO collection config.
+     */
+    void setLcioConfigFile(const char* lcioConfigFile)
+    {
+    	this->lcioConfigFile = lcioConfigFile;
+    	m_useDefaultCaloTypes = false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the XML file used for LCIO collection config.
+     */
+    const std::string& getLcioConfigFile() const
+    {
+    	return lcioConfigFile;
+    }
+    const bool useDefaultCaloTypes() const
+    {
+    	return m_useDefaultCaloTypes;
+    }
+    const void setDeleteExistingCollections(bool d)
+    {
+    	m_deleteExistingCollections = d;
+    }
+    const bool deleteExistingCollections() const
+    {
+    	return m_deleteExistingCollections;
+    }
+    std::string pandoraSettingsXmlFile;
+    std::string geometryFile;
+    std::string outputFile;
+    std::string lcioConfigFile;
+    CalorimeterTypes calTypes;
+    FileList inputLcioFiles;
+    int nrun;
+    int nskip;
+    bool m_useDefaultCaloTypes;
+    bool m_deleteExistingCollections;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/JobManager.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/JobManager.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/JobManager.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+// $Id: JobManager.h,v 1.10 2011/09/16 23:31:17 jeremy Exp $
+#ifndef JobManager_h
+#define JobManager_h 1
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/LCEvent.h"
+// pandora
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "JobConfig.h"
+#include "LcioInputCollectionSettings.h"
+class DetectorGeometry;
+class EventProcessor;
+ * The JobManager is a manager class for running slicPandora jobs.
+ * The job configuration is defined in a separate class, JobConfig.
+ */
+class JobManager
+    /**
+     * A list of EventProcessors.
+     */
+    typedef std::vector<EventProcessor*> EventProcessors;
+    /**
+     * Create the JobManager without a configuration.
+     */
+    JobManager();
+    /**
+     * Create the JobManager with a configuration.
+     */
+    JobManager(JobConfig*);
+    /**
+     * Standard dtor.
+     */
+    virtual ~JobManager();
+    /**
+     * Set the job configuration for this run.
+     */
+    void setJobConfig(JobConfig*);
+    /**
+     * Get the job configuration for this run.
+     */
+    JobConfig* getJobConfig();
+    /**
+     * Run the job with the current settings.
+     */
+    void run();
+    /**
+     * Add an EventProcessor to the end of the processor list.
+     */
+    void addEventProcessor(EventProcessor*);
+    /**
+     * Get the DetectorGeometry that was created from the input XML file.
+     */
+    DetectorGeometry* getDetectorGeometry();
+    /**
+     * Get the Pandora PFA instance.
+     */
+    const pandora::Pandora& getPandora();   
+    /**
+     * Get the LCIO input collection settings for the job.
+     */
+    inline const LcioInputCollectionSettings& getLcioCollectionSettings() const
+    {
+    	return collectionSettings;
+    }
+    pandora::StatusCode setupDefaultLcioInputCollectionSettings(LcioInputCollectionSettings& lcioConfig);
+    /**
+     * Run the processEvent() methods of the EventProcessors in order.
+     */
+    void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*);
+    /**
+     * Initialize the job so that it is ready to run.
+     */
+    void initialize();
+    /**
+     * Create Pandora's algorithm generators.
+     */
+    pandora::StatusCode registerUserAlgorithmFactories();
+    /**
+     * Create the geometry from the XML geometry file.
+     */
+    pandora::StatusCode createGeometry();
+    JobConfig* m_config;
+    pandora::Pandora* m_pandora;
+    DetectorGeometry* m_detectorGeometry;
+    EventProcessors m_processors;
+    bool m_geometryLoaded;
+    bool m_initialized;    
+    LcioInputCollectionSettings collectionSettings;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/LcioInputCollectionSettings.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/LcioInputCollectionSettings.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/LcioInputCollectionSettings.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#ifndef LCIOInputCollectionSettings_h
+#define LCIOInputCollectionSettings_h 1
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include "Xml/tinyxml.h"
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+#include "Pandora/StatusCodes.h"
+class LcioInputCollectionSettings
+	public:
+	    /**
+	     * This represents the various kinds of calorimeters within Pandora.
+	     */
+    	/**
+    	 * Map of CaloType to list of collections.
+    	 */
+    	typedef std::map<CaloType, std::vector<std::string> > CaloCollectionMap;
+	    LcioInputCollectionSettings();
+	    virtual ~LcioInputCollectionSettings();
+	    /**
+	     * Read LCIO collection settings from an XML file.
+	     */
+    	pandora::StatusCode readSettings(const std::string& xmlFileName);
+    	/**
+    	 * Add a link from CaloType to a collection.
+    	 */
+    	void addCaloCollection(CaloType type, const std::string& collection)
+    	{
+    	    caloCollectionMap[type].push_back(std::string(collection));
+    	}
+    	/**
+    	 * Get the name of the Track collection.
+    	 */
+    	const std::string& getTrackCollectionName() const
+    	{
+    	    return trackCollectionName;
+    	}
+    	/**
+    	 * Get the name of the TrackState collection.
+    	 */
+    	inline std::string getTrackStateCollectionName(const std::string& trackState)
+    	{
+    	    return trackStateMap[trackState];
+    	}
+    	/**
+    	 * Was setup from XML?
+    	 */
+    	inline bool initialized() const
+    	{
+    		return m_initialized;
+    	}
+    	/**
+    	 * Get the CaloType from a string.
+    	 */
+    	static const CaloType getTypeFromString(const std::string& caloTypeName);
+    	/**
+    	 * Get the type string from a CaloType.
+    	 */
+    	static const std::string& getStringFromType(CaloType caloType);
+    	/**
+    	 * Get the map of CalorimeterHit collection names.
+    	 */
+    	const CaloCollectionMap& getCaloCollectionMap() const
+    	{
+    	    return caloCollectionMap;
+    	}
+    	/**
+    	 * Get the list of default CalorimeterHit subdetector types.
+    	 */
+    	const std::vector<std::string>& getDefaultCalorimeterTypes() const
+    	{
+    	    return defaultCaloTypes;
+    	}
+	private:
+    	bool m_initialized;
+    	std::vector<std::string> defaultCaloTypes;
+    	CaloCollectionMap caloCollectionMap;
+    	std::string trackCollectionName;
+    	std::map<std::string, std::string> trackStateMap;
+        static std::string emBarrel;
+        static std::string emEndcap;
+        static std::string hadBarrel;
+        static std::string hadEndcap;
+        static std::string muonBarrel;
+        static std::string muonEndcap;
+        static std::string unknown;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/MCParticleProcessor.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/MCParticleProcessor.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/MCParticleProcessor.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// pandora
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "EventProcessor.h"
+#include "DetectorGeometry.h"
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/MCParticle.h"
+using EVENT::MCParticle;
+ * This is an event processor that converts collections of MCParticles
+ * to Pandora MCParticle::Parameters and registers them with the current
+ * Pandora instance.  
+ */
+class MCParticleProcessor : public EventProcessor
+    /**
+     * Standard ctor.
+     */
+    MCParticleProcessor()
+        : EventProcessor("MCParticleProcessor")
+    {;}
+    /**
+     * Standard dtor.
+     */
+    virtual ~MCParticleProcessor()
+    {;}
+    /**
+     * This method converts LCIO MCParticles into Pandora CalHit::Parameters.
+     */
+    void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*);
+/*     /\** */
+/*      * Make a 64-bit ID from the two 32-bit cell IDs of a MCParticle. */
+/*      *\/ */
+/*     inline long long makeId64(MCParticle* hit) const */
+/*     {         */
+/*         return ((long long)hit->getCellID1())<<32 | hit->getCellID0(); */
+/*     } */
+    /**
+     * Convert an LCIO MCParticle into a PandoraPFANew MCParticle Parameters.
+     */
+    PandoraApi::MCParticle::Parameters makeMCParticleParameters(MCParticle*, int);
+    /**
+     * Print the given MCParticle::Parameters to cout.
+     */
+    void printMCParticleParameters(const PandoraApi::MCParticle::Parameters&);
+    static std::string mcParticleCollectionName;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PandoraFrontend.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PandoraFrontend.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PandoraFrontend.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// $Id: PandoraFrontend.h,v 1.1 2011/09/19 19:50:10 jeremy Exp $
+class PandoraFrontend
+    public:
+        PandoraFrontend() {;}
+        virtual ~PandoraFrontend() {;}
+        // To be run from program's main and used for return value.
+        int run(int argc, char **argv);
+        static void printUsage();
+#endif /* PANDORAFRONTEND_H_ */

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PandoraProcessor.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PandoraProcessor.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PandoraProcessor.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// slicPandora
+#include "EventProcessor.h"
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/LCEvent.h"
+ * Calls ProcessEvent to activate Pandora on an event.
+ */
+class PandoraProcessor : public EventProcessor
+    PandoraProcessor() 
+        : EventProcessor("PandoraProcessor")
+    {}
+    virtual ~PandoraProcessor()
+    {}
+    void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*);

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PfoConstructionAlgorithm.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PfoConstructionAlgorithm.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PfoConstructionAlgorithm.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// $Id: PfoConstructionAlgorithm.h,v 1.6 2012/07/09 16:57:02 grefe Exp $
+ *  @file   PandoraPFANew/include/Algorithms/PfoConstructionAlgorithm.h
+ * 
+ *  @brief  Header file for the pfo construction algorithm class.
+ * 
+ *  $Log: PfoConstructionAlgorithm.h,v $
+ *  Revision 1.6  2012/07/09 16:57:02  grefe
+ *  fixed name space for tiny xml classes which changed in pandoraPFA
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.5  2011/01/31 22:26:42  stanitzk
+ *
+ *
+ *  Changes to make things work with the latest PandoraVersion
+ *  Important, remove Extremely_ugly_hack, once GeomConverter produces XML
+ *  compliant to John definition
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.4  2010/11/24 16:44:08  speckmay
+ *  status codes are now in namespace pandora
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.3  2010/06/08 21:43:02  jeremy
+ *  make compatible with Pandora release1 (set PANDORA_RELEASE macro to enable); add basic code for digital calorimetry
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.2  2010/03/09 20:13:42  jeremy
+ *  checkpoint
+ *
+ *  Revision 1.1  2010/01/08 22:55:34  ngraf
+ *  First working release.
+ *
+ */
+#include "Pandora/Algorithm.h"
+//#include "Algorithms/PfoConstruction/PfoCreationAlgorithm.h"
+ *  @brief  PfoConstructionAlgorithm class
+ */
+class PfoConstructionAlgorithm : public pandora::Algorithm
+    /**
+     *  @brief  Factory class for instantiating algorithm
+     */
+    class Factory : public pandora::AlgorithmFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        Algorithm *CreateAlgorithm() const;
+    };
+    pandora::StatusCode Run();
+    pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle);
+    // Member variables here
+inline pandora::Algorithm *PfoConstructionAlgorithm::Factory::CreateAlgorithm() const
+    return new PfoConstructionAlgorithm();

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PfoProcessor.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PfoProcessor.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/PfoProcessor.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// $Id: PfoProcessor.h,v 1.4 2010/06/08 22:12:42 jeremy Exp $
+// slicPandora
+#include "EventProcessor.h"
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/LCEvent.h"
+ * This event processor converts Pandora PFO objects into LCIO output.
+ * In the process, it also creates LCIO Cluster's from the Pandora clusters.
+ * For neutral particles without a track association, the energy is set correctly
+ * in the Pandora PFO.  But for PFOs with associated charged tracks, the energy
+ * is not set correctly.  So the associated track is used to set this.
+ */
+class PfoProcessor : public EventProcessor
+    PfoProcessor();
+    virtual ~PfoProcessor();
+    void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*);

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/ResetPandoraProcessor.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/ResetPandoraProcessor.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/ResetPandoraProcessor.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// $Id: ResetPandoraProcessor.h,v 1.3 2013/01/15 22:55:38 jeremy Exp $
+// slicPandora
+#include "EventProcessor.h"
+// pandora
+#include "Api/PandoraApiImpl.h"
+ * This processor resets Pandora for the next event.
+ */
+class ResetPandoraProcessor : public EventProcessor
+    ResetPandoraProcessor() 
+        : EventProcessor("ResetPandoraProcessor")
+    {;}
+    virtual ~ResetPandoraProcessor() {;}
+    void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*)
+    {
+        PandoraApi::Reset(getJobManager()->getPandora());
+        // getJobManager()->getPandora().GetPandoraApiImpl()->ResetForNextEvent();
+    }   

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/SimCalorimeterHitProcessor.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/SimCalorimeterHitProcessor.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/SimCalorimeterHitProcessor.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#ifndef SimCalorimeterHitProcessor_h
+#define SimCalorimeterHitProcessor_h 1
+#include "EventProcessor.h"
+ * This EventProcessor converts SimCalorimeterHits from slic output into CalorimeterHits suitable for Pandora input.
+ * A sampling fraction is applied to the raw energy during this conversion process, and a relation table is
+ * setup to connect the original SimCalorimeterHits to their converted CalorimeterHits.  The output CalorimeterHit
+ * collection is given the same name as the CalorimeterType being processed (e.g. "EM_BARREL", "HAD_ENDCAP", etc.).
+ * This class is based on the example code in slicPandora/src/CalorimeterHitMaker by Norman Graf.  In the future, 
+ * this procedure may be removed from slicPandora and performed in a Java reconstruction processor in LCSim, instead.
+ *
+ * @author Jeremy McCormick
+ */
+class SimCalorimeterHitProcessor : public EventProcessor
+    SimCalorimeterHitProcessor();
+    virtual ~SimCalorimeterHitProcessor();
+    void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*);
+    // New impl.
+    void processEventNew(EVENT::LCEvent*);

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/SimpleTrackProcessor.h
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/SimpleTrackProcessor.h	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/include/SimpleTrackProcessor.h	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// $Id: SimpleTrackProcessor.h,v 1.4 2010/10/06 22:51:22 jeremy Exp $
+// slicPandora
+#include "EventProcessor.h"
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/LCEvent.h"
+// pandora
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+using EVENT::LCEvent;
+ * This class converts from LCIO Tracks to PandoraApi::Track::Parameters
+ * by reading in the "Tracks" collection from LCSim output events, as well
+ * as three LCGenericObject collections containing TrackStates (x,y,z,px,py,pz)
+ * at the track start, at the ECal face, and at the track end point.  It will
+ * also setup links between Tracks and their associated MCParticles if the 
+ * LCRelations collection is present.
+ */
+class SimpleTrackProcessor : public EventProcessor
+    SimpleTrackProcessor()
+        : EventProcessor("SimpleTrackProcessor")
+    {;}
+    virtual ~SimpleTrackProcessor()
+    {;}
+    void processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*);
+    //void setupTrackStatesFromRelations(PandoraApi::Track::Parameters&, EVENT::LCEvent*);
+    void setupTrackStatesFromGenericObjects(PandoraApi::Track::Parameters&, EVENT::LCEvent*, int);
+    static std::string trackCollectionName;
+    //static std::string startCollectionName;
+    //static std::string ecalCollectionName;
+    //static std::string endCollectionName;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/scripts/
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/scripts/	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/scripts/	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+${testcase} ${@} &> /dev/null
+if [ "$ret" -ne 0 ]; then
+   res=Failure
+# Write to test log.
+echo "TEST: ${testcase}, RESULT: $res, RETURN_CODE: $ret" >> test.log

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/PandoraSettingsDigiCal.xml
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/PandoraSettingsDigiCal.xml	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/PandoraSettingsDigiCal.xml	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+<!-- Pandora settings xml file -->
+    <!-- GLOBAL SETTINGS -->
+    <IsMonitoringEnabled> true </IsMonitoringEnabled>
+    <ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo> false </ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo>
+    <ShouldCollapseMCParticlesToPfoTarget> true </ShouldCollapseMCParticlesToPfoTarget>
+    <!-- PLUGIN SETTINGS -->
+    <HadronicEnergyCorrectionPlugins> CleanClusters MuonCoilCorrection </HadronicEnergyCorrectionPlugins>
+    <EmShowerPlugin> LCEmShowerId </EmShowerPlugin>
+    <PhotonPlugin> LCPhotonId </PhotonPlugin>
+    <ElectronPlugin> LCElectronId </ElectronPlugin>
+    <MuonPlugin> LCMuonId </MuonPlugin>
+    <!-- Set calo hit properties, then select tracks and hits to use for clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "CaloHitPreparation"/>
+    <algorithm type = "EventPreparation"/>
+    <!-- Primary clustering algorithm runs Clustering algorithm -->
+    <algorithm type = "PrimaryClustering">
+        <algorithm type = "Clustering" description = "ClusterFormation" instance = "mainClustering"/>
+        <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc">
+            <associationAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "LoopingTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BrokenTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging2"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks2"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging3"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging4"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ProximityBasedMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "ConeBasedMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "MipPhotonSeparation">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "SoftClusterMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "IsolatedHitMerging"/>
+            </associationAlgorithms>
+        </algorithm>
+        <ClusterListName> PrimaryClusterList </ClusterListName>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Reclustering algorithm runs multiple Clustering algorithms -->
+    <algorithm type = "Reclustering">
+        <reclusteringAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.24</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.4</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>2</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>2</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>2.24</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.44</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.18</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.3</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1.5</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.68</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.08</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.15</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.25</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1.25</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1.25</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.4</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.9</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.12</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.2</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.12</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.72</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.09</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.15</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.75</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.75</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.84</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.54</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.075</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.125</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.625</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.625</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.7</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.45</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.06</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.1</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.5</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.56</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.36</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.045</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.075</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.375</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.375</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.42</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.27</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.03</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.05</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.25</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.25</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.28</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.18</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10">
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>250</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>3</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>3</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>2</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11">
+                        <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12">
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>1000</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>6</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>3</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackDrivenMerging">
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "ResolveTrackAssociations">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackDrivenAssociation">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "ExitingTrack">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+        </reclusteringAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Muon clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "PrimaryClustering">
+        <algorithm type = "Clustering" description = "ClusterFormation">
+            <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.75</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+            <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>12.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>14</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+            <MaxClusterDirProjection>1000</MaxClusterDirProjection>
+            <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+            <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+        </algorithm>
+        <InputCaloHitListName> MuonYokeHits </InputCaloHitListName>
+        <RestoreOriginalCaloHitList> true </RestoreOriginalCaloHitList>
+        <ClusterListName> MuonClusterList </ClusterListName>
+        <ReplaceCurrentClusterList> false </ReplaceCurrentClusterList>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "MuonClusterAssociation"/>
+    <!-- Photon recovery -->
+    <algorithm type = "PhotonRecovery">
+        <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "MuonPhotonSeparation">
+        <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Prepare particle flow objects -->
+    <algorithm type = "ClusterPreparation">
+        <CandidateListNames>PrimaryClusterList</CandidateListNames>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "TrackPreparation">
+        <CandidateListNames>Input</CandidateListNames>
+        <trackClusterAssociationAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+            <algorithm type = "LoopingTrackAssociation"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecovery"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecoveryHelix"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecoveryInteractions"/>
+        </trackClusterAssociationAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "FragmentRemoval">
+        <fragmentRemovalAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "MainFragmentRemoval"/>
+            <algorithm type = "NeutralFragmentRemoval"/>
+            <algorithm type = "PhotonFragmentRemoval"/>
+        </fragmentRemovalAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Create particle flow objects -->
+    <algorithm type = "ForceSplitTrackAssociations"/>
+    <algorithm type = "PfoCreation"/>
+    <!-- Particle flow object modification algorithms -->
+    <algorithm type = "FinalParticleId"/>
+    <algorithm type = "V0PfoCreation"/>
+    <!--algorithm type = "DumpPfosMonitoring"/-->
+    <!--algorithm type = "VisualMonitoring"/-->

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/PandoraSettingsMuon.xml
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/PandoraSettingsMuon.xml	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/PandoraSettingsMuon.xml	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+<!-- Pandora settings xml file -->
+    <!-- GLOBAL SETTINGS -->
+    <IsMonitoringEnabled> true </IsMonitoringEnabled>
+    <ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo> false </ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo>
+    <ShouldCollapseMCParticlesToPfoTarget> true </ShouldCollapseMCParticlesToPfoTarget>
+    <!-- PLUGIN SETTINGS -->
+    <HadronicEnergyCorrectionPlugins> CleanClusters ScaleHotHadrons MuonCoilCorrection </HadronicEnergyCorrectionPlugins>
+    <EmShowerPlugin> LCEmShowerId </EmShowerPlugin>
+    <PhotonPlugin> LCPhotonId </PhotonPlugin>
+    <ElectronPlugin> LCElectronId </ElectronPlugin>
+    <MuonPlugin> LCMuonId </MuonPlugin>
+    <!-- Set calo hit properties, then select tracks and hits to use for clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "CaloHitPreparation"/>
+    <algorithm type = "EventPreparation"/>
+    <!-- Standalone muon clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "MuonReconstruction">
+        <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" description = "MuonClusterFormation">
+            <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.3</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+            <ConeApproachMaxSeparation>2000</ConeApproachMaxSeparation>
+            <MaxClusterDirProjection>2000</MaxClusterDirProjection>
+            <ShouldUseIsolatedHits>true</ShouldUseIsolatedHits>
+            <LayersToStepBackCoarse>30</LayersToStepBackCoarse>
+            <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.8</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+            <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+            <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+        </algorithm>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Clustering parent algorithm runs a daughter clustering algorithm -->
+    <algorithm type = "ClusteringParent">
+        <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" description = "ClusterFormation"/>
+        <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation">
+            <associationAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "LoopingTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BrokenTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging2"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks2"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging3"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging4"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ProximityBasedMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "ConeBasedMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "MipPhotonSeparation">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "SoftClusterMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "IsolatedHitMerging"/>
+            </associationAlgorithms>
+        </algorithm>
+        <ClusterListName> PrimaryClusterList </ClusterListName>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Reclustering algorithms run multiple clustering algorithms -->
+    <algorithm type = "ReclusteringParent">
+        <reclusteringAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering1">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.24</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.4</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>2</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>2</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>2.24</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.44</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering2">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.18</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.3</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1.5</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.68</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.08</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering3">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.15</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.25</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1.25</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1.25</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.4</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.9</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering4">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.12</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.2</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.12</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.72</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering5">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.09</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.15</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.75</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.75</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.84</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.54</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering6">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.075</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.125</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.625</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.625</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.7</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.45</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering7">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.06</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.1</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.5</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.56</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.36</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering8">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.045</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.075</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.375</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.375</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.42</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.27</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering9">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.03</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.05</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.25</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.25</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.28</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.18</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering10">
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>250</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>3</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>3</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>2</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering11">
+                        <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering12">
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>1000</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>6</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>3</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "reclusterAssociation">
+                    <associationAlgorithms>
+                        <algorithm type = "LoopingTracks"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "BrokenTracks"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging2"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks2"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging3"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging4"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "ProximityBasedMerging">
+                            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                        </algorithm>
+                        <algorithm type = "ConeBasedMerging">
+                            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                        </algorithm>
+                        <algorithm type = "MipPhotonSeparation">
+                            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                        </algorithm>
+                        <algorithm type = "SoftClusterMerging">
+                            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                        </algorithm>
+                        <algorithm type = "IsolatedHitMerging"/>
+                    </associationAlgorithms>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "reclusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackDrivenMerging">
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "ResolveTrackAssociations">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "reclusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackDrivenAssociation">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "reclusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "ExitingTrack">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "reclusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+        </reclusteringAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Muon clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "ClusteringParent">
+        <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" description = "ClusterFormation">
+            <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.75</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+            <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>12.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>14</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+            <MaxClusterDirProjection>1000</MaxClusterDirProjection>
+            <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+            <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+        </algorithm>
+        <InputCaloHitListName> MuonRemovedYokeHits </InputCaloHitListName>
+        <RestoreOriginalCaloHitList> true </RestoreOriginalCaloHitList>
+        <ClusterListName> MuonRemovedYokeClusterList </ClusterListName>
+        <ReplaceCurrentClusterList> false </ReplaceCurrentClusterList>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "MuonClusterAssociation">
+        <MuonClusterListName>MuonRemovedYokeClusterList</MuonClusterListName>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Photon recovery -->
+    <algorithm type = "PhotonRecovery">
+        <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "MuonPhotonSeparation">
+        <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Prepare particle flow objects -->
+    <algorithm type = "TrackPreparation">
+        <CandidateListNames>Input</CandidateListNames>
+        <trackClusterAssociationAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+            <algorithm type = "LoopingTrackAssociation"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecovery"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecoveryHelix"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecoveryInteractions"/>
+        </trackClusterAssociationAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "FragmentRemovalParent">
+        <fragmentRemovalAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "MainFragmentRemoval"/>
+            <algorithm type = "NeutralFragmentRemoval"/>
+            <algorithm type = "PhotonFragmentRemoval"/>
+        </fragmentRemovalAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Create particle flow objects -->
+    <algorithm type = "ForceSplitTrackAssociations"/>
+    <algorithm type = "PfoCreation"/>
+    <!-- Particle flow object modification algorithms -->
+    <algorithm type = "FinalParticleId"/>
+    <algorithm type = "V0PfoCreation"/>
+    <!--algorithm type = "DumpPfosMonitoring"/-->
+    <!--algorithm type = "VisualMonitoring"/-->

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/PandoraSettingsWithMonitoring.xml
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/PandoraSettingsWithMonitoring.xml	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/PandoraSettingsWithMonitoring.xml	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+<!-- Pandora settings xml file -->
+    <!-- GLOBAL SETTINGS -->
+    <IsMonitoringEnabled> true </IsMonitoringEnabled>
+    <ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo> false </ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo>
+    <ShouldCollapseMCParticlesToPfoTarget> true </ShouldCollapseMCParticlesToPfoTarget>
+    <!-- PLUGIN SETTINGS -->
+    <HadronicEnergyCorrectionPlugins> CleanClusters ScaleHotHadrons MuonCoilCorrection </HadronicEnergyCorrectionPlugins>
+    <EmShowerPlugin> LCEmShowerId </EmShowerPlugin>
+    <PhotonPlugin> LCPhotonId </PhotonPlugin>
+    <ElectronPlugin> LCElectronId </ElectronPlugin>
+    <MuonPlugin> LCMuonId </MuonPlugin>
+    <!-- Set calo hit properties, then select tracks and hits to use for clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "CaloHitPreparation"/>
+    <algorithm type = "EventPreparation"/>
+    <!-- Primary clustering algorithm runs Clustering algorithm -->
+    <algorithm type = "PrimaryClustering">
+        <algorithm type = "Clustering" description = "ClusterFormation" instance = "mainClustering"/>
+        <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc">
+            <associationAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "LoopingTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BrokenTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging2"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks2"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging3"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging4"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ProximityBasedMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "ConeBasedMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "MipPhotonSeparation">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "SoftClusterMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "IsolatedHitMerging"/>
+            </associationAlgorithms>
+        </algorithm>
+        <ClusterListName> PrimaryClusterList </ClusterListName>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Reclustering algorithm runs multiple Clustering algorithms -->
+    <algorithm type = "Reclustering">
+        <reclusteringAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.24</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.4</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>2</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>2</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>2.24</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.44</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.18</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.3</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1.5</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.68</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.08</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.15</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.25</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1.25</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1.25</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.4</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.9</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.12</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.2</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.12</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.72</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.09</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.15</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.75</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.75</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.84</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.54</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.075</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.125</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.625</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.625</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.7</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.45</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.06</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.1</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.5</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.56</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.36</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.045</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.075</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.375</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.375</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.42</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.27</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.03</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.05</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.25</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.25</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.28</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.18</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10">
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>250</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>3</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>3</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>2</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11">
+                        <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12">
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>1000</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>6</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>3</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackDrivenMerging">
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "ResolveTrackAssociations">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackDrivenAssociation">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "ExitingTrack">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "Clustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociation" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "mainTopologicalAssoc"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+        </reclusteringAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Muon clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "PrimaryClustering">
+        <algorithm type = "Clustering" description = "ClusterFormation">
+            <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.75</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+            <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>12.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>14</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+            <MaxClusterDirProjection>1000</MaxClusterDirProjection>
+            <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+            <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+        </algorithm>
+        <InputCaloHitListName> MuonYokeHits </InputCaloHitListName>
+        <RestoreOriginalCaloHitList> true </RestoreOriginalCaloHitList>
+        <ClusterListName> MuonClusterList </ClusterListName>
+        <ReplaceCurrentClusterList> false </ReplaceCurrentClusterList>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "MuonClusterAssociation"/>
+    <!-- Photon recovery -->
+    <algorithm type = "PhotonRecovery">
+        <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "MuonPhotonSeparation">
+        <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Prepare particle flow objects -->
+    <algorithm type = "ClusterPreparation">
+        <CandidateListNames>PrimaryClusterList</CandidateListNames>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "TrackPreparation">
+        <CandidateListNames>Input</CandidateListNames>
+        <trackClusterAssociationAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+            <algorithm type = "LoopingTrackAssociation"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecovery"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecoveryHelix"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecoveryInteractions"/>
+        </trackClusterAssociationAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "FragmentRemoval">
+        <fragmentRemovalAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "MainFragmentRemoval"/>
+            <algorithm type = "NeutralFragmentRemoval"/>
+            <algorithm type = "PhotonFragmentRemoval"/>
+        </fragmentRemovalAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Create particle flow objects -->
+    <algorithm type = "ForceSplitTrackAssociations"/>
+    <algorithm type = "PfoCreation"/>
+    <!-- Particle flow object modification algorithms -->
+    <algorithm type = "FinalParticleId"/>
+    <algorithm type = "V0PfoCreation"/>
+    <!--algorithm type = "DumpPfosMonitoring"/-->
+    <!-- PandoraMonitoring setup taken from its README.txt file. -->
+    <algorithm type = "VisualMonitoring" description = "display all">
+        <!--  draw specific named cluster lists -->
+<!--        <ClusterListNames>PrimaryClusterList PhotonClusterList</ClusterListNames> -->
+        <ClusterListNames>PrimaryClusterList</ClusterListNames> 
+        <!--  Use ROOT TEve for visualization -->
+        <UseROOTEve>true</UseROOTEve>
+        <!--  draw Monte Carlo particles -->
+        <ShowMCParticles>true</ShowMCParticles> 
+        <!--  draw the current PFOs -->
+        <ShowCurrentPfos>true</ShowCurrentPfos>
+        <!--  draw the current cluster-list   -->
+        <ShowCurrentClusters>true</ShowCurrentClusters>
+        <!--  draw the current track-list   -->
+        <ShowCurrentTracks>false</ShowCurrentTracks>
+        <!--  when drawing the current calo-hit-list, draw only calohits which are not clustered yet   -->
+        <ShowOnlyAvailable>true</ShowOnlyAvailable>
+        <!--  draw the current calohit-list   -->
+        <ShowCurrentCaloHits>false</ShowCurrentCaloHits>
+        <!--  (re)draw the display   -->
+        <Show>true</Show>
+    </algorithm>

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/clic_sid_cdr_PandoraSettings.xml
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/clic_sid_cdr_PandoraSettings.xml	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/settings/clic_sid_cdr_PandoraSettings.xml	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+<!-- Pandora settings xml file -->
+    <IsMonitoringEnabled> true </IsMonitoringEnabled>
+    <ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo> false </ShouldDisplayAlgorithmInfo>
+    <!-- Plugin helper functions -->
+    <HadronicEnergyCorrectionFunctions> CleanClusters ScaleHotHadrons MuonCoilCorrection </HadronicEnergyCorrectionFunctions>
+    <EmShowerFastFunction> FineGranularityEmShowerId </EmShowerFastFunction>
+    <PhotonFastFunction> FineGranularityPhotonId </PhotonFastFunction>
+    <ElectronFastFunction> FineGranularityElectronId </ElectronFastFunction>
+    <MuonFastFunction> FineGranularityMuonId </MuonFastFunction>
+    <!-- CaloHit helper settings -->
+    <CaloHitHelper>
+        <ShouldCalculateDensityWeight>false</ShouldCalculateDensityWeight>
+        <ShouldCalculateSurroundingEnergy>false</ShouldCalculateSurroundingEnergy>
+    </CaloHitHelper>
+    <!-- Select tracks and hits to use for clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "EventPreparation"/>
+    <!-- Standalone muon clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "MuonReconstruction">
+        <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" description = "MuonClusterFormation">
+            <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.3</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+            <ConeApproachMaxSeparation>2000.f</ConeApproachMaxSeparation>
+            <MaxClusterDirProjection>2000.f</MaxClusterDirProjection>
+            <ShouldUseIsolatedHits>true</ShouldUseIsolatedHits>
+            <LayersToStepBackCoarse>30</LayersToStepBackCoarse>
+            <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.8</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+            <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+            <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+        </algorithm>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Clustering parent algorithm runs a daughter clustering algorithm -->
+    <algorithm type = "ClusteringParent">
+        <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" description = "ClusterFormation"/>
+        <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation">
+            <associationAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "LoopingTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BrokenTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging2"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks"/>
+                <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks2"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging3"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging4"/>
+                <algorithm type = "ProximityBasedMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "ConeBasedMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "MipPhotonSeparation">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "SoftClusterMerging">
+                    <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                    <ClosestDistanceCut0>33.</ClosestDistanceCut0>
+                    <ClosestDistanceCut1>66.</ClosestDistanceCut1>
+                    <ClosestDistanceCut2>166.</ClosestDistanceCut2>
+                    <MaxClusterDistanceFine>66.</MaxClusterDistanceFine>
+                    <MaxClusterDistanceCoarse>166.</MaxClusterDistanceCoarse>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "IsolatedHitMerging"/>
+            </associationAlgorithms>
+        </algorithm>
+        <ClusterListName> PrimaryClusterList </ClusterListName>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Reclustering algorithms run multiple clustering algorithms -->
+    <algorithm type = "ReclusteringParent">
+        <reclusteringAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering1">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.24</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.4</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>2</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>2</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>2.24</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.44</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering2">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.18</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.3</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1.5</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.68</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>1.08</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering3">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.15</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.25</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1.25</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1.25</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.4</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.9</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering4">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.12</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.2</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>1</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>1</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>1.12</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.72</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering5">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.09</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.15</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.75</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.75</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.84</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.54</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering6">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.075</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.125</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.625</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.625</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.7</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.45</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering7">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.06</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.1</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.5</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.56</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.36</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering8">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.045</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.075</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.375</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.375</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.42</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.27</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering9">
+                        <TanConeAngleFine>0.03</TanConeAngleFine>
+                        <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.05</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsFine>0.25</AdditionalPadWidthsFine>
+                        <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>0.25</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsFine>0.28</SameLayerPadWidthsFine>
+                        <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>0.18</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>100</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering10">
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>250</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>3</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>3</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>2</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering11">
+                        <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering12">
+                        <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>1000</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>6</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+                        <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>3</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+                        <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+                    </algorithm>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "reclusterAssociation">
+                    <associationAlgorithms>
+                        <algorithm type = "LoopingTracks"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "BrokenTracks"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging2"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "BackscatteredTracks2"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging3"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "ShowerMipMerging4"/>
+                        <algorithm type = "ProximityBasedMerging">
+                            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                        </algorithm>
+                        <algorithm type = "ConeBasedMerging">
+                            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                        </algorithm>
+                        <algorithm type = "MipPhotonSeparation">
+                            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                        </algorithm>
+                        <algorithm type = "SoftClusterMerging">
+                            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+                            <ClosestDistanceCut0>33.</ClosestDistanceCut0>
+                            <ClosestDistanceCut1>66.</ClosestDistanceCut1>
+                            <ClosestDistanceCut2>166.</ClosestDistanceCut2>
+                            <MaxClusterDistanceFine>66.</MaxClusterDistanceFine>
+                            <MaxClusterDistanceCoarse>166.</MaxClusterDistanceCoarse>
+                        </algorithm>
+                        <algorithm type = "IsolatedHitMerging"/>
+                    </associationAlgorithms>
+                </algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "reclusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackDrivenMerging">
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "ResolveTrackAssociations">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "reclusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackDrivenAssociation">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "reclusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+            </algorithm>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitTrackAssociations" instance = "SplitTrackAssociations1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "SplitMergedClusters" instance = "SplitMergedClusters1"/>
+            <algorithm type = "ExitingTrack">
+                <clusteringAlgorithms>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering1"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering2"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering3"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering4"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering5"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering6"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering7"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering8"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering9"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering10"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering11"/>
+                    <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" instance = "Reclustering12"/>
+                </clusteringAlgorithms>
+                <algorithm type = "TopologicalAssociationParent" description = "ClusterAssociation" instance = "reclusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation" description = "TrackClusterAssociation"></algorithm>
+                <UsingOrderedAlgorithms>true</UsingOrderedAlgorithms>
+                <ShouldUseForcedClustering>true</ShouldUseForcedClustering>
+                <algorithm type = "ForcedClustering" description = "ForcedClustering"/>
+            </algorithm>
+        </reclusteringAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Muon clustering -->
+    <algorithm type = "ClusteringParent">
+        <algorithm type = "ConeClustering" description = "ClusterFormation">
+            <TanConeAngleCoarse>0.75</TanConeAngleCoarse>
+            <AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>12.5</AdditionalPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>14</SameLayerPadWidthsCoarse>
+            <ShouldUseTrackSeed>false</ShouldUseTrackSeed>
+            <MaxClusterDirProjection>1000</MaxClusterDirProjection>
+            <MaxTrackSeedSeparation>0</MaxTrackSeedSeparation>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackSeed>0</MaxLayersToTrackSeed>
+            <MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>0</MaxLayersToTrackLikeHit>
+            <TrackPathWidth>0</TrackPathWidth>
+        </algorithm>
+        <InputCaloHitListName> MuonRemovedYokeHits </InputCaloHitListName>
+        <RestoreOriginalCaloHitList> true </RestoreOriginalCaloHitList>
+        <ClusterListName> MuonRemovedYokeClusterList </ClusterListName>
+        <ReplaceCurrentClusterList> false </ReplaceCurrentClusterList>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "MuonClusterAssociation">
+        <MuonClusterListName>MuonRemovedYokeClusterList</MuonClusterListName>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Photon recovery -->
+    <algorithm type = "PhotonRecovery">
+        <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "MuonPhotonSeparation">
+        <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Prepare particle flow objects -->
+    <algorithm type = "TrackPreparation">
+        <CandidateListNames>Input</CandidateListNames>
+        <trackClusterAssociationAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackClusterAssociation"/>
+            <algorithm type = "LoopingTrackAssociation"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecovery"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecoveryHelix"/>
+            <algorithm type = "TrackRecoveryInteractions"/>
+        </trackClusterAssociationAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <algorithm type = "FragmentRemovalParent">
+        <fragmentRemovalAlgorithms>
+            <algorithm type = "MainFragmentRemoval"/>
+            <algorithm type = "NeutralFragmentRemoval"/>
+            <algorithm type = "PhotonFragmentRemoval"/>
+        </fragmentRemovalAlgorithms>
+    </algorithm>
+    <!-- Create particle flow objects -->
+    <algorithm type = "ForceSplitTrackAssociations"/>
+    <algorithm type = "PfoCreation"/>
+    <!-- Particle flow object modification algorithms -->
+    <algorithm type = "FinalParticleId"/>
+    <algorithm type = "V0PfoCreation"/>

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/CalorimeterHitProcessor.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/CalorimeterHitProcessor.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/CalorimeterHitProcessor.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// $Id: CalorimeterHitProcessor.cpp,v 1.24 2012/01/19 00:00:22 jeremy Exp $
+#include "CalorimeterHitProcessor.h"
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+// pandora
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+#include "Managers/GeometryManager.h"
+#include "Objects/SubDetector.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "IDDecoder.h"
+#include "JobManager.h"
+#include "JobConfig.h"
+#include "DetectorGeometry.h"
+// stl
+#include <cmath>
+using std::fabs;
+using EVENT::CalorimeterHit;
+using EVENT::LCCollection;
+void CalorimeterHitProcessor::processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent* event)
+    // Get the parameter objects necessary for CaloHit conversion to Pandora.
+    const pandora::Pandora& pandora = getJobManager()->getPandora();
+    DetectorGeometry* geom = getJobManager()->getDetectorGeometry();
+    const LcioInputCollectionSettings::CaloCollectionMap& caloCollMap = getJobManager()->getLcioCollectionSettings().getCaloCollectionMap();
+    for (LcioInputCollectionSettings::CaloCollectionMap::const_iterator iter = caloCollMap.begin();
+            iter != caloCollMap.end();
+            iter++)
+    {
+        std::string caloType = LcioInputCollectionSettings::getStringFromType(iter->first);
+        // Get the SubDetector parameters.
+        const pandora::SubDetectorType subDetectorType(geom->getPandoraSubDetectorType(caloType));
+        const pandora::SubDetector &subdet(pandora.GetGeometry()->GetSubDetector(subDetectorType));
+        DetectorGeometry::ExtraSubDetectorParameters* xsubdet = geom->getExtraSubDetectorParametersFromType(caloType);
+        const LCCollection* caloHits;
+        // Check again if collection exists.  If not, could be okay so skip and move on.
+        try 
+        {
+            caloHits = event->getCollection(caloType);
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            std::cout << "Could not get collection " << caloType << " from event." << std::endl;
+            throw new std::exception;
+        }
+        int nhits = caloHits->getNumberOfElements();
+        for (int i=0; i<nhits; i++)
+        {
+            CalorimeterHit* calHit = dynamic_cast<CalorimeterHit*> (caloHits->getElementAt(i));
+            PandoraApi::CaloHit::Parameters caloHitParams = makeCaloHitParameters(&subdet, xsubdet, calHit);
+            PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::CaloHit::Create(pandora, caloHitParams));
+        }
+    }
+PandoraApi::CaloHit::Parameters CalorimeterHitProcessor::makeCaloHitParameters(
+    const pandora::SubDetector* subdet,
+    DetectorGeometry::ExtraSubDetectorParameters* xsubdet,
+    CalorimeterHit* hit)
+    // Create a new, empty CaloHit Parameters.
+    PandoraApi::CaloHit::Parameters params;
+    // Get the IDDecoder.
+    IDDecoder* decoder = xsubdet->m_decoder;
+    // Make a 64-bit id for the hit.
+    long long cellId = makeId64(hit);
+    // Get the layer number.
+    int layer = decoder->getFieldValue("layer", cellId);
+    // Get the layer parameters for this layer.
+    const pandora::SubDetector::SubDetectorLayerList &layerList = subdet->GetSubDetectorLayerList();
+    const int nlayers = layerList.size();
+    // Set isInOuterSamplingLayer.
+    if (xsubdet->m_inputHitType.Get() == pandora::HCAL)
+    {
+        if (layer >= nlayers - 3)
+        {
+            params.m_isInOuterSamplingLayer = true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            params.m_isInOuterSamplingLayer = false;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (xsubdet->m_inputHitType.Get() == pandora::MUON)
+    {
+        params.m_isInOuterSamplingLayer = true;
+    }
+    else if (xsubdet->m_inputHitType.Get() == pandora::ECAL)
+    {
+        params.m_isInOuterSamplingLayer = false;
+    }
+    // Get layer parameters.
+    const pandora::SubDetector::SubDetectorLayer &layerParams = layerList[layer];
+    DetectorGeometry::ExtraLayerParameters xlayerParams = xsubdet->m_extraLayerParams[layer];
+    // Mip Energy.
+    float mipEnergy = xsubdet->m_mipEnergy.Get();
+    // Sampling fractions.
+    float samplingFraction = xlayerParams.m_samplingFraction.Get();
+    float emSamplingFraction = xlayerParams.m_emSamplingFraction.Get();
+    float hadSamplingFraction = xlayerParams.m_hadSamplingFraction.Get();
+    // Recover the raw energy with reverse calculation.
+    // Should work for both digital and analog because sampling fraction 
+    // is applied in SimCalorimeterHitProcessor for both places.
+    float rawEnergy = hit->getEnergy() * samplingFraction;        
+    // Get the module number.
+    int module = decoder->getFieldValue("module", cellId);
+    // Get the hit position.
+    const float* pos(hit->getPosition());   
+    // Position in mm.
+    params.m_positionVector = pandora::CartesianVector(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
+    params.m_expectedDirection = pandora::CartesianVector(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]).GetUnitVector();
+    // Copy energy from CalHit. 
+    params.m_inputEnergy = hit->getEnergy();
+    // Get the digital calorimeter setting from the associated subdetector parameters.
+    params.m_isDigital = xsubdet->m_isDigital; 
+    // For digital hits, divide 1 by the sampling fractions.
+    if (params.m_isDigital.Get() == true)
+    {
+        // EM energy in GeV.
+        params.m_electromagneticEnergy = 1. / emSamplingFraction;
+        // HAD energy in GeV.
+        params.m_hadronicEnergy = 1. / hadSamplingFraction;
+        // MIP equivalent energy.
+        params.m_mipEquivalentEnergy = 1. / mipEnergy; 
+    }
+    // For analog hits, divide the raw energy by the sampling fractions.
+    else
+    {
+        // EM energy in GeV.
+        params.m_electromagneticEnergy = rawEnergy / emSamplingFraction;
+        // HAD energy in GeV.
+        params.m_hadronicEnergy = rawEnergy / hadSamplingFraction;
+        // MIP equivalent energy.
+        params.m_mipEquivalentEnergy = rawEnergy / mipEnergy; 
+    }
+    // Layer number.
+    params.m_layer = layer;
+    // Hit time in ns.
+    params.m_time = hit->getTime();
+    // Pointer to the source hit.
+    params.m_pParentAddress = hit; 
+    // Cell size U in mm.
+    params.m_cellSize0 = xsubdet->m_cellSizeU;
+    // Cell size V in mm.
+    params.m_cellSize1 = xsubdet->m_cellSizeV;
+    // Cell geometry, rectangular or pointing
+    params.m_cellGeometry = pandora::RECTANGULAR;
+    // Cell thickness in mm.
+    params.m_cellThickness = xlayerParams.m_cellThickness; 
+    // Number of radiation lengths in layer.
+    params.m_nCellRadiationLengths = layerParams.GetNRadiationLengths();
+    // Number of interaction lengths in layer.
+    params.m_nCellInteractionLengths = layerParams.GetNInteractionLengths();
+    // Type of hit.
+    params.m_hitType = xsubdet->m_inputHitType;
+    // Type of hit region.
+    params.m_hitRegion = xsubdet->m_inputHitRegion;
+    // Barrel case uses module.
+    if (xsubdet->m_inputHitRegion.Get() == pandora::BARREL)
+    {
+        params.m_cellNormalVector = *(xsubdet->;
+    }
+    // Endcap case is computed.
+    else
+    {
+        params.m_cellNormalVector = pandora::CartesianVector(0., 0., pos[2]/fabs(pos[2]));
+    }
+    // Return completed calorimeter parameters.
+    return params;
+void CalorimeterHitProcessor::printCaloHitParameters(const PandoraApi::CaloHit::Parameters& params)
+    std::cout << params.m_positionVector.Get() << " [mm]" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    energy: " << params.m_inputEnergy.Get() << " [GeV]" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    layer: " << params.m_layer.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    time: " << params.m_time.Get() << " [ns]" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    cell sizes: " << params.m_cellSize0.Get() << ", " << params.m_cellSize1.Get() << " [mm]" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    cell thick: " << params.m_cellThickness.Get() << " [mm]" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    radLengths: " << params.m_nCellRadiationLengths.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    intLengths: " << params.m_nCellInteractionLengths.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    normalVec: " << params.m_cellNormalVector.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    hitType: " << params.m_hitType.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    hitRegion: " << params.m_hitRegion.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    outerLayer: " << params.m_isInOuterSamplingLayer.Get() << std::endl;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/ClusterShapes.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/ClusterShapes.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/ClusterShapes.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+#include "ClusterShapes.h"
+// #################################################
+// #####                                       #####
+// #####  Additional Structures and Functions  #####
+// #####                                       #####
+// #################################################
+struct data {
+  int n;
+  float* x;
+  float* y;
+  float* z;
+  float* ex;
+  float* ey;
+  float* ez;
+// ##########################################
+// #####                                #####
+// #####   Constructor and Destructor   #####
+// #####                                #####
+// ##########################################
+ClusterShapes::ClusterShapes(int nhits, float* a, float* x, float* y, float* z){
+  _nHits = nhits;
+  _aHit = new float[_nHits];
+  _xHit = new float[_nHits];
+  _yHit = new float[_nHits];
+  _zHit = new float[_nHits];
+  _exHit = new float[_nHits];   
+  _eyHit = new float[_nHits];
+  _ezHit = new float[_nHits];         
+  _types = new int[_nHits];
+  _xl = new float[_nHits];
+  _xt = new float[_nHits];
+  _t = new float[_nHits];
+  _s = new float[_nHits]; 
+  for (int i(0); i < nhits; ++i) {
+    _aHit[i] = a[i];
+    _xHit[i] = x[i];
+    _yHit[i] = y[i];
+    _zHit[i] = z[i];
+    _exHit[i] = 1.0;
+    _eyHit[i] = 1.0;
+    _ezHit[i] = 1.0;
+    _types[i] = 1; // all hits are assumed to be "cyllindrical"
+  }
+  _ifNotGravity     = 1;
+  _ifNotWidth       = 1;
+  _ifNotInertia     = 1;
+  _ifNotEigensystem = 1;
+ClusterShapes::~ClusterShapes() {
+  delete[] _aHit;
+  delete[] _xHit;
+  delete[] _yHit;
+  delete[] _zHit;
+  delete[] _exHit;
+  delete[] _eyHit;
+  delete[] _ezHit;
+  delete[] _types;
+  delete[] _xl;
+  delete[] _xt;
+  delete[] _t;
+  delete[] _s;
+float* ClusterShapes::getCentreOfGravity() {
+  if (_ifNotGravity == 1) findGravity() ;
+  return &_analogGravity[0] ;
+void ClusterShapes::findGravity() 
+    _totAmpl = 0. ;
+    for (int i(0); i < 3; ++i) 
+    {
+      _analogGravity[i] = 0.0 ;
+    }
+    for (int i(0); i < _nHits; ++i) {
+      _totAmpl+=_aHit[i] ;
+      _analogGravity[0]+=_aHit[i]*_xHit[i] ;
+      _analogGravity[1]+=_aHit[i]*_yHit[i] ;
+      _analogGravity[2]+=_aHit[i]*_zHit[i] ;
+    }
+    for (int i(0); i < 3; ++i) {
+      _analogGravity[i]/=_totAmpl ;
+    }
+    _xgr = _analogGravity[0];
+    _ygr = _analogGravity[1];
+    _zgr = _analogGravity[2];
+    _ifNotGravity = 0;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/DetectorGeometry.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/DetectorGeometry.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/DetectorGeometry.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+#include "DetectorGeometry.h"
+// pandora
+#include "Pandora/PandoraInputTypes.h"
+#include "Helpers/XmlHelper.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "IDDecoder.h"
+#include "JobManager.h"
+// stl
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cmath>
+using namespace std;
+// Remove comment for debug output.
+DetectorGeometry::DetectorGeometry(JobManager *pJobManager, std::string filename) :
+    m_manager(pJobManager),
+    m_innerBField(5.f)
+    loadFromFile(filename);
+void DetectorGeometry::loadFromFile(std::string filename)
+    // Load doc and check if valid.
+    pandora::TiXmlDocument doc(filename.c_str());
+    if (!doc.LoadFile())
+    {
+        printf("line %i:::%s\n", doc.ErrorRow(), doc.ErrorDesc());
+        throw runtime_error("Parse error reading input XML file.");
+    }
+    // Get the root element.
+    pandora::TiXmlElement* root = doc.RootElement();
+    // Get the name of the detector.
+    pandora::TiXmlElement* detector = root->FirstChildElement("detector");
+    if (detector->Attribute("name") != NULL)
+    {
+        detectorName = detector->Attribute("name");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        throw runtime_error("Missing name of detector in XML geometry file.");
+    }
+    const pandora::Pandora& pandora = getJobManager()->getPandora();
+    // Process the calorimeter elements.
+    pandora::TiXmlElement* calorimeters = root->FirstChildElement("calorimeters");
+    pandora::TiXmlElement* calElem = (pandora::TiXmlElement*) calorimeters->FirstChild("calorimeter");
+    for ( ;
+          calElem;
+          calElem = calElem->NextSiblingElement() )
+    {
+        // Get the type of calorimeter.
+        const char* subdetType = calElem->Attribute("type");
+        std::string subdetTypeStr(subdetType);
+        // Pick the right subdetector object to populate.
+        const pandora::SubDetectorType subDetectorType(this->getPandoraSubDetectorType(subdetType));
+        // Check if subdetector type is known and skip if not.
+        if (pandora::SUB_DETECTOR_OTHER == subDetectorType)
+        {
+            std::cerr << "WARNING: Ignoring unknown subdetType " << subdetType << "." << std::endl;
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Extra parameters defined by the GeomConverter format.
+        PandoraApi::Geometry::SubDetector::Parameters subdet;
+        ExtraSubDetectorParameters extras;
+        subdet.m_subDetectorType = subDetectorType;
+        subdet.m_subDetectorName = subdetType;
+        // Numerical parameters which are attributes on calorimeter.
+        float innerR, innerZ, innerPhi;
+        innerR = innerZ = innerPhi = 0;
+        int innerSym = 0;
+        float outerR, outerZ, outerPhi; 
+        outerR = outerZ = outerPhi = 0;
+        int outerSym = 0;
+        int nlayers = 0;
+        float mipEnergy = 0;
+        float mipSigma = 0;
+        float timeCut = 0;
+        float mipCut = 0;
+        // If inner and outer Z are both negative, then flip them. --JM    
+        if (innerZ < 0 && outerZ < 0)
+        {
+            innerZ = -innerZ;
+            outerZ = -outerZ;
+        }
+        // Read in parameters.
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("innerR", &innerR );        
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("innerZ", &innerZ );        
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("innerPhi", &innerPhi );
+        calElem->QueryIntAttribute("innerSymmetryOrder", &innerSym );
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("outerR", &outerR );        
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("outerZ", &outerZ );        
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("outerPhi", &outerPhi );
+        calElem->QueryIntAttribute("outerSymmetryOrder", &outerSym );
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("mipEnergy", &mipEnergy );
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("mipCut", &mipCut );
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("mipSigma", &mipSigma );
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("timeCut", &timeCut );
+        // Set subdetector parameters.
+        subdet.m_innerRCoordinate = innerR;
+        subdet.m_innerZCoordinate = innerZ;
+        subdet.m_innerPhiCoordinate = innerPhi;
+        subdet.m_innerSymmetryOrder = innerSym;
+        subdet.m_outerRCoordinate = outerR;
+        subdet.m_outerZCoordinate = outerZ;
+        subdet.m_outerPhiCoordinate = outerPhi;
+        subdet.m_outerSymmetryOrder = outerSym;
+        // By default, all components should be mirrored in Z (don't have to, but then may need to create separate e.g. left and right sub detectors)
+        subdet.m_isMirroredInZ = true;	
+        // Inner and outer symmetry are different.
+        if (innerSym != outerSym)
+        {
+            std::cerr << "Inner and outer symmetry are different.  Don't know how to handle this case!" << std::endl;
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        // Number of layers.
+        pandora::TiXmlElement* layers = (pandora::TiXmlElement*) calElem->FirstChild("layers");
+        layers->QueryIntAttribute("nlayers", &nlayers);
+        subdet.m_nLayers = nlayers;
+        // Process layer elements.
+        pandora::TiXmlElement* layerElem = layers->FirstChildElement();
+        for (;
+             layerElem;
+             layerElem = layerElem->NextSiblingElement() )
+        {
+            PandoraApi::Geometry::LayerParameters layerParams;
+            DetectorGeometry::ExtraLayerParameters layerExtra;
+            float dToIp = 0;
+            float radLen = 0.;
+            float intLen = 0.;
+            float samplingFrac = 0.;
+            float emSamplingFrac = 0.;
+            float hadSamplingFrac = 0.;
+            float cellThickness = 0.;
+            // Get the layer parameters from the xml attributes.
+            layerElem->QueryFloatAttribute("intLen", &intLen);
+            layerElem->QueryFloatAttribute("radLen", &radLen);
+            layerElem->QueryFloatAttribute("distanceToIp", &dToIp);
+            layerElem->QueryFloatAttribute("samplingFraction", &samplingFrac);
+            layerElem->QueryFloatAttribute("emSamplingFraction", &emSamplingFrac);
+            layerElem->QueryFloatAttribute("hadSamplingFraction", &hadSamplingFrac);
+            layerElem->QueryFloatAttribute("cellThickness", &cellThickness);
+            // Set layer parameters.
+            layerParams.m_closestDistanceToIp = dToIp;
+            layerParams.m_nRadiationLengths = radLen;
+            layerParams.m_nInteractionLengths = intLen;
+            // Set extra layer parameters.
+            layerExtra.m_samplingFraction = samplingFrac;
+            layerExtra.m_emSamplingFraction = emSamplingFrac;
+            layerExtra.m_hadSamplingFraction = hadSamplingFrac;
+            layerExtra.m_cellThickness = cellThickness;
+            layerExtra.m_intLength = intLen;
+            layerExtra.m_radLength = radLen;
+            // Register extra layer parameters.
+            extras.m_extraLayerParams.push_back(layerExtra);
+            // Add the layer to the subdetector's layer list.
+            subdet.m_layerParametersList.push_back(layerParams);
+        }
+        // Set cell size information on extras.
+        float cellSizeU = 0;
+        float cellSizeV = 0;        
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("cellSizeU", &cellSizeU);
+        calElem->QueryFloatAttribute("cellSizeV", &cellSizeV);
+        extras.m_cellSizeU = cellSizeU;
+        extras.m_cellSizeV = cellSizeV;
+        extras.m_mipSigma = mipSigma;
+        extras.m_mipCut = mipCut;
+        extras.m_timeCut = timeCut;
+        // Set the collection name on extras.
+        extras.m_collection = calElem->Attribute("collection");
+        // Setup the IDDecoder.
+        IDDecoder::IDFields fields;
+        pandora::TiXmlElement* idElem = (pandora::TiXmlElement*) calElem->FirstChild("id");
+        pandora::TiXmlElement* fieldElem = (pandora::TiXmlElement*) idElem->FirstChild("field");
+        for (;
+             fieldElem;
+             fieldElem = fieldElem->NextSiblingElement())
+        {
+            std::string name;
+            int length = 0;
+            int start = 0;
+            bool isSigned = false;
+            std::string isSignedStr;
+            name = fieldElem->Attribute("name");
+            fieldElem->QueryIntAttribute("length", &length);
+            fieldElem->QueryIntAttribute("start", &start);
+            isSignedStr = fieldElem->Attribute("signed");
+            if (isSignedStr == "true")
+            {
+                isSigned = true;
+            }
+            IDDecoder::IDField* field = new IDDecoder::IDField(name, start, length, isSigned);
+            fields.push_back(field);            
+        }   
+        // Make an IDDecoder for this calorimeter.
+        IDDecoder* decoder = new IDDecoder(fields);
+        extras.m_decoder = decoder;
+        // Set extra subdetector parameters.
+        extras.m_inputHitType = getHitType(subdetType);
+        extras.m_inputHitRegion = getHitRegion(subdetType);
+        // Barrel inner Z is always 0.
+        if (subdetTypeStr == "EM_BARREL" || subdetTypeStr == "HAD_BARREL" || subdetTypeStr == "MUON_BARREL")
+        {
+            subdet.m_innerZCoordinate = 0;
+        }
+        extras.m_mipEnergy = mipEnergy;
+        // Calculate the subdetector normal vectors for a barrel region.
+        if (extras.m_inputHitRegion.Get() == pandora::BARREL)
+        {
+            int nSides = innerSym;     
+            double pi(std::acos(-1.));
+            double dphi = -2 * pi / nSides;
+            double phi0 = pi / 2.;
+            double phi = phi0;
+            for (int i = 0; i < nSides; ++i)
+            {
+                float x = cos(phi);
+                float y = sin(phi);               
+                if (std::fabs(x) < 1e-10) x=0;
+                if (std::fabs(y) < 1e-10) y=0;
+                extras.m_normalVectors.push_back(new pandora::CartesianVector(x, y, 0.));
+                phi += dphi;
+            }        
+        }
+        // Setting for digital or analog calorimeter.
+        std::string isDigital = "false";
+        calElem->QueryValueAttribute("digital", &isDigital);
+        if (isDigital == "true")
+        {
+            extras.m_isDigital = true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            extras.m_isDigital = false;
+        }        
+        // Dump subdetector parameters to screen.
+        printOut(subdetType, &subdet);
+        // Insert the extra subdetector information into the data map.
+        subdetExtras[subdetTypeStr] = extras;
+        PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::Geometry::SubDetector::Create(pandora, subdet));
+    }
+    // Tracking parameters.
+    pandora::TiXmlElement* tracking = root->FirstChildElement("tracking");
+    float tinnerR, touterR, tz;
+    tinnerR = touterR = tz = 0.f;
+    tracking->QueryFloatAttribute("innerR", &tinnerR);
+    tracking->QueryFloatAttribute("outerR", &touterR);
+    tracking->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &tz);
+    PandoraApi::Geometry::SubDetector::Parameters trackerParameters;
+    trackerParameters.m_subDetectorName = "Tracker";
+    trackerParameters.m_subDetectorType = pandora::INNER_TRACKER;
+    trackerParameters.m_innerRCoordinate = tinnerR;
+    trackerParameters.m_innerZCoordinate = 0.f;
+    trackerParameters.m_innerPhiCoordinate = 0.f;
+    trackerParameters.m_innerSymmetryOrder = 0;
+    trackerParameters.m_outerRCoordinate = touterR;
+    trackerParameters.m_outerZCoordinate = tz;
+    trackerParameters.m_outerPhiCoordinate = 0.f;
+    trackerParameters.m_outerSymmetryOrder = 0;
+    trackerParameters.m_isMirroredInZ = true;
+    trackerParameters.m_nLayers = 0;
+    // Print tracking.
+    std::cout << "Tracking:" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    mainTrackerInnerRadius: " << trackerParameters.m_innerRCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    mainTrackerOuterRadius: " << trackerParameters.m_outerRCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    mainTrackerZExtent: " << trackerParameters.m_outerZCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << std::endl;
+    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::Geometry::SubDetector::Create(pandora, trackerParameters));
+    // Coil and B-field.
+    pandora::TiXmlElement* coil = root->FirstChildElement("coil");
+    float cinnerR, couterR, cz, bfield, coilRadLen = 0.f, coilIntLen = 0.f;
+    cinnerR = couterR = cz = bfield = 0.;
+    coil->QueryFloatAttribute("innerR", &cinnerR);
+    coil->QueryFloatAttribute("outerR", &couterR);
+    coil->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &cz);
+    coil->QueryFloatAttribute("bfield", &bfield);
+    coil->QueryFloatAttribute("radLen", &coilRadLen);
+    coil->QueryFloatAttribute("intLen", &coilIntLen);
+    m_innerBField = bfield;
+    PandoraApi::Geometry::SubDetector::Parameters coilParameters;
+    coilParameters.m_subDetectorName = "Coil";
+    coilParameters.m_subDetectorType = pandora::COIL;
+    coilParameters.m_innerRCoordinate = cinnerR;
+    coilParameters.m_innerZCoordinate = 0.f;
+    coilParameters.m_innerPhiCoordinate = 0.f;
+    coilParameters.m_innerSymmetryOrder = 0;
+    coilParameters.m_outerRCoordinate = couterR;
+    coilParameters.m_outerZCoordinate = cz;
+    coilParameters.m_outerPhiCoordinate = 0.f;
+    coilParameters.m_outerSymmetryOrder = 0;
+    coilParameters.m_isMirroredInZ = true;
+    coilParameters.m_nLayers = 0;
+    // Print coil and field.
+    std::cout << "Coil:" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    coilInnerRadius: " << coilParameters.m_innerRCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    coilOuterRadius: " << coilParameters.m_outerRCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    coilZExtent: " << coilParameters.m_outerZCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    innerBField: " << this->getInnerBField() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << std::endl;
+    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::Geometry::SubDetector::Create(pandora, coilParameters));
+pandora::SubDetectorType DetectorGeometry::getPandoraSubDetectorType(const std::string& subdetType) const
+    return getPandoraSubDetectorType(subdetType.c_str());
+pandora::SubDetectorType DetectorGeometry::getPandoraSubDetectorType(const char* subdetType) const
+    if ( strcmp( subdetType, "EM_BARREL" ) == 0 )
+    {
+        return pandora::ECAL_BARREL;
+    }
+    else if ( strcmp( subdetType, "EM_ENDCAP" ) == 0 )
+    {
+        return pandora::ECAL_ENDCAP;
+    }
+    else if ( strcmp( subdetType, "HAD_BARREL" ) == 0 )
+    {
+        return pandora::HCAL_BARREL;
+    }
+    else if ( strcmp( subdetType, "HAD_ENDCAP" ) == 0 )
+    {
+        return pandora::HCAL_ENDCAP;
+    }
+    else if ( strcmp( subdetType, "MUON_BARREL" ) == 0 )
+    {
+        return pandora::MUON_BARREL;
+    }
+    else if ( strcmp( subdetType, "MUON_ENDCAP" ) == 0 )
+    {
+        return pandora::MUON_ENDCAP;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return pandora::SUB_DETECTOR_OTHER;
+    }
+void DetectorGeometry::printOut(const char* subdetType, PandoraApi::Geometry::SubDetector::Parameters* subdet)
+    // Parameters.
+    std::cout << "Subdetector: " << subdetType << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    innerRCoordinate: " << subdet->m_innerRCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    innerZCoordinate: " << subdet->m_innerZCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    innerPhiCoordinate: " << subdet->m_innerPhiCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    innerSymmetryOrder: " << subdet->m_innerSymmetryOrder.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    outerRCoordinate: " << subdet->m_outerRCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    outerZCoordinate: " << subdet->m_outerZCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    outerPhiCoordinate: " << subdet->m_outerPhiCoordinate.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    outerSymmetryOrder: " << subdet->m_outerSymmetryOrder.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    nLayers: " << subdet->m_nLayers.Get()  << std::endl;
+    // Layers.
+    int cntr = 1;
+    for (PandoraApi::Geometry::LayerParametersList::const_iterator iter = subdet->m_layerParametersList.begin();
+         iter != subdet->m_layerParametersList.end();
+         iter++ )
+    {
+        PandoraApi::Geometry::LayerParameters lp = (*iter);
+        std::cout << "        layer " << cntr << " - dToIp=" << lp.m_closestDistanceToIp.Get() << ", radLen=" << lp.m_nRadiationLengths.Get() << ", intLen=" << lp.m_nInteractionLengths.Get() << std::endl;
+        ++cntr;             
+    }
+    // Extras.
+    const DetectorGeometry::ExtraSubDetectorParameters& extras = subdetExtras[subdetType];
+    std::cout << "    digital=" << extras.m_isDigital.Get() << std::endl;
+    IDDecoder* decoder = extras.m_decoder;
+    std::cout << "    ID Fields (name, start, length, signed) - " << decoder->getFieldCount() << std::endl;           
+    for (int i=0, j=decoder->getFieldCount(); i<j; i++)
+    {
+        const IDDecoder::IDField* field = decoder->getField(i);
+        std::cout << "        " << field->getName() << ", " << field->getStart() << ", " << field->getLength() << ", " << field->isSigned() << std::endl;
+    }
+    printf("\n");    
+pandora::InputHitType DetectorGeometry::getHitType(const std::string& calType) const
+    if (calType == "EM_BARREL" || calType == "EM_ENDCAP")
+    {
+        return pandora::ECAL;
+    }
+    else if (calType == "HAD_BARREL" || calType == "HAD_ENDCAP")
+    {
+        return pandora::HCAL;
+    } 
+    else if (calType == "MUON_BARREL" || calType == "MUON_ENDCAP")
+    {
+        return pandora::MUON;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        std::cout << "Unknown CalorimeterType <" << calType << ">." << std::endl;
+    }                
+    return pandora::ECAL;
+inline pandora::InputHitRegion DetectorGeometry::getHitRegion(const std::string& calType) const
+    if (calType == "EM_BARREL" || calType == "HAD_BARREL" || calType == "MUON_BARREL")
+    {
+        return pandora::BARREL;
+    }
+    else if (calType == "EM_ENDCAP" || calType == "HAD_ENDCAP" || calType == "MUON_ENDCAP")
+    {
+        return pandora::ENDCAP;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        std::cout << "Unknown CalorimeterType <" << calType << ">." << std::endl;
+    }
+    return pandora::BARREL;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/DummyProcessor.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/DummyProcessor.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/DummyProcessor.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "DummyProcessor.h"
+// stl
+#include <iostream>
+    : EventProcessor("DummyProcessor")
+void DummyProcessor::processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*)
+    std::cout << "DummyProcessor got event!" << std::endl;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/IDDecoder.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/IDDecoder.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/IDDecoder.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include "IDDecoder.h"
+int IDDecoder::getFieldValue(int index, long id)
+    IDField* field = m_indexMap[index];
+    int start = field->getStart();
+    int length = field->getLength();
+    int mask = (1<<length) - 1;
+    int result = (int) ((id >> start) & mask);
+    if (field->isSigned())
+    {
+        int signBit = 1<<(length-1);
+        if ((result & signBit) != 0) result -= (1<<length);
+    }
+    return result;
+int IDDecoder::getFieldValue(const std::string& name, long id)
+    return getFieldValue(getFieldIndex(name), id);

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/JobManager.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/JobManager.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/JobManager.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#include "JobManager.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "JobConfig.h"
+#include "DetectorGeometry.h"
+#include "EventProcessor.h"
+// pandora
+#include "LCContent.h"
+#include "PfoConstructionAlgorithm.h"
+// lcio
+#include "IOIMPL/LCFactory.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+// stl
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+using IO::LCReader;
+using IO::LCWriter;
+using IOIMPL::LCFactory;
+    : m_config(0),
+      m_pandora(0),
+      m_detectorGeometry(0),
+      m_geometryLoaded(false)
+JobManager::JobManager(JobConfig* config)
+    : m_config(config),
+      m_pandora(0),
+      m_detectorGeometry(0),
+      m_geometryLoaded(false)
+pandora::StatusCode JobManager::setupDefaultLcioInputCollectionSettings(LcioInputCollectionSettings& lcioConfig)
+    const std::vector<std::string>& caloTypes = lcioConfig.getDefaultCalorimeterTypes();
+    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = caloTypes.begin(); it != caloTypes.end(); it++)
+    {
+        // Get the CaloType string.
+        const std::string& caloType = (*it);
+        // Get the collection name from the CaloType.
+        const std::string& caloColl = this->getDetectorGeometry()->getExtraSubDetectorParametersFromType(caloType)->m_collection;
+        // Add link from CaloType to collection.
+        lcioConfig.addCaloCollection(LcioInputCollectionSettings::getTypeFromString(caloType), caloColl);
+        // DEBUG
+        std::cout << "added default mapping of CaloType " << caloType << " to collection " << caloColl << std::endl;
+    }
+    return pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS;
+void JobManager::initialize()
+    // Create new Pandora instance.    
+    m_pandora = new pandora::Pandora();
+    // Create the slicPandora DetectorGeometry.
+    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, createGeometry());
+    // Read in the LCIO input collection settings which may override the defaults from the detector.
+    if (!m_config->useDefaultCaloTypes())
+    {
+        //std::cout << "using custom LCIO input config" << std::endl; // DEBUG
+        PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, collectionSettings.readSettings(m_config->getLcioConfigFile()));
+    }
+    // Use default settings of readout collections from the geometry XML file.
+    else
+    {
+        //std::cout << "default CalTypes" << std::endl; // DEBUG
+        PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, setupDefaultLcioInputCollectionSettings(collectionSettings));
+    }
+    // FineGranuality library content
+    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, LCContent::RegisterAlgorithms(*m_pandora));
+    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, LCContent::RegisterBasicPlugins(*m_pandora));
+    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, LCContent::RegisterBFieldPlugin(*m_pandora, getDetectorGeometry()->getInnerBField(), -1.5f, 0.01f)); // FIXME: get all bfield parameters from config
+    // Register the the user algorithm factories with Pandora.
+    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, registerUserAlgorithmFactories());
+    // Read the run control settings into Pandora.
+    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::ReadSettings(*m_pandora, m_config->getPandoraSettingsXmlFile()));
+void JobManager::setJobConfig(JobConfig* config)
+    m_config = config;
+JobConfig* JobManager::getJobConfig()
+    return m_config;
+void JobManager::addEventProcessor(EventProcessor* processor)
+    processor->setJobManager(this);
+    m_processors.push_back(processor);
+pandora::StatusCode JobManager::registerUserAlgorithmFactories()
+    pandora::AlgorithmFactory* pfac = new PfoConstructionAlgorithm::Factory();
+    PandoraApi::RegisterAlgorithmFactory(*m_pandora, "PFO_Construction", pfac);
+    return pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS;
+pandora::StatusCode JobManager::createGeometry()
+    m_detectorGeometry = new DetectorGeometry(this, m_config->getGeometryFile());
+    m_geometryLoaded = true;
+    return pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS;
+DetectorGeometry* JobManager::getDetectorGeometry()
+    return m_detectorGeometry;
+void JobManager::run()
+    initialize();
+    LCReader* reader = LCFactory::getInstance()->createLCReader();
+    LCWriter* writer = LCFactory::getInstance()->createLCWriter();
+    writer->setCompressionLevel(9);
+    writer->open(m_config->getOutputFile().c_str(), EVENT::LCIO::WRITE_NEW);
+    // Open file list.
+    JobConfig::FileList inputFiles = m_config->getInputFiles();
+    reader->open(m_config->getInputFiles());
+    // Skip events.
+    if (m_config->getSkipEvents() > 0)
+        reader->skipNEvents(m_config->getSkipEvents());
+    // Event counter.
+    int nread = 0;
+    // Read first event.
+    LCEvent* event = reader->readNextEvent(EVENT::LCIO::UPDATE);
+    // Check for first event and bail if did not get one.
+    if (0 == event)
+    {
+        std::cout << "Failed to read first event!!!" << std::endl;
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    ++nread;
+    int ntoread = m_config->getNumberOfEvents();
+    // Process input LCIO events.
+    while (event != 0)
+    {        
+        // Run event processors over this event.
+        processEvent(event);
+        // Write out event to recon LCIO file.
+        writer->writeEvent(event);
+        // Read the next event.
+        event = reader->readNextEvent(EVENT::LCIO::UPDATE);
+        // End of input file.
+        if (0 == event)
+        {
+            std::cout << std::endl << "Ran out of events after <" << nread << "> events!" << std::endl;
+            break;
+        }
+        // Check if job should be stopped due to user-specified event limit.
+        if ((ntoread != -1) && (nread >= ntoread))
+        {
+            std::cout << std::endl << "Stopping run after <" << ntoread << "> event limit!" << std::endl;
+            break;
+        }
+        // Increment number of events read.
+        ++nread;
+    }
+    // Close the LCIO reader.
+    reader->close();
+    // Close the LCIO writer.
+    writer->flush();
+    writer->close();
+    // End of job printout.
+    std::cout << "Pandora ran <" << nread << "> events in this job." << std::endl;
+    delete m_pandora;
+void JobManager::processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent* event)
+    for (EventProcessors::iterator it = m_processors.begin();
+         it != m_processors.end();
+         it++)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "JobManager::processEvent - calling processor: " << (*it)->getName() << std::endl;
+        (*it)->processEvent(event);
+    }
+const pandora::Pandora& JobManager::getPandora()
+    return const_cast<const pandora::Pandora&> (*m_pandora);

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/LcioInputCollectionSettings.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/LcioInputCollectionSettings.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/LcioInputCollectionSettings.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// $Id: LcioInputCollectionSettings.cpp,v 1.4 2012/07/09 16:57:02 grefe Exp $
+#include "LcioInputCollectionSettings.h"
+std::string LcioInputCollectionSettings::emBarrel = "EM_BARREL";
+std::string LcioInputCollectionSettings::emEndcap = "EM_ENDCAP";
+std::string LcioInputCollectionSettings::hadBarrel = "HAD_BARREL";
+std::string LcioInputCollectionSettings::hadEndcap = "HAD_ENDCAP";
+std::string LcioInputCollectionSettings::muonBarrel = "MUON_BARREL";
+std::string LcioInputCollectionSettings::muonEndcap = "MUON_ENDCAP";
+std::string LcioInputCollectionSettings::unknown = "UNKNOWN";
+	: m_initialized(false),
+	  trackCollectionName("Tracks")
+    // Default list of hit collection types to read in.
+    defaultCaloTypes.push_back(emBarrel);
+    defaultCaloTypes.push_back(emEndcap);
+    defaultCaloTypes.push_back(hadBarrel);
+    defaultCaloTypes.push_back(hadEndcap);
+    defaultCaloTypes.push_back(muonBarrel);
+    defaultCaloTypes.push_back(muonEndcap);
+    // Default names of TrackState collections.
+    trackStateMap["StateAtStart"] = "StateAtStart";
+    trackStateMap["StateAtECal"] = "StateAtECal";
+    trackStateMap["StateAtEnd"] = "StateAtEnd";
+pandora::StatusCode LcioInputCollectionSettings::readSettings(const std::string& xmlFileName)
+    std::cout << "Reading in LCIO collection settings from XML file " << xmlFileName << " ... " << std::endl << std::endl;
+	if (m_initialized)
+	{
+		std::cout << "Already initialized." << std::endl;
+		return pandora::STATUS_CODE_FAILURE;
+	}
+	try
+	{
+		pandora::TiXmlDocument xmlDoc(xmlFileName);
+		if (!xmlDoc.LoadFile())
+		{
+			std::cout << "LCIOInputCollectionSettings::readSettings - Invalid XML file." << std::endl;
+			throw pandora::StatusCodeException(pandora::STATUS_CODE_FAILURE);
+		}
+		const pandora::TiXmlHandle pXmlDocHandle(&xmlDoc);
+		const pandora::TiXmlHandle pXmlHandle = pandora::TiXmlHandle(pXmlDocHandle.FirstChildElement().Element());
+		// Loop over CaloCollection elements.
+		std::cout << "Using these CalorimeterHit collections ..." << std::endl;
+		for (pandora::TiXmlElement* pXmlElement = pXmlHandle.FirstChild("CaloCollection").Element(); NULL != pXmlElement;
+				pXmlElement = pXmlElement->NextSiblingElement("CaloCollection"))
+		{
+		     std::cout << pXmlElement->Attribute("name") << " with type " << pXmlElement->Attribute("caloType") << std::endl;
+			CaloType calType = getTypeFromString(pXmlElement->Attribute("caloType"));
+			std::string collName = pXmlElement->Attribute("name");
+			if (calType != UNKNOWN)
+			{
+				caloCollectionMap[calType].push_back(std::string(collName));
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				std::cout << "Unknown caloType argument." << std::endl;
+				return pandora::STATUS_CODE_FAILURE;
+			}
+		}
+		std::cout << std::endl;
+		// Track collection.
+		pandora::TiXmlElement* pTrackCollElement = pXmlHandle.FirstChild("TrackCollection").Element();
+		if (pTrackCollElement != NULL)
+		{
+		    std::cout << "Using this TrackCollection ..." << std::endl;
+			if (pTrackCollElement->Attribute("name") != NULL)
+			{
+			    std::cout << pTrackCollElement->Attribute("name") << std::endl;
+				trackCollectionName = pTrackCollElement->Attribute("name");
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				std::cout << "TrackCollection is missing name attribute." << std::endl;
+				return pandora::STATUS_CODE_FAILURE;
+			}
+		}
+		std::cout << std::endl;
+		// TrackState setup.
+		std::cout << "Checking for custom TrackState collection settings ..." << std::endl;
+		for (pandora::TiXmlElement* pXmlElement = pXmlHandle.FirstChild("TrackStateCollection").Element(); NULL != pXmlElement;
+		                pXmlElement = pXmlElement->NextSiblingElement("TrackStateCollection"))
+		{
+		    if (pXmlElement->Attribute("name") == NULL)
+		    {
+		        std::cout << "TrackStateCollection is missing name attribute." << std::endl;
+		        return pandora::STATUS_CODE_FAILURE;
+		    }
+		    if (pXmlElement->Attribute("trackState") == NULL)
+		    {
+		        std::cout << "TrackStateCollection is missing trackState attribute." << std::endl;
+		        return pandora::STATUS_CODE_FAILURE;
+		    }
+		    std::string name = pXmlElement->Attribute("name");
+		    std::string trackState = pXmlElement->Attribute("trackState");
+		    trackStateMap[trackState] = name;
+		    std::cout << name << " with state " << trackState << std::endl;
+		}
+		std::cout << std::endl;
+	}
+	catch (pandora::StatusCodeException &statusCodeException)
+	{
+		std::cout << "Failure in reading collection settings." << statusCodeException.ToString() << std::endl;
+		return pandora::STATUS_CODE_FAILURE;
+	}
+	catch (...)
+	{
+		std::cout << "Unrecognized exception while reading LCIO collection settings." << std::endl;
+		return pandora::STATUS_CODE_FAILURE;
+	}
+	m_initialized = true;
+	return pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS;
+const LcioInputCollectionSettings::CaloType LcioInputCollectionSettings::getTypeFromString(const std::string& caloTypeName)
+	if ("EM_BARREL") == 0)
+	{
+		return EM_BARREL;
+	}
+	else if ("EM_ENDCAP") == 0)
+	{
+		return EM_ENDCAP;
+	}
+	else if ("HAD_BARREL") == 0)
+	{
+		return HAD_BARREL;
+	}
+	else if ("HAD_ENDCAP") == 0)
+	{
+		return HAD_ENDCAP;
+	}
+	else if ("MUON_BARREL") == 0)
+	{
+		return MUON_BARREL;
+	}
+	else if ("MUON_ENDCAP") == 0)
+	{
+		return MUON_ENDCAP;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return UNKNOWN;
+	}
+const std::string& LcioInputCollectionSettings::getStringFromType(CaloType caloType)
+    if (caloType == EM_BARREL)
+    {
+        return emBarrel;
+    }
+    else if (caloType == EM_ENDCAP)
+    {
+        return emEndcap;
+    }
+    else if (caloType == HAD_BARREL)
+    {
+        return hadBarrel;
+    }
+    else if (caloType == HAD_ENDCAP)
+    {
+        return hadEndcap;
+    }
+    else if (caloType == MUON_BARREL)
+    {
+        return muonBarrel;
+    }
+    else if (caloType == MUON_ENDCAP)
+    {
+        return muonEndcap;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return unknown;
+    }

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/MCParticleProcessor.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/MCParticleProcessor.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/MCParticleProcessor.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// $Id: MCParticleProcessor.cpp,v 1.4 2013/01/16 17:52:43 jeremy Exp $
+#include "MCParticleProcessor.h"
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "IDDecoder.h"
+#include "JobManager.h"
+#include "JobConfig.h"
+#include "DetectorGeometry.h"
+// stl
+#include <cmath>
+using std::fabs;
+using EVENT::MCParticle;
+using EVENT::LCCollection;
+std::string MCParticleProcessor::mcParticleCollectionName = "MCParticle";
+void MCParticleProcessor::processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent* event)
+    //const pandora::Pandora& pandora = getJobManager()->getPandora();
+    const LCCollection* mcParticles;
+    // Check again if collection exists.  If not, could be okay so skip and move on.
+    try 
+    {
+        mcParticles = event->getCollection(mcParticleCollectionName);
+    }
+    catch (...)
+    {
+        std::cout << "No MCParticle collection '" << mcParticleCollectionName << "' found. " << std::endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    int nptcl = mcParticles->getNumberOfElements();
+    for (int i=0; i<nptcl; i++)
+    {
+        MCParticle* mcParticle = dynamic_cast<MCParticle*> (mcParticles->getElementAt(i));
+        //std::cout << "creating mcparticle with id: " << i << std::endl;
+        PandoraApi::MCParticle::Parameters mcParticleParams = makeMCParticleParameters(mcParticle, i);
+        printCaloHitParameters(mcParticleParams);
+    }
+    std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
+PandoraApi::MCParticle::Parameters MCParticleProcessor::makeMCParticleParameters(MCParticle* pMcParticle, int id)
+    const pandora::Pandora& pandora = getJobManager()->getPandora();
+    PandoraApi::MCParticle::Parameters mcParticleParameters;
+    mcParticleParameters.m_mcParticleType = pandora::MC_3D;
+    mcParticleParameters.m_particleId = id;
+    mcParticleParameters.m_energy = pMcParticle->getEnergy();
+    mcParticleParameters.m_particleId = pMcParticle->getPDG();
+    mcParticleParameters.m_pParentAddress = pMcParticle;
+    mcParticleParameters.m_momentum = pandora::CartesianVector(pMcParticle->getMomentum()[0], pMcParticle->getMomentum()[1],
+                                                               pMcParticle->getMomentum()[2]);
+    mcParticleParameters.m_vertex = pandora::CartesianVector(pMcParticle->getVertex()[0], pMcParticle->getVertex()[1],
+                                                             pMcParticle->getVertex()[2]);
+    mcParticleParameters.m_endpoint = pandora::CartesianVector(pMcParticle->getEndpoint()[0], pMcParticle->getEndpoint()[1],
+                                                               pMcParticle->getEndpoint()[2]);
+    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::MCParticle::Create(pandora, mcParticleParameters));
+    // Create parent-daughter relationships
+    for(std::vector<MCParticle*>::const_iterator itDaughter = pMcParticle->getDaughters().begin(),
+            itDaughterEnd = pMcParticle->getDaughters().end(); itDaughter != itDaughterEnd; ++itDaughter)
+    {
+        PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::SetMCParentDaughterRelationship(pandora, pMcParticle, *itDaughter));
+    }
+    return mcParticleParameters;                                               
+void MCParticleProcessor::printMCParticleParameters(const PandoraApi::MCParticle::Parameters& params)
+    std::cout << params.m_vertex.Get() << " [mm]" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << params.m_endpoint.Get() << " [mm]" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    energy: " << params.m_energy.Get() << " [GeV]" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << params.m_momentum.Get() << " [GeV/c]" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "    particleID: " << params.m_particleId.Get() << " " << std::endl;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PandoraFrontend.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PandoraFrontend.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PandoraFrontend.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+// $Id: PandoraFrontend.cpp,v 1.3 2013/07/03 19:47:03 jeremy Exp $
+#include "PandoraFrontend.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "JobManager.h"
+#include "JobConfig.h"
+#include "DefaultProcessors.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <getopt.h>
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+void PandoraFrontend::printUsage()
+    cout << endl;
+    cout << "-----slicPandora Usage-----" << endl;
+    cout << "./bin/PandoraFrontend -g [geometry] -c [pandoraConfig] -i [inputEvents] -o [outputEvents] -l [lcioConfig] -r [nrun] -s [nskip] -f" << endl << endl;
+    cout << "    [-r] is optional.  Default is run over all input events." << endl;
+    cout << "    [-s] is optional.  Default is start at the first event." << endl;
+    cout << "    [-l] is optional.  Default is use subdetector's associated hit collections from geometry." << endl;
+    cout << "    [-o] is optional.  Default output file is called \"pandoraOutput.slcio\"." << endl;
+    cout << "    [-f] is optional.  This flag will cause existing input collections that slicPandora creates to be replaced." << endl;
+int PandoraFrontend::run(int argc, char **argv)
+    // getopt flags.
+    int g;
+    opterr = 0;
+    // Variables for holding getopt values.
+    int nrun = -1;
+    int nskip = 0;
+    char *geometryFile = NULL;
+    char *configFile = NULL;
+    char *outputFile = "pandoraOutput.slcio";
+    char *lcioConfigFile = NULL;
+    char *inputFile = NULL;
+    bool deleteExistingCollections = false;
+    // Process command line options.
+    while ((g = getopt(argc, argv, "g:c:i:r:s:l:o:f")) != -1)
+    {
+        switch (g)
+        {
+            // Geometry file.
+            case 'g':
+                geometryFile = optarg;
+                break;
+            // Pandora config file.
+            case 'c':
+                configFile = optarg;
+                break;
+            // Output file path.
+            case 'o':
+                outputFile = optarg;
+                break;
+            // Input LCIO file.
+            case 'i':
+                inputFile = optarg;
+                break;
+            // LCIO XML collection config file.
+            case 'l':
+                lcioConfigFile = optarg;
+                break;
+            // Number of events to run.
+            case 'r':
+                nrun = atoi(optarg);
+                break;
+            // Number of events to skip.
+            case 's':
+                nskip = atoi(optarg);
+                break;
+            // Force input collections to be recreated.
+            case 'f':
+            	deleteExistingCollections = true;
+            	break;
+            // There are no valid non-switch arguments.
+            default:
+                printUsage();
+                return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    // Print arguments before we do anything with them.
+    cout << "slicPandora got these command line arguments..." << endl;
+    cout << endl;
+    if (geometryFile != NULL)
+    {
+        cout << "geometryFile (-g) = " << geometryFile << endl;
+    }
+    if (configFile != NULL)
+    {
+        cout << "configFile (-c) = " << configFile << endl;
+    }
+    if (outputFile != NULL)
+    {
+        cout << "outputFile (-o) = " << outputFile << endl;
+    }
+    if (inputFile != NULL)
+    {
+        cout << "inputFile (-i) = " << inputFile << endl;
+    }
+    if (lcioConfigFile != NULL)
+    {
+        cout << "lcioCollFile (-l) = " << lcioConfigFile << endl;
+    }
+    if (nrun > 0)
+    {
+        cout << "nrun (-r) = " << nrun << endl;
+    }
+    if (nskip > 0)
+    {
+        cout << "nskip (-s) = " << nskip << endl;
+    }
+    if (deleteExistingCollections)
+    {
+    	cout << "deleteExistingCollections (-f) = " << deleteExistingCollections << endl;
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    // Error flag.
+    bool error = false;
+    // Create the job configuration from the command line arguments.
+    JobConfig* config = new JobConfig();
+    // Pandora config.
+    if (configFile != NULL)
+    {
+        config->setPandoraSettingsXmlFile(configFile);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        cout << "Missing config file." << endl;
+        error = true;
+    }
+    // Geometry file.
+    if (geometryFile != NULL)
+    {
+        config->setGeometryFile(geometryFile);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        cout << "Missing geometry file." << endl;
+        error = true;
+    }
+    // Input file.
+    if (inputFile != NULL)
+    {
+        config->addInputFile(inputFile);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        cout << "Missing input file." << endl;
+        error = true;
+    }
+    // Output file.  Don't need to check for null because it has a default.
+    config->setOutputFile(outputFile);
+    // Skip events.
+    if (nskip != 0)
+    {
+        config->setSkipEvents(nskip);
+    }
+    // LCIO config file.
+    if (lcioConfigFile != NULL)
+    {
+        config->setLcioConfigFile(lcioConfigFile);
+    }
+    // Number of events to run.
+    config->setNumberOfEvents(nrun);
+    // Set delete existing collections.
+    config->setDeleteExistingCollections(deleteExistingCollections);
+    // Stop the job if command line arguments were not good.
+    if (error)
+    {
+        printUsage();
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Make a new job manager.
+    JobManager* mgr = new JobManager();
+    // Set the JobManager's configuration.
+    mgr->setJobConfig(config);
+    // Add a processor to mark beginning of event processing.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new EventMarkerProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to convert LCIO MCParticles to Pandora MCParticle::Parameters.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new MCParticleProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to convert LCIO SimCalorimeterHits to LCIO CalorimeterHits.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new SimCalorimeterHitProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to convert LCIO CalorimeterHits to Pandora CaloHit::Parameters.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new CalorimeterHitProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to convert LCIO Tracks and their track states to Pandora Track Parameters.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new SimpleTrackProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to automatically run the registered Pandora algorithms.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new PandoraProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to create LCIO PFO objects, including clusters and ReconParticles.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new PfoProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to reset Pandora after the event.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new ResetPandoraProcessor());
+    // Run the job.
+    mgr->run();
+    // Return success.
+    return 0;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PandoraProcessor.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PandoraProcessor.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PandoraProcessor.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#include "PandoraProcessor.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "JobManager.h"
+// pandora
+#include "Pandora/StatusCodes.h"
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+void PandoraProcessor::processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent*)
+    //std::cout << "PandoraProcessor::processEvent" << std::endl;
+    pandora::StatusCode stat = PandoraApi::ProcessEvent(getJobManager()->getPandora());
+    if (stat != pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        std::cerr << "PandoraApi::ProcessEvent did not succeed!" << std::endl;
+        exit(1);
+    }

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PfoConstructionAlgorithm.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PfoConstructionAlgorithm.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PfoConstructionAlgorithm.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "PfoConstructionAlgorithm.h"
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+#include "Api/PandoraContentApi.h"
+#include "Xml/tinyxml.h"
+using namespace pandora;
+pandora::StatusCode PfoConstructionAlgorithm::Run()
+    // Algorithm code here
+    const ClusterList *pClusterList = NULL;
+    PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::GetCurrentList(*this, pClusterList));
+    for (ClusterList::const_iterator iter = pClusterList->begin(), iterEnd = pClusterList->end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
+    {
+        const Cluster *pCluster = *iter;
+        PandoraContentApi::ParticleFlowObjectParameters particleFlowObjectParameters;
+        // FIXME: Dummy parameters.
+        particleFlowObjectParameters.m_particleId = 1;                          
+        particleFlowObjectParameters.m_charge = -1;                         
+        particleFlowObjectParameters.m_mass = 1.;                               
+        particleFlowObjectParameters.m_energy = 1.;                             
+        particleFlowObjectParameters.m_momentum = CartesianVector(1, 2, 3);     
+        // Make a new pfo for every cluster.
+        particleFlowObjectParameters.m_clusterList.insert(pCluster);            
+        const ParticleFlowObject *pParticleFlowObject(NULL);
+        PANDORA_RETURN_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraContentApi::ParticleFlowObject::Create(*this, particleFlowObjectParameters, pParticleFlowObject));
+    }
+    return pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS;
+pandora::StatusCode PfoConstructionAlgorithm::ReadSettings(const TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)
+    // Read settings from xml file here
+    return pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS;

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PfoProcessor.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PfoProcessor.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/PfoProcessor.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+// $Id: PfoProcessor.cpp,v 1.19 2012/01/31 15:08:34 jeremy Exp $
+#include "PfoProcessor.h"
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+#include "EVENT/SimCalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "EVENT/CalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h"
+#include "IMPL/ReconstructedParticleImpl.h"
+#include "IMPL/ClusterImpl.h"
+#include "IMPL/LCFlagImpl.h" 
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "EVENT/Track.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "PfoConstructionAlgorithm.h"
+#include "JobManager.h"
+#include "ClusterShapes.h"
+#include "DetectorGeometry.h"
+// Pandora
+#include "Managers/PluginManager.h"
+#include "Objects/CartesianVector.h"
+#include "Objects/ParticleFlowObject.h"
+#include "Plugins/BFieldPlugin.h"
+using IMPL::LCCollectionVec;
+using IMPL::LCFlagImpl;
+using IMPL::ClusterImpl;
+using IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl;
+using EVENT::CalorimeterHit;
+using EVENT::Track;
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+    : EventProcessor("PfoProcessor")
+void PfoProcessor::processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent* event)
+	// Set flag whether to delete existing collections.
+	bool deleteExistingCollections = getJobManager()->getJobConfig()->deleteExistingCollections();
+    // Make a container for the clusters.
+    LCCollectionVec* clusterVec = new LCCollectionVec(EVENT::LCIO::CLUSTER);
+    // Set flag for pointing back to CalorimeterHits.
+    LCFlagImpl clusterFlag(0);
+    clusterFlag.setBit(EVENT::LCIO::CLBIT_HITS);
+    clusterVec->setFlag(clusterFlag.getFlag());
+    // Get Pandora's list of PFOs.
+    const pandora::PfoList *pfoList = NULL;
+    PandoraApi::GetCurrentPfoList(getJobManager()->getPandora(), pfoList);
+    // Make a container for the ReconstructedParticles.
+    LCCollectionVec* pReconstructedParticleCollection = new LCCollectionVec(EVENT::LCIO::RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE);
+    // Iterate over Pandora's PFO objects to create LCIO ReconstructedParticles.
+    for (pandora::PfoList::const_iterator itPFO = pfoList->begin(), itPFOEnd = pfoList->end(); itPFO != itPFOEnd; ++itPFO)
+    {
+        std::cout << std::endl << "proc PFO: " << (int)(&(*itPFO)) << std::endl;
+        // Make the new ReconstructedParticle.
+        ReconstructedParticleImpl *pReconstructedParticle = new ReconstructedParticleImpl();
+        pandora::ClusterAddressList clusterAddressList = (*itPFO)->GetClusterAddressList();
+        cout << "Pandora found <" << clusterAddressList.size() << "> clusters." << endl;
+        pandora::TrackAddressList trackAddressList = (*itPFO)->GetTrackAddressList();
+        cout << "Pandora found <" << trackAddressList.size() << "> tracks." << std::endl;
+        // Iterate over the cluster list and make LCIO clusters.
+        for (pandora::ClusterAddressList::iterator itCluster = clusterAddressList.begin(), itClusterEnd = clusterAddressList.end();
+             itCluster != itClusterEnd; ++itCluster)
+        {
+            // Make a new Cluster.
+            ClusterImpl *pCluster = new ClusterImpl();
+            const unsigned int nHitsInCluster((*itCluster).size());
+            float clusterEnergy(0.);
+            float *pHitE = new float[nHitsInCluster];
+            float *pHitX = new float[nHitsInCluster];
+            float *pHitY = new float[nHitsInCluster];
+            float *pHitZ = new float[nHitsInCluster];
+            for (unsigned int iHit = 0; iHit < nHitsInCluster; ++iHit)
+            {
+                CalorimeterHit *pCalorimeterHit = (CalorimeterHit*)((*itCluster)[iHit]);
+                pCluster->addHit(pCalorimeterHit, 1.0);
+                const float caloHitEnergy(pCalorimeterHit->getEnergy());
+                clusterEnergy += caloHitEnergy;
+                pHitE[iHit] = caloHitEnergy;
+                pHitX[iHit] = pCalorimeterHit->getPosition()[0];
+                pHitY[iHit] = pCalorimeterHit->getPosition()[1];
+                pHitZ[iHit] = pCalorimeterHit->getPosition()[2];              
+            }
+            pCluster->setEnergy(clusterEnergy);
+            ClusterShapes *pClusterShapes = new ClusterShapes(nHitsInCluster, pHitE, pHitX, pHitY, pHitZ);
+            pCluster->setPosition(pClusterShapes->getCentreOfGravity());
+            // TODO Set IPhi and ITheta here.
+            cout << "Cluster contains <" << pCluster->getCalorimeterHits().size() << "> hits." << endl;
+            // Add the cluster to the collection.
+            clusterVec->addElement(pCluster);
+            // Associate the cluster with the ReconstructedParticle.
+            pReconstructedParticle->addCluster(pCluster);
+            delete pClusterShapes;
+            delete[] pHitE; delete[] pHitX; delete[] pHitY; delete[] pHitZ;
+        }
+        // Set the ReconstructedParticle parameters from the PFO.
+        std::cout << "Pandora PFO momentum " << (*itPFO)->GetMomentum().GetX()<< " " << (*itPFO)->GetMomentum().GetY()<< " " << (*itPFO)->GetMomentum().GetZ() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "Pandora PFO energy " << (*itPFO)->GetEnergy() << std::endl;
+        float momentum[3] = {(*itPFO)->GetMomentum().GetX(), (*itPFO)->GetMomentum().GetY(), (*itPFO)->GetMomentum().GetZ()};
+        pReconstructedParticle->setMomentum(momentum);
+        pReconstructedParticle->setEnergy((*itPFO)->GetEnergy());
+        pReconstructedParticle->setMass((*itPFO)->GetMass());
+        pReconstructedParticle->setCharge((*itPFO)->GetCharge());
+        pReconstructedParticle->setType((*itPFO)->GetParticleId());
+        // Temporary variables to access the track momentum.
+        // commented out as we don't need these anymore  new Pandora version[D
+//        DetectorGeometry* detector = getJobManager()->getDetectorGeometry();
+//        PandoraApi::Geometry::Parameters* pandoraGeomParams = detector->getGeometryParameters();
+//        double magneticField =  pandoraGeomParams->m_bField.Get(CartesianVector(0.f,0.f,0.f));
+//        double magneticField = pGeometryHelper->GetBField(pandora::CartesianVector(0.f,0.f,0.f));
+        const pandora::Pandora& pandora = getJobManager()->getPandora();
+        const float magneticField(pandora.GetPlugins()->GetBFieldPlugin()->GetBField(pandora::CartesianVector(0.f,0.f,0.f)));
+        std::cout << "BField= " << magneticField << std::endl;
+        double fieldConversion = 2.99792458e-4;
+        double px = 0.;
+        double py = 0.;
+        double pz = 0.;
+        double pT = 0.;
+        double energy = 0.;
+        if (trackAddressList.size()>1) std::cout  << " PFO has "<< trackAddressList.size() " tracks." << std::endl;
+        // Associate the Tracks with the ReconstructedParticles.
+        for (pandora::TrackAddressList::iterator itTrack = trackAddressList.begin(), itTrackEnd = trackAddressList.end(); 
+             itTrack != itTrackEnd;
+             ++itTrack)
+        {
+            std::cout << "Adding track to RP." << std::endl;
+            // Compute track momentum and energy from LCIO Track parameters.
+            Track* t = (Track*) (*itTrack);
+            double omega = t->getOmega();
+            double phi = t->getPhi();
+            double tanLambda = t->getTanLambda();
+            pT = fabs(1./omega) * magneticField * fieldConversion;
+            px = pT * cos(phi);
+            py = pT * sin(phi);
+            pz = pT * tanLambda;
+            energy = sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz + (*itPFO)->GetMass() * (*itPFO)->GetMass());
+            momentum[0] = px;
+            momentum[1] = py;
+            momentum[2] = pz;
+            std::cout << "    track (px, py, pz) : (" << px << ", " << py << ", " << pz << ")" << std::endl;
+            // Add the Track to the output LCIO ReconstructedParticle.
+            pReconstructedParticle->addTrack(t);
+        }
+        // PFOs with tracks do not have either their momentum or their energy correctly set.  
+        // Override with information from the track.
+        // TODO Understand why this is happening.
+        // FIXME What happens in the case of > 1 Track?  Can this happen at all?
+        if(trackAddressList.size() !=0)
+        {
+            pReconstructedParticle->setMomentum(momentum);
+            pReconstructedParticle->setEnergy(energy);
+        }
+        // Add the ReconstructedParticle to the collection.
+        pReconstructedParticleCollection->addElement(pReconstructedParticle);
+    }
+    // Add the list of clusters to the event.
+    if (deleteExistingCollections)
+    {
+    	event->removeCollection("ReconClusters");
+    }
+    event->addCollection(clusterVec, "ReconClusters");
+    // Add the list of ReconstructedParticles to the event.
+    if (deleteExistingCollections)
+    {
+    	event->removeCollection("PandoraPFOCollection");
+    }
+    event->addCollection(pReconstructedParticleCollection, "PandoraPFOCollection");       

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/SimCalorimeterHitProcessor.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/SimCalorimeterHitProcessor.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/SimCalorimeterHitProcessor.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#include "SimCalorimeterHitProcessor.h"
+// pandora
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "JobManager.h"
+#include "JobConfig.h"
+#include "DetectorGeometry.h"
+#include "IDDecoder.h"
+#include "LcioInputCollectionSettings.h"
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+#include "IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h"
+#include "IMPL/CalorimeterHitImpl.h"
+#include "IMPL/LCRelationImpl.h"
+#include "IMPL/LCFlagImpl.h" 
+#include "EVENT/SimCalorimeterHit.h"
+// std
+#include <stdexcept>
+using EVENT::LCCollection;
+using IMPL::LCFlagImpl;
+using IMPL::CalorimeterHitImpl;
+using IMPL::LCCollectionVec;
+using IMPL::LCRelationImpl;
+using EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit;
+using EVENT::MCParticle;
+    : EventProcessor("SimCalorimeterHitProcessor")
+void SimCalorimeterHitProcessor::processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent* event)
+    // Get pointers to parameter and manager classes.
+    JobManager* mgr = getJobManager();
+    const pandora::Pandora& pandora = mgr->getPandora();
+    DetectorGeometry* geom = mgr->getDetectorGeometry();
+    const LcioInputCollectionSettings& lcioConfig = mgr->getLcioCollectionSettings();
+    const LcioInputCollectionSettings::CaloCollectionMap& caloCollMap = lcioConfig.getCaloCollectionMap();
+    // Check that the detector names match between file and geometry.
+    if (event->getDetectorName().compare(geom->getDetectorName()) != 0)
+    {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Detector name from LCIO file doesn't match geometry.");
+    }
+    // Make the relation table from SimCalorimeterHit to corresponding CalorimeterHit.
+    LCCollectionVec* scRel = new LCCollectionVec(EVENT::LCIO::LCRELATION);
+    scRel->parameters().setValue("RelationFromType", EVENT::LCIO::CALORIMETERHIT);
+    scRel->parameters().setValue("RelationToType", EVENT::LCIO::SIMCALORIMETERHIT);
+    typedef std::map<MCParticle *, float> MCParticleToEnergyWeightMap;
+    MCParticleToEnergyWeightMap mcParticleToEnergyWeightMap;
+    // Set correct flags for output collection.
+    int flag = 1 << EVENT::LCIO::RCHBIT_LONG; // position
+    flag |= 1 << EVENT::LCIO::RCHBIT_ID1;     // cellId1
+    flag |= 1 << EVENT::LCIO::RCHBIT_TIME;    // time
+    LCFlagImpl chFlag(flag);
+    // Delete existing collections.
+    bool deleteExistingCollections = mgr->getJobConfig()->deleteExistingCollections();
+    // Loop over CaloTypes.
+    for (LcioInputCollectionSettings::CaloCollectionMap::const_iterator it = caloCollMap.begin(); it != caloCollMap.end(); it++)
+    {
+        // Get the CaloType string.
+        const std::string& caloType = LcioInputCollectionSettings::getStringFromType(it->first);
+        // Delete an existing CalHit collection.
+        if (deleteExistingCollections)
+        {
+        	event->removeCollection(caloType);
+        }
+        // Skip over unknown types of cal collections.
+        if ("UNKNOWN") == 0)
+        {
+            std::cout << "Skipping unknown type of calorimeter collection!" << std::endl;
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Get the extra subdet params from this cal type.
+        DetectorGeometry::ExtraSubDetectorParameters* xsubdet = geom->getExtraSubDetectorParametersFromType(caloType);
+        if (xsubdet == NULL)
+        {
+            std::cout << "The ExtraSubDetectorParameters for " << caloType << " were not found." << std::endl;
+            throw new std::exception;
+        }
+        // Get the decoder.
+        IDDecoder* decoder = xsubdet->m_decoder;
+        // Get cuts from xsubdet.
+        float mipCut = xsubdet->m_mipCut.Get();
+        float timeCut = xsubdet->m_timeCut.Get();
+        // Create a new LCIO CalHit collection.
+        LCCollection* calHits = new LCCollectionVec(EVENT::LCIO::CALORIMETERHIT);
+        calHits->setFlag(chFlag.getFlag());
+        // Loop over input collection names.  All input collections will be merged into collection by type,
+        // so all the subdetectors of one CaloType should be from the same subdetector.
+        const std::vector<std::string>& collections = it->second;
+        for (std::vector<std::string> ::const_iterator it2 = collections.begin(); it2 != collections.end(); it2++)
+        {
+            // Get the collection name.
+            const std::string& collectionName = (*it2);
+            // Lookup CalHit collection in input event.
+            LCCollection* simCalHits = 0;
+            try
+            {
+                simCalHits = event->getCollection(collectionName);
+            }
+            catch (EVENT::DataNotAvailableException& de)
+            {
+                std::cout << "Failed to get SimCalHit collection " << collectionName << " from event." << std::endl;
+                throw new std::exception;
+            }
+            catch (std::exception& e)
+            {
+                std::cout << "Caught unknown std exception trying to access " << collectionName << " from event." << std::endl;
+                throw new std::exception;
+            }
+            // Get the number of SimCalorimeterHits.
+            int nSimHits = simCalHits->getNumberOfElements();
+            // Loop over input SimCalorimeterHits and convert them to CalorimeterHits.
+            for (int i = 0; i < nSimHits; i++)
+            {
+                // Get the SimCalorimeterHit to be converted from the LCIO collection.
+                SimCalorimeterHit* simCalHit = dynamic_cast<SimCalorimeterHit*> (simCalHits->getElementAt(i));
+                // Get the first time contrib.
+                float timeCont = simCalHit->getTimeCont(0);
+                // Get the raw energy deposition.
+                float rawEnergy = simCalHit->getEnergy();
+                // Apply the time cut from the subdetector params.
+                if (timeCont > timeCut)
+                {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // Apply MIP energy cut from the subdetector params.
+                if (rawEnergy < mipCut)
+                {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // Create a new CalorimeterHit.
+                CalorimeterHitImpl* calHit = new CalorimeterHitImpl;
+                // Get the two 32-bit chunks of the ID.
+                int cellId0 = simCalHit->getCellID0();
+                int cellId1 = simCalHit->getCellID1();
+                // Make a 64-bit id for the IDDecoder.  The type MUST be "long long" and not "long".  (from Tony Johnson)
+                long long cellId = ((long long)cellId1) << 32 | cellId0;
+                // Decode the layer number from the ID.
+                int layer = decoder->getFieldValue("layer", cellId);
+                // Get the extra parameters for this layer.
+                float samplingFrac = 0.f;
+                try
+                {
+                    // Get the layer parameters.
+                    DetectorGeometry::ExtraLayerParameters xlayerParams = xsubdet->;
+                    // Get the sampling fraction for this layer.
+                    samplingFrac = xlayerParams.m_samplingFraction.Get();
+                    // TODO: Separate EM + HAD sampling fractions.
+                }
+                // FIXME What exception is caught here?
+                catch(...)
+                {
+                    std::cout << "No layer #" << layer << " existing in detector " << caloType << std::endl;
+                    throw;
+                }
+                // Set hit energy.
+                if (xsubdet->m_isDigital.Get()) 
+                {
+                    // Digital energy is one over the sampling fraction.
+                    calHit->setEnergy(1. / samplingFrac);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // Analog energy is the raw energy over the sampling fraction.
+                    calHit->setEnergy(simCalHit->getEnergy() / samplingFrac);
+                }
+                // Copy SimCalorimeterHit information into CalorimeterHit
+                calHit->setCellID0(simCalHit->getCellID0());
+                calHit->setCellID1(simCalHit->getCellID1());
+                calHit->setTime(simCalHit->getTimeCont(0));
+                calHit->setPosition(simCalHit->getPosition());
+                // Setup the relation between CalHit and SimHit.
+                scRel->addElement(new LCRelationImpl(calHit, simCalHit, 0.5));
+                // FIXME Need to add links for CalorimeterHit collections that already exist.
+                // FIXME Is this code to set energy weighting really needed or used in recon?
+                mcParticleToEnergyWeightMap.clear();
+                for (int iCont = 0, iEnd = simCalHit->getNMCContributions(); iCont < iEnd; ++iCont)
+                {
+                    mcParticleToEnergyWeightMap[simCalHit->getParticleCont(iCont)] += simCalHit->getEnergyCont(iCont);
+                }
+                for (MCParticleToEnergyWeightMap::const_iterator mcParticleIter = mcParticleToEnergyWeightMap.begin(),
+                        mcParticleIterEnd = mcParticleToEnergyWeightMap.end(); mcParticleIter != mcParticleIterEnd; ++mcParticleIter)
+                {
+                    PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::SetCaloHitToMCParticleRelationship(pandora,     calHit     , mcParticleIter->first, mcParticleIter->second));
+                }
+                // Add the created CalorimeterHit to the collection.
+                calHits->addElement(calHit);
+            }
+            // Set the ReadoutName parameter for LCSim to find the correct IDDecoder.
+            // FIXME This should actually be in the outer loop but collectionName is no longer available.
+            calHits->parameters().setValue("ReadoutName", collectionName);
+        }
+        // Add the CalorimeterHits to the event with the collection name the same as the calorimeter type, e.g. EM_BARREL.
+        event->addCollection(calHits, caloType);
+    }
+    // Add the CalorimeterHit to SimCalorimeterHit relations.
+    if (deleteExistingCollections)
+    {
+    	event->removeCollection("CalorimeterHitRelations");
+    }
+    event->addCollection(scRel, "CalorimeterHitRelations");

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/SimpleTrackProcessor.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/SimpleTrackProcessor.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/src/SimpleTrackProcessor.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+// $Id: SimpleTrackProcessor.cpp,v 1.25 2011/09/19 18:54:31 jeremy Exp $
+//#define POST_CDR_VERSION 1
+#include "SimpleTrackProcessor.h"
+// slicPandora
+#include "JobManager.h"
+// lcio
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+#include "EVENT/Track.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCGenericObject.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCObject.h"
+#include "EVENT/MCParticle.h"
+#include "UTIL/LCRelationNavigator.h"
+// pandora
+#include "Api/PandoraApi.h"
+#include "Managers/GeometryManager.h"
+#include "Managers/PluginManager.h"
+#include "Objects/CartesianVector.h"
+#include "Objects/Helix.h"
+#include "Objects/MCParticle.h"
+#include "Objects/SubDetector.h"
+#include "Plugins/BFieldPlugin.h"
+// stl
+#include <string>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+using EVENT::LCCollection;
+using EVENT::Track;
+using EVENT::LCObjectVec;
+using EVENT::LCGenericObject;
+using UTIL::LCRelationNavigator;
+using pandora::CartesianVector;
+// FIXME: Name of collection containing LCIO Track objects is hard-coded to "Tracks".
+//std::string SimpleTrackProcessor::trackCollectionName = "Tracks";
+//std::string SimpleTrackProcessor::startCollectionName = trackCollectionName + "_StateAtStart";
+//std::string SimpleTrackProcessor::ecalCollectionName = trackCollectionName + "_StateAtECal";
+//std::string SimpleTrackProcessor::endCollectionName = trackCollectionName + "_StateAtEnd";
+void SimpleTrackProcessor::processEvent(EVENT::LCEvent* event)
+    // Get the name of the Track collection from the job config.
+    const std::string& trackCollectionName = getJobManager()->getLcioCollectionSettings().getTrackCollectionName();
+    LCCollection* trackCollection = NULL;
+    try
+    {
+        trackCollection = event->getCollection(trackCollectionName);
+    }
+    catch(...)
+    {
+        std::cout << "no track collection with the name '" << trackCollectionName << "' found." << std::endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Check if MC information is present.
+    bool haveMCRelations = false;
+    const EVENT::LCCollection *pMCRelationCollection = 0;
+    UTIL::LCRelationNavigator* navigate = NULL;
+    // Look for LCRelations collection of HelicalTrackHits to MCParticles.
+    try 
+    {
+        pMCRelationCollection = event->getCollection("HelicalTrackMCRelations");
+    }
+    catch (EVENT::DataNotAvailableException &exception)
+    {}    
+    // Found relations collection.
+    if (pMCRelationCollection != 0)
+    {
+        haveMCRelations = true;
+        navigate = new UTIL::LCRelationNavigator(pMCRelationCollection);
+    }
+    // Get the B field.
+    const pandora::Pandora& pandora = getJobManager()->getPandora();
+    const float magneticField(pandora.GetPlugins()->GetBFieldPlugin()->GetBField(CartesianVector(0.f,0.f,0.f)));
+    // Loop over input tracks.
+    int ntracks = trackCollection->getNumberOfElements();
+    for (int i=0; i<ntracks; i++)
+    {
+        std::cout << "proc track #" << i << std::endl;
+        // Get the current Track.
+        Track* track = dynamic_cast<Track*>(trackCollection->getElementAt(i));
+        // Setup a new Track parameters object.
+        PandoraApi::Track::Parameters trackParameters;
+        // Get the pointer to the LCIO Track.
+        trackParameters.m_pParentAddress = track;
+        // Set impact parameters.
+        trackParameters.m_d0 = track->getD0();
+        trackParameters.m_z0 = track->getZ0();
+        // Set the sign.
+        const float signedCurvature(track->getOmega());
+        if (0. != signedCurvature)
+            trackParameters.m_charge = static_cast<int>(signedCurvature / std::fabs(signedCurvature));
+        // FIXME: Mass hard-coded to charged pion.
+        trackParameters.m_mass = 0.13957018;
+        // FIXME: Particle Id hard-coded to charged pion.
+        if (signedCurvature > 0.)
+            trackParameters.m_particleId = 211;
+        else
+            trackParameters.m_particleId = -211;
+	// per default all tracks are in the barrel
+        trackParameters.m_isProjectedToEndCap = false; // FIXME
+        // Setup track states from GenericObject collections, assuming that the ordering matches that in the "Tracks" collection.
+        setupTrackStatesFromGenericObjects(trackParameters, event, i);
+        // Set the momentum at DCA to track's start state.  
+        trackParameters.m_momentumAtDca = trackParameters.m_trackStateAtStart.Get().GetMomentum();
+        // Print debug info if enabled.
+        std::cout << "Track Parameters: " << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    d0 = " << trackParameters.m_d0.Get() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    z0 = " << trackParameters.m_z0.Get() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    mass = " << trackParameters.m_mass.Get() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    momentumAtDca = " << trackParameters.m_momentumAtDca.Get() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    stateAtStart  = " << trackParameters.m_trackStateAtStart.Get() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    stateAtEnd    = " << trackParameters.m_trackStateAtEnd.Get() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    stateAtCalorimeter = " << trackParameters.m_trackStateAtCalorimeter.Get() << std::endl;        
+	std::cout << "    reachesCalorimeter = " << trackParameters.m_reachesCalorimeter.Get() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    canFormPfo              = " << trackParameters.m_canFormPfo.Get() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    canFormClusterlessPfo   = " << trackParameters.m_canFormClusterlessPfo.Get() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    isProjectedToEndCap     = " << trackParameters.m_isProjectedToEndCap.Get() << std::endl;
+	std::cout << "    Number of Hits on Track = " << track->getTrackerHits().size() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "    parentAddress = " << trackParameters.m_pParentAddress.Get() << std::endl;
+	std::cout << "    " << std::endl;
+//experimental code for the timing adapted from the MArlinPandora Code
+        pandora::Helix *MyHelix = new pandora::Helix(track->getPhi(), track->getD0(), track->getZ0(), track->getOmega(), track->getTanLambda(), magneticField); 
+ 	const pandora::CartesianVector &referencePoint(MyHelix->GetReferencePoint());
+	float minGenericTime(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
+	float genericTime(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
+	pandora::CartesianVector bestECalProjection;
+	pandora::CartesianVector barrelProjection; 
+	// First project to endcap
+	(void) MyHelix->GetPointInZ(trackParameters.m_charge.Get()* (pandora::GeometryHelper::GetECalEndCapParameters().GetInnerZCoordinate()), referencePoint, bestECalProjection, minGenericTime);	 
+        // Cylinder, dealing with cylinders only right now
+        const pandora::StatusCode statusCode(MyHelix->GetPointOnCircle(pandora::GeometryHelper::GetECalBarrelParameters().GetInnerRCoordinate(), referencePoint, barrelProjection, genericTime));
+        if ((pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS == statusCode) && (genericTime < minGenericTime))
+        {
+        	minGenericTime = genericTime;
+	        bestECalProjection = barrelProjection;
+        }
+        // Convert generic time (length from reference point to intersection, divided by momentum) into nanoseconds
+        const float particleMass(trackParameters.m_mass.Get());
+        const float particleEnergy(std::sqrt(particleMass * particleMass + trackParameters.m_momentumAtDca.Get().GetMagnitudeSquared()));
+        trackParameters.m_timeAtCalorimeter = minGenericTime * particleEnergy / 300.f; 
+        // Register Track parameters with Pandora.
+        PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::Track::Create(pandora, trackParameters));
+        // Setup the Track to MCParticle relations (optional).
+        EVENT::TrackerHitVec trackHits = track->getTrackerHits();
+        if (haveMCRelations)
+        {
+            try
+            {
+                EVENT::MCParticle *pBestMCParticle = NULL;
+                for (EVENT::TrackerHitVec::const_iterator itTh = trackHits.begin(), itThEnd = trackHits.end(); itTh != itThEnd; ++itTh )
+                {
+                    EVENT::TrackerHit* trackerHit = (*itTh);
+                    const EVENT::LCObjectVec &objectVec = navigate->getRelatedToObjects(trackerHit);
+                    // Get reconstructed momentum at dca
+                    const pandora::Helix helixFit(track->getPhi(), track->getD0(), track->getZ0(), track->getOmega(), track->getTanLambda(), magneticField);
+                    const float recoMomentum(helixFit.GetMomentum().GetMagnitude());
+                    // Use momentum magnitude to identify best mc particle
+                    float bestDeltaMomentum(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
+                    for (EVENT::LCObjectVec::const_iterator itRel = objectVec.begin(), itRelEnd = objectVec.end(); itRel != itRelEnd; ++itRel)
+                    {
+                        EVENT::MCParticle *pMCParticle = NULL;
+                        pMCParticle = dynamic_cast<EVENT::MCParticle *>(*itRel);
+                        if (NULL == pMCParticle)
+                            continue;
+                        const float trueMomentum(pandora::CartesianVector(pMCParticle->getMomentum()[0], pMCParticle->getMomentum()[1],
+                                                                          pMCParticle->getMomentum()[2]).GetMagnitude());
+                        const float deltaMomentum(std::fabs(recoMomentum - trueMomentum));
+                        if (deltaMomentum < bestDeltaMomentum)
+                        {
+                            pBestMCParticle = pMCParticle;
+                            bestDeltaMomentum = deltaMomentum;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (NULL == pBestMCParticle)
+                    continue;
+                PANDORA_THROW_RESULT_IF(pandora::STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS, !=, PandoraApi::SetTrackToMCParticleRelationship(pandora, track,
+                                                                                                              pBestMCParticle));
+            }                    
+            catch (pandora::StatusCodeException &statusCodeException)
+            {
+                std::cout << "Failed to extract track to mc particle relationship: " << statusCodeException.ToString() << std::endl;
+            }
+            catch (EVENT::Exception &exception)
+            {
+                std::cout << "Failed to extract track to mc particle relationship: " << exception.what() << std::endl;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Delete LCRelationsNavigator if exists.
+    if (navigate != 0)
+        delete navigate;
+void SimpleTrackProcessor::setupTrackStatesFromGenericObjects(PandoraApi::Track::Parameters& trackParameters, EVENT::LCEvent* event, int i)
+    // Get the Track state collections.
+    LcioInputCollectionSettings settings = this->getJobManager()->getLcioCollectionSettings();
+    LCCollection* startCollection = event->getCollection(settings.getTrackStateCollectionName("StateAtStart"));
+    LCCollection* ecalCollection = event->getCollection(settings.getTrackStateCollectionName("StateAtECal"));
+    LCCollection* endCollection = event->getCollection(settings.getTrackStateCollectionName("StateAtEnd"));
+    // Add start state.
+    LCGenericObject* startObj = dynamic_cast<LCGenericObject*>(startCollection->getElementAt(i));
+    trackParameters.m_trackStateAtStart = 
+        pandora::TrackState(startObj->getFloatVal(0), 
+                            startObj->getFloatVal(1), 
+                            startObj->getFloatVal(2), 
+                            startObj->getFloatVal(3), 
+                            startObj->getFloatVal(4), 
+                            startObj->getFloatVal(5));
+    // Add ECal state.
+    LCGenericObject* ecalObj = dynamic_cast<LCGenericObject*>(ecalCollection->getElementAt(i));
+    // FIXME: quick fix to set the trackStateAtECal to the trackStateAtEnd if the ecalObj is filled with nan float values. 
+    // this is the case for pt < 1.0GeV
+    if(std::isnan(ecalObj->getFloatVal(0)))
+    {
+	LCGenericObject* exceptional_endObj = dynamic_cast<LCGenericObject*>(endCollection->getElementAt(i));
+        trackParameters.m_trackStateAtCalorimeter = pandora::TrackState(exceptional_endObj->getFloatVal(0), 
+                                                                exceptional_endObj->getFloatVal(1), 
+                                                                exceptional_endObj->getFloatVal(2), 
+                                                                exceptional_endObj->getFloatVal(3), 
+                                                                exceptional_endObj->getFloatVal(4), 
+                                                                exceptional_endObj->getFloatVal(5));
+	trackParameters.m_reachesCalorimeter = false;	//right to assume it does not reach the endcap							
+	trackParameters.m_canFormClusterlessPfo  = true; // it can still form a clusterless PFO
+	trackParameters.m_canFormPfo = false;	
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        trackParameters.m_trackStateAtCalorimeter = 
+            pandora::TrackState(ecalObj->getFloatVal(0), 
+                                ecalObj->getFloatVal(1), 
+                                ecalObj->getFloatVal(2), 
+                                ecalObj->getFloatVal(3), 
+                                ecalObj->getFloatVal(4), 
+                                ecalObj->getFloatVal(5));
+	trackParameters.m_reachesCalorimeter = true; // does reach ECAL
+	trackParameters.m_canFormClusterlessPfo  = false;
+	trackParameters.m_canFormPfo = true;	// use a full PFO
+    }
+    // this will set the timing cut to infinity, till we have something better ...
+    trackParameters.m_timeAtCalorimeter = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); // FIXME Temporarily set to large value to fail any timing cuts
+    // Add end state.
+    LCGenericObject* endObj = dynamic_cast<LCGenericObject*>(endCollection->getElementAt(i));
+    trackParameters.m_trackStateAtEnd = pandora::TrackState(endObj->getFloatVal(0), 
+                                                            endObj->getFloatVal(1), 
+                                                            endObj->getFloatVal(2), 
+                                                            endObj->getFloatVal(3), 
+                                                            endObj->getFloatVal(4), 
+                                                            endObj->getFloatVal(5));
+    // figure out, whether this one goes to the endcap using the StateAtECal fields
+    const pandora::Pandora& pandora = getJobManager()->getPandora();
+    const float innerZ=pandora.GetGeometry()->GetSubDetector(pandora::ECAL_ENDCAP).GetInnerZCoordinate();
+    float trackZ=fabs(trackParameters.m_trackStateAtCalorimeter.Get().GetPosition().GetZ());
+    // FIXME Hard-coded check for projection to EndCap.
+    if (trackZ-innerZ > -1.5) // it is close to the endcap,
+    {
+        trackParameters.m_isProjectedToEndCap=true; //it is in the endcap
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        trackParameters.m_isProjectedToEndCap=false;   //stays in barrel
+    }

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/tests/JobManagerTest.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/tests/JobManagerTest.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/tests/JobManagerTest.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// $Id: JobManagerTest.cpp,v 1.7 2010/03/17 02:12:03 jeremy Exp $
+// slicPandora
+#include "JobConfig.h"
+#include "JobManager.h"
+#include "DefaultProcessors.h"
+ * This main function runs a complete Pandora job on example input using the JobManager.
+ * It MUST be run from the slicPandora root directory using this command. 
+ *
+ *     ./bin/JobManagerTest
+ *
+ * If this program is called from another directory, it will not be able to find the 
+ * input data files and will crash.
+ *
+ * The user must provide an input LCIO file called input.slcio containing a slic event.
+ * This can be a sym link or an actual LCIO file.
+ */
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+    // Create an example job configuration.
+    JobConfig* config = new JobConfig();
+    config->setPandoraSettingsXmlFile("./examples/PandoraSettingsNew.xml");
+    config->setGeometryFile("./examples/sidloi2_pandora.xml");
+    config->useDefaultCalorimeterTypes();
+    //config->addCalorimeterType("EM_BARREL"); // DEBUG: Just use EM_BARREL collection.
+    config->addInputFile("./input.slcio");
+    config->setOutputFile("pandoraRecon.slcio");
+    config->setNumberOfEvents(2);
+    config->setSkipEvents(0);
+    // Make a new job manager.
+    JobManager* mgr = new JobManager();
+    // Set the JobManager's configuration object.
+    mgr->setJobConfig(config);
+    // Add a processor to mark beginning of event processing.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new EventMarkerProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to convert LCIO SimCalorimeterHits to LCIO CalorimeterHits.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new SimCalorimeterHitProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to convert LCIO CalorimeterHits to Pandora CaloHit::Parameters.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new CalorimeterHitProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to automatically run the registered Pandora algorithms.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new PandoraProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to create LCIO PFO objects, including clusters and ReconstructedParticles.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new PfoProcessor());
+    // Add a processor to reset Pandora after the event.
+    mgr->addEventProcessor(new ResetPandoraProcessor());
+    // Run the job.
+    mgr->run();

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/tests/PandoraFrontendTest.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/tests/PandoraFrontendTest.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/tests/PandoraFrontendTest.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// $Id: PandoraFrontendTest.cpp,v 1.1 2011/09/19 19:50:10 jeremy Exp $
+ * Test of PandoraFrontend, which is used as the default binary for slicPandora.
+ */
+#include "PandoraFrontend.h"
+// Run main.
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    PandoraFrontend pandora;
+    return, argv);

Added: projects/slicPandora/trunk/tests/SimpleGeometryLoader.cpp
--- projects/slicPandora/trunk/tests/SimpleGeometryLoader.cpp	(added)
+++ projects/slicPandora/trunk/tests/SimpleGeometryLoader.cpp	Mon Jun 15 16:35:42 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include "DetectorGeometry.h"
+using namespace std;
+int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
+    if ( argc < 2 ) 
+    {
+        std::cout << "USAGE: ./slicPandora geometry.xml" << std::endl;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    const char* geomFile = argv[1];
+    DetectorGeometry geom;
+    geom.loadFromFile( geomFile );
+    PandoraApi::Geometry::Parameters* params = geom.getGeometryParameters();
+    // test 
+    std::cout << "trackerInnerRadius = " << params->m_mainTrackerInnerRadius.Get() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "trackerOuterRadius = " << params->m_mainTrackerOuterRadius.Get() << std::endl;

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