

     As we decided earlier, the next LC detector intermediate meeting 
 will take place on Wednesday February 9, at CERN, room 13-2-005, 
 starting at 9:00, which is the reason for the first part of this 
 mail from Rolf and me.  
     The second part is a proposal by Chris Damerell that those interested 
 and at CERN can get together the Tuesday afternoon before to 
 discuss ways of mounting the various subdetectors.  For this part,
 see his mail below. 



Dear Colleagues,

     This is a call for contributions, so please 
 inform us about additional topics to be discussed or presented.
 The topics we have to date are
 1) Simulations
          - Status report on detector components in BRAHAMS...Ties Behnke
          - Simdet status report?...NN
          _ Discussion, incl. timescales
 2) Aspects of the baseline detector 
          - Latest results on dB/B as funtion of z...Francois Kircher
          - Length of the coil/TPC revisted...Ron Settles
          - Effect on forward tracking...Klaus Moenig?
          - Inner Tracking (Vtx,SIT,FWD) material budget...Marco Battaglia,
                                                           Chris Damerell,
                                                           Klaus Moenig?  
          - Discussion
          - TPC prototype at Desy...Markus Schumacher
          - Report on TPC prototype work in France.........Paul Colas?
          - Report on Ecal prototype ideas.................NN
          - NN
          - NN
          - Discussion

          - How to derive detector cost....Rolf Heuer

 Best regards,
               Rolf ([log in to unmask]) and Ron ([log in to unmask])


Dear colleagues,

You may recall that both at Obernai and at the meeting in CERN on 17th Dec,
we had some informal exchange of views about issues relating to engineering
aspects of the inner detector, which eventually will need to be planned
coherently. Equipment involved includes the inner section of beam-pipe,
vertex detector, inner tracker, LCAL and passive masks, laser monitor, etc.
We should not forget the TPC, since we have to fit inside it and be
mechnically coherent with it.

After some discussions with Marco Battaglia and Rolf Heuer, it has been
suggested that we approach these issues in a two-stage process. 

Firstly, interested physicists are invited to a meeting in CERN on the
afternoon before the next ECFA/DESY detector meeting, in which we can
exchange ideas and discuss our experiences from previous experiments
This however will not be a convenient time for the DESY engineers. 
Furthermore, Rolf suggests that the next intermediate meeting be held in 
Hamburg to discuss engineering details of the whole detector. Ideas from 
our small CERN meeting would then fit naturally into that overall meeting.

Marco has kindly reserved Salle A in the CERN Main Building from 
           14.00 till 17.30 on Tuesday 8th Feb 
for this informal meeting. Anyone is invited to make a short 
presentation on any aspect of this subject. Issues include the following:

	mechanical supports (what is attached to what)
	services (electronics, cabling cooling)
	implications for the material budget (beyond what we already know) 
	installation procedure
	access for maintenance

If you will be able to attend and/or would like to make a presentation,
please send me an e-mail. It would be nice if we could have a presentation
from at least one representative of each sub-system to discuss these
questions from their particular point of view. If you can think of other
relevant topics, by all means tell me about them.

Once I have a list of presentations, I will put together a proposed agenda.
Hopefully, we will have plenty of time for discussion.

Hoping to hear from you soon. All the best,

Chris Damerell.

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