

              Below is the mail that seems to have gotten lost
due to a glitch in our mailer at MPI when I sent it this morning. 
I am sending it again to be on the safe side, and if you already
got it, please just delete.

Dear Colleagues,

                  The next LC detector intermediate meeting 
will take place next week on Wednesday February 9, at CERN, 
room 13-2-005, starting at 9:00.
                  Below is an update to the agenda based on
feeback from you, and as usual last-minute adjustments will be made
at the meeting.
                  Please let us know of changes/additions... 
                                  Best regards,

               Rolf ([log in to unmask]) and Ron ([log in to unmask])


          - Status report on detector components in BRAHAMS...Ties Behnke
          - Simdet status report?...NN
          - Discussion, incl. timescales

          - Latest results on Br/Bz as funtion of z 
               and L_coil, practical yoke design, 
               B-mapping plans at CMS......................Francois Kircher
          - Length of the coil/TPC revisted................Ron Settles
          - Effect on forward tracking.....................Klaus Moenig

Vtx, Inner tracking
          - Some results on CMS Si-prototype work..........Wim Deboer
          - Inner Tracking (Vtx,SIT,FWD) material budget...Marco Battaglia,
                                                           Chris Damerell,
                                                           Klaus Moenig  
          - Discussion

          - TPC prototype at Desy..........................Markus Schumacher
          - GEM-TPC work at Carleton.......................Madhu Dixit
          - Report on TPC prototype work in Saclay/Orsay...Paul Colas
          - R&D plans at Strasbourg........................NN?

Overflow from morning

          - Overview of the calorimeter project and 
                 summary of our meeting in Paris...........Jean-Claude Brient
          - Simulation in  GEANT4 and BRAHMS...............Paulo Mora de Freitas 
          - Status of the reconstruction/eflow.............Pascal Gay

          - Brief summary of mechanics meeting Tue pm......Chris Damerell?
          - How to derive detector cost....................Rolf Heuer