Hello again,
Apropos my previous request for help with JetFinder...
{One of the advantages of being 9 hours ahead... I can answer some (only some) of my own questions before you all wake up.}

By explicitIy using hep.physics.jets.AbstractJetFinder etc. I can get JetFinder to work with fastMC tracks
   Enumeration fastMCe = event.getTrackList().getTracks();

(I still have some problems using the Predicate.. though explicitly casting the Object to a Track then get the associated MCParticle
it seems to work - is this the right approach?)

How do I do jet finding with both charged and neutral "tracks" since LCDEvent seems only to provide these separately?

If I try the same thing with MCParticles directly such as (mimicking the example):
   ParticleVector pv2 = event.getMCParticles();

It no longer complains about not passing IHep3Vectors but it gives the error:

 at java.util.Vector.copyInto(Vector.java)
 at hep.physics.jets.AbstractJetFinder.doFindJets(AbstractJetFinder.java:168)
 at hep.physics.jets.AbstractJetFinder.njets(AbstractJetFinder.java:51)
 at MCCheck.process(FastMC_anal01.java:269)

As usual, any help or suggestions will be gratefully received.


Robert J. Wilson
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone:  (970) 491 5033
Fax:     (970) 491 7947
Email: [log in to unmask]

August 2000 - July 2001:
Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
Phone: (011 34) 93 581.28.32
Email: [log in to unmask]