

Physics cares about physical reality again!

Mathematics can help to correlate the hows and eliminate the impossibles in physics. 
Papers/articles are flooded with equations, but can seldom unveil the fundamental level. 
Conceptual comparison tables can clarify the whats at the fundamental level. 
First time so fundamental in physics!    Here comes the conceptual comparison tables! 
Readers, be an early bird to add something for the long-sought Theory of Everything! 

Curvature of space as the building material! A new 4D space framework has been 
established to replace the 10D spacetime (10 dimensions will sooner or later be found to 
be more than necessary). As you know, the study upon higher dimensionality is a hot 
topic in physics, especially in string theories.

A century ago, physicists reformulated classical physics into modern physics. Special 
relativity provides a shortcut of mathematical spacetime configurations that also apply to 
quantum mechanics. However, some people say that the physical reality has been lost. 
Mathematical satisfaction makes scholars indifferent to the hidden physical reality 
practiced by Nature. 

Please view Natural Physics vs. Unnatural Physics 
and be an early bird in unveiling the Ultimate Reality of our physical world.
For the new framework of physics, please write something on our guestbook or reply with 

Best wishes.

Respectfully yours,
WU Chi-Kay
model developer