


  I'd like to hear what Tony has to say. I've been catching the
UnknownParticleID exceptions and handeling the different objects, like
strings, di-quarks, etc.  I would propose that we extend the
DefaultParticlePropertyProvider by creating a
PythiaParticlePropertyProvider to handle the Particle ID exceptions that
the Pythia authors choose to make.

  I've been working on a PythiaMonteCarloAnalyzer class that handles
reading generated Pythia events and deciphering the production channel
and decays. A base MonteCarloAnalyzer class provides a standard
interface to the generated information. You can find the code off my
SLAC directory at

the methods in PythiaMonteCarloAnalyzer that might be of general
interest are:

  HEPLST(ParticleVector pv)		- Provides a Pythia-like dump (see Tony's
new PlugIn)
  interpretPythiaEvent(LCDEvent event)	- Interprets Pythia documentation
and decay chains

  It seems clear to me that we need to provide 1.) base classes to
handle routine interfacing to the generator information, and 2.)
subclasses for each of the standard generators to handle all the details
and exceptions that are introduced by the different authors. 


P.S. There's nothing wrong with writing a FORTRAN program to test your
memory skills, but I wouldn't show it to anyone under 25 years of age.
Please send me a copy of your program and I'll try my hand at converting
it to Java using Native Interfacing to the Pythia common block.