To clarify: the last question was specifically related to the use of the EventHandler
(EventAnalyzer) "histogram" method. I know how to declare the Histogram subclass
   Histogram1D hist1 = new Histogram1D("Catchy title");
in the processor class (outside of the process() and analysis methods, correct?),
and then use
in my analysis method. However since I build the histogram titles and set the folders
in the code loops (e.g. for different particle types, detector simulations etc.),
the histogram method is very handy. I tried to use something like
   hist1.rename("A more useful locally built name "+particle_ID);
but it grumbled  at compile time about catching RenameExceptions.
Perhaps histogram just cannot in the way I want? (If not, could it be upgraded?) It looks like
histogram returns a Histogram object that doesn't like to be cast to a Histogram1D object...
Any help will be appreciated.

Robert J. Wilson
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone:   (970) 491 5033
Fax:     (970) 491 7947
Email: [log in to unmask]

August 2000 - July 2001:
Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
Phone: (011 34) 93 581.33.22
Fax:   (011 34) 93 581.19.38
Email: [log in to unmask]