



    SPECIAL Joint Theoretical and Experimental Seminar: Linear Collider Physics

   ****************** NOTE SPECIAL TIME AND DAY****************************

  Thursday January 18, 3:45 pm      1 WEST

  3:45 Introduction -- Mike Witherell

  Between now and Snowmass 2001, in June-July, it is necessary that US high
  energy physicists engage in the discussion of future intiatives, in
  particular the  possibility of a Linear Collider. Today's seminar will 
  serve as a kickoff for a series of discussions and efforts in this 
  direction at FNAL.

  4:00 e+e- Linear Collider: The Physics Case and Issues -- Paul Grannis

  Live streaming video will be available from the following URL.

  People intending to use this facility should access the FNAL Visual Media
  Services site and establish that they can make the connection in advance.
  Necessary software is available free from the site. The above site will
  exist and there are several other archived talks, which can be accessed

  Feedback to [log in to unmask]  on this service is welcome.

  The transparencies for Paul's talk are also available at:


  and   http://d0server1/users/grannis/lc_wandc.pdf

  but are subject to change until the talk is given.