

Dear LCD colleague, 

Although it is a develop version, new RootApps, simulation and analysis tools
based on ROOT, is available at SLAC. 
The tar.gzip file can be obtained from


or from FTP

The file include Marty's new detector parameter file, Silicon.par and 
corresponding tracker smear parameter lookup_silicon.* by Bruce.
It has also the Precise detector parameter file, but doesn't
have the tracker smearing parameter for this detector yet.
The dev version RootApps is good for FastMC, but we are still working 
for FullMC.

The main new features are
  * Neural Network output for b/c separation in ZVTOP output;
    Neural Network is used for track attachment in ZVTOP  by Toshi 
  * Bug fixed in Calorimetry position smearing
  * Event Display 
  * ( can handle the SIO file ) .. still working for SunOS

Many of the class definitions have been changed. 
Please see Web page

which is linked from

For this dev version, please use Root version 3.00/** or later.

We also install the dev version files in 
for SLAC users.

To use them 
1) Copy rootrc_example as .rootrc in your space
2) Modify your .cshrc ... add the lines in cshrc_example

The rootrc_example and cshrc_example files are in

The directory also contains some analysis example files.

- Masako