

yep, there is one ghost per ntuple

Riccardo Faccini
 U.C. San Diego, Universita' "La Sapienza" & I.N.F.N. Roma
tel  +39/06/49914338
Univ. La Sapienza. 2,Ple Aldo Moro, I-00100 Roma
Dipartimento di Fisica

"A voice said to me: 'smile and be happy, things could be worse'. I smiled
and was happy and indeed things got worse" (an office in Ferrara)

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Urs Langenegger wrote:

> Hoi Alessio,
> is this  not a feature of  the 'ghost'?  As I  (mis)understand it, the
> ntuple structure should be the same for every event, and when one runs
> on (say) B0, there ain't no B+,  and hence a ghost is created, so that
> the associated variables are present.
> Somebody please correct if this is wrong.
> Cheers,
> --U