

Hi all,

 it is time to start production for run2 for semiexclusive reco. In the
last mail from Urs you probably see that the "run2 team" is: me, Oliver,
Alessio and Giancarlo. I would say:

  Daniele   -> B0->D*X
  Oliver    -> B0->DcX
  Alessio   -> Bc->D*0X
  Giancarlo -> Bc->D0X

 The instructions are in the following page:

 I think that we can start to submit at Slac the first two datasets
(good_2001-b1-s1-r10A-on_phys1 and good_2001-b1-s1-r10A-on_phys2). Then
we will have a first check of the results. You will send me the nutples
and I will check that the yields and purities make sense. Once checked, we
will finish production. Alessio and I will probably move production at
Lyon. Anyway, Thanksgiving is the best time to run jobs...
