

Hi all,

 here I cut and paste the main tex file of our BAD and this is my

\input{introduction}          Urs/Giancarlo
\input{datasample}            Urs (Daniele/Concezio)
\input{eventselection}        Daniele (and Alessio about neutrals)
\input{kinfit}                Oliver
\input{results}               Ric & Daniele
\input{systematics}           let do them first!!
\input{references}            ?????

I think we need another chapter about fitting and Vub extraction and I can
write it. Guglielmo does not appear in any item but I think he can help in
writing event selection. Concezio can write the paragraph about the
MC sample used.

Let me know.




  Daniele del Re                Phd Student in Particle Physics
                                BaBar Experiment
  University of Rome "La Sapienza"   &   I.N.F.N. Roma1
  Phone:     Rome               SLAC
             +39-06-49914338    +1-650-926-3053

                    )))Now I'm at Slac(((
