

the standalone exec. that makes one rootfile from a provided chain
eliminating the duplicates is ready and tested.
I've ran it over 50kev of run1 d0 and I've produced the resulting
146 MegaB of occupancy (I don't know how this is related to the overall
occupancy of d0: I see 500 kEv for all D0: Urs, do you know how much space
is the d0  data consuming? )
So the production of the 'ultimate' rootfiles, given the duplicates lists,
is ready to go....I've slightly modified the killing code, i'm going to
post the new killing recipe while committing the code....

Comments and questions are welcomed.

Alessio Sarti
 Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara
 tel  +39-0532-781928  Ferrara

"Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Berlusconi"

"Che il bianco sia bianco, e che il nero sia nero
 che uno e uno fanno due e che la scienza dice il vero....