


we'll have a meeting tomorrow at 9:30 am PST. At SLAC, we have the
Pine conference room in the ROB. 

> I reserved the Pine Conference Room (048,232) for you from 9:30 am - 11:00 am on Wednesday, March 20th.  
> The dial in number is: 973-321-2000
> The passcode is: 710723

Topics to be discussed include

 o Organizational: 
     - Abstract/Talk for APS
     - Hassan's PAC summary (in particular skims, OBJY/Kanga)
     - Accomodation of other analyses with IBU

 o Production Issues: 
     - 'Killer'
     - Yields in IBU and SemiExclUser
     - How to survive the 100 fb-1 production. Manpower?!
     - Truth matching: "Default"

 o Analysis Issues
     - K0S->pi0pi0
     - low Mx studies
     - Urs' todo list
     - Daniele's topics

In addition, aob forgotten above. 

We'll flash Concezio in Bremen at 0049 421 2232838, right? 
