


the  following  is  what I  remembered  to  put  down. Please  add  as
followups whatever I misunderstood, forgot, or misrepresented.

We decided to put all corrections to this into cvs by Friday, April 5.
We will then  discuss about when exactly to upload  a new version into
the system.   At that point the  BAD would probably  benefit much from
editing by a single person (for some style consistency, etc).


Comments on BAD 347 raised during the reading of 03/28/02

Page  Comment
3     Add plots with Mx(generator) for b2c, b2u (res, non-res, and mix)
5     Remove 1.1.2
      Remove reference to exact value of BR(b->Xlnu) we'll be using
6     level of details in 1.2 very inhomogeneous
7     clarification of last paragraph (that it has nothing to do with
      breco normalization)
8     Lumi for run 1 and run 2
      define 'integrated purity'
      change 'X' to 'Y' to avoid confusion with hadronic recoil system X
      yield stability over time
      redo table once 'killer' files are ready 
10    update table
      add details on background and signal MC (res and non-res)
      versions of decay files
      make sure that all SP4 has version > 10.0.2      

11    Add paragraph describing/giving overview over analysis
      Add new subsection on Semileptonic/Reconstruction/Recoil (whatever) 

      Add remark about Pid Killing
12    Add muon ID description
      Time-dependence of lepton ID
      remove all occurences of 'crucial'
      kaon ID selector optimization 
      kaon momentum spectrum in data and MC, efficiency
13    kshort selection into own subsection. Spectrum in data and MC. Efficiency
14    streamline/rearrange 3.6
15    "one D meson" needs to be rewritten
      KL remarks need rewrite
17    What is the generator-level p* spectrum in the B restframe
      remove Figure 9
      replace "Vub extraction" with something less jargon-like
      Move Table 5-8 into Appendix and replace with a summary version
      Add comments on efficiencies to guide the reader
      remove efficiency for b2u in b2u-depleted sample
22    Normalization of comparison plots to #B
      to rotate or not to rotate the plots
      comment each set of plots
      add appendix with comparison of generic and cocktail MC
      additional plots on #kaons, #kshorts, #neutrals, #tracks,
         momentum spectrum of ("right-sign") hadrons
      are errors taken into account properly for Kolmogorov tests? 
      Order of bullets not obvious
      change 'asymmetric' cut
      change "$M_\nu^2$ into $M_{miss}^2$
      remark about statistical error optimization only
26    change sigma(Vub) into something more straightforward
28    need to verify IBU yields with yields in table
      label/caption table
29    redo optimization 
43    indices confusion
      eliminate most of 4.2
      move section 4 into to-be-written subsection of section 3
      show bias of Mx(fit) as a function of Mx
49    change title into something like 'Measurement Technique' (or whatever)
      mixing correction not yet described
      unify usage into signal depleted/enhanced (or b2u depleted/enhanced)
      show ARGUS shape parameter as a function of Mx for background
      and signal
      change title of 5.1.1 ('tag' 'breco' and other things were discussed)
50    caption of figure 36 needs more elaboration
51    fit not (adequately) described, formula, binned LH, ...
      efficiency(breco) on generic instead of cockatil
      add errors (even \pm x.y) to correction factors
52    plots per category for b2u enhanced and depleted
p53   label axes
      give numbers used in fit
      quantify goodness of fit