

I've spent a lot of time fighting today against root, but some results are
now available.
You can find an update on the gamma's energy spectrum in the webpage:

The study of the residuals is still ongoing..
The most important thing is the following:
I've investigated the reason of such different spectra for sp3 and sp4 for
neutrals that were not matched to the B and I've found a strange behavior
of the isAncestor function that does the matching btw a particle and an
hypotetical mother...

Doing the matching 'by hand' I got results that are meaningful and quite
in agreement for sp3 and sp4 (as you can see in the first links to the B
matched and unmatched photons results).

But if I switch to use the isAncestor function i loose a lot of B
candidates and some differences in the unmatched spectra start to arose.

The good news is that the plots I've shown in the last meeting were due to
a bug in the way I was calling the function that now is fixed: so still
using isAncestor to investigate the MC tree leads to much more compatible
results for sp3 and sp4....

More study on the isAncestor function is ongoing (maybe i'm still doing
something dumb..) but it seems to me that the differences tdw sp3 and sp4
are now becoming much more smaller...

Any question or comment is welcomed.

Alessio Sarti
 Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara
 tel  +39-0532-781928  Ferrara

"Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Berlusconi"

"Che il bianco sia bianco, e che il nero sia nero
 che uno e uno fanno due e che la scienza dice il vero....