


we'll have a meeting on Friday, 03/15/02, at 8:00 am PST. Those at
SLAC can meet in the Group C conference room.

Connection details: 
  Call 1-510-647-3480, press 1, enter 191055# and follow the instructions to attend.

We'll flash  Concezio in  Bremen. Please let  me know if  someone else
needs to be flashed as well.

 1) efficiency comparison data-mc (mc generic-mc cocktail)
 2) fit stability and bias
 3) background subtraction and study at low Mx
 4) duplicate killing
 5) comparison of neutrals in sp3-sp4
 6) unblind?
 7) BAD
 8) organizational: review committe, coll wide talk, conferences, group status, ...
