

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in a joint
machine-detector study group devoted to the topic of IP beam
instrumentation for the Next Linear Collider. The principle goal
of this study is to move beyond broad conceptual ideas and begin
to specify in detail the beam instrumentation and associated
infrastructure necessary to realize the full physics potential
of a 500 GeV linear collider. The first meeting of this study group
will be held at SLAC on June 26th.

One of the distinct advantages of a high energy e+e- linear collider
is the well defined initial state in the collision process. This
advantage can only be realized, however, if there is adequate beam
instrumentation available to measure the beam properties at the
interaction point.

The instrumentation topics to be addressed by this study include
beam polarization, beam energy scale, luminosity spectrum, and
control of IP parameters for luminosity optimization. Beyond
discussing the target precision and prospective technologies for
this instrumentation, this study will aim to develop detailed beam
line designs, propose concrete operational strategies, and identify
specific topics for further research.

The format of the first meeting at SLAC will be designed to promote
discussion and brainstorming, with short introductory talks given in
each topical area followed by a round table discussion directed by a
list of questions to be prepared in advance. It is expected that this
meeting will be the first in a series which will continue until the
primary goal of a more detailed plan for the IP instrumentation is
achieved. To limit the scope of topics considered at this initial
meeting, we will focus on the physics needs for high energy
operations of the 500 GeV NLC design.

The timing of the first meeting, which immediately precedes the
Santa Cruz meeting, has been chosen to encourage the participation
of all interested parties. While the NLC design will be principally
used to make the discussion concrete, most of the topics to be
addressed are universal beyond specific machine designs, and we
warmly welcome participation from the Tesla and JLC communities.
Non-experts and people interested in potential new research
opportunities are also strongly encouraged to attend.

More detailed information about the study and the first meeting
can be found at the IP BI Study web page:

  -David Cinabro
  -Eric Torrence
  -Mike Woods

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Eric Torrence                             [log in to unmask]
University of Oregon                             [log in to unmask]