


I will try and get the whole run1 ntuples to double the Klong statistics

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Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 03:12:37 -0700
From: Vuko Brigljevic <[log in to unmask]>
To: Riccardo Faccini <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: phiGamma tcl

Ciao Ric,

Riccardo Faccini wrote:
> in the context of the vub analysis I need to do some Klong studies.
> I need to run on as much phiGamma as possible. Giuseppe was telling me
> that there are some issues about skimming that should be resolved by now.

I guess you want data. There was indeed a problem with the phigamma
tagbit, unexplained so far (I am working on trying to understand
it precisely this week, it happened also to 2 more PID control samples).
As a consequence, it is not in the skims or streams and we need to rerun
over all the data ourselves. Bryan Dahmes has started working on it,
to produce reduced collections and Kanga files of all data from the
Moriond sample. I am providing the technical help to do it (set up
the code,...) but he will actually be doing the actual production
and bookkeeping. He had started on it but he got distracted by other
things (APS talk at least) so I don't know how fast he is moving
forward. I'll inquire again.

Both Bryan and I should have ntuples from the Run1 data though.
Depending on what you want to study and purity, threre are about
800-1'500 available KLongs (on the lower side if you want to
study EMC e.g.).
