


the production started  at 04/13/02 is coming to its  end -- thanks to
Alessio, the broncos and kanga. 

The production took about 20'000 hours of (SLAC) CPU, the elapsed wall
clock  time is two  weeks. This  included all  data, cocktail  MC, and
generic BB  MC.  No  udsc MC  was processed.  If  we can  avoid making
reduced collections ourselves  (and I do hope so  -- either with skims
or by brute force), we should be  in a manageable regime for 100 fb in

This  iteration should  have the  following features  compared  to the
previous one:
 - more SP4 statistics: 50% of the SP3 B0 cocktail, 150% of the SP3 B+
   cocktail and 60% more statistics in generic MC. 
 - fixed SP4 orphan bug
 - GHit base MC associator
 - More tracking information to study track selection
 - consistent (i)purity tables for all (charged) seeds
 - ISL conversions instead of default ones
 - ISL dalitz pairs
 - JPsi block
 - MC for run1 was processed with different PidTables than MC for run2
   (which is what should happen, but did not in the last
   iteration).  No track smearing was done on Beta level, needs to be
   done in recoilNtp and derivates. 

Note that  I had to separate  root and hbook files  (disks are filling
up), the different paths are indicated on the webpage.

I have updated the webpage with the relevant numbers in the table. The
chain files  provided on the webpage  are updated, but  not yet final:
Since  a few  cleanup  jobs are  still  running, there  will be  minor
changes to them (especially Dc generics) over the next few days.  I'll
be testing the chains, but if you find problems, please let me know.
