

Hi all,
the D systematics study has reach a crucial point.
You can see in the updated web page
( )
that the various D BR are extracted and the systematic is computed in a
'new' way:
the BR are fixed to random values extracted accocrdingly to a gaussian
distribution centered at PDG with PDG values for the sigma.

The systematic effect is REALLY large. This is a very conservative way to
extract the systematics. Sometimes we rely on the DECAY.DEC effect: the
generated BR is far from the PDG one.
Some other times is the PDG that has very large errors (this affect the
systematics only in a 'statistical' way..)
The other problems are coming of course from a BAD event reconstruction
and those are the most dangerous from our point of view.
the web page describes a little some of the main effects and
contributions, but the work to understand such large syst. is ongoing...

Any comment and help is really appreciated.


Alessio Sarti
 Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara
 tel  +39-0532-781928  Ferrara
roma  +39-06-49914338
SLAC +001-650-926-2972

"Vorrei tanto sapere chi e' che va in giro a costruire quadrati