

Dear Colleague,

   There will be an International Workshop on Linear Colliders 
at Jeju island, Korea, from August 26 to 30, 2002.  We are 
now organizing the sessions H for calorimetry, muon, and 
other detectors, and would like to invite you to submit 
your contribution to this session.

   The topics in this session include:
        1) Calorimetry (barrel, endcap, forward, very-forward,...),
        2) Muon Detectors,
        3) Dedicated Particle-Identifier,
        4) Luminosity Detector (Spectrometer), 
            (Instantaneous luminosity monitor for beam handling
             will be covered in session K)
        5) Instrumented Mask, Forward Energy Tagger/Veto,
        6) Simulation studies relevant to above detectors
           and all other possible detectors, while 
        *) trackers (central, intermediate, vertex, forward,...)
           will be covered by session G, and
        *) beam diagnositcs (BPM, pair-monitors, polarimeters,...)
           will be covered by session K.

   We have already received several contributions (including
un-official ones), and have made a list of expected talks as

In addition, we are considering to organize a joint session of H and J
for extensive discussion on simulation studies.

  You can submit your contribution via the web page

We are looking forward to having your contributions.

With best regards,
   Paul Dauncey
   Ray Frey
   Yoshiaki Fujii
   Marcello Piccolo