

I have the following in my .emacs to teach it how to interpret various
BaBar extensions:

;;Associate emacs modes with file suffixes 
;; Type 'C-h v auto-mode-alist RET' in order to see default list. If
;; you don't want special modes, bind suffix to fundamental-mode Since
;; the following prepends to list, your binding will override default
(setq auto-mode-alist 
      (append '(("\\.html$"  . indented-text-mode)
                ("\\.[pP][Llm]$" . perl-mode)
                ("\\.inc$"  . fortran-mode)
                ("\\.ddl$" . c++-mode)
                ("\\.rdl$" . c++-mode))

This was stolen from an original file in Paul Raines' elisp directory
:-) I bet you can add "\\.icc$" to the c++-mode list 


On Thu, Aug 22, 2002 at 12:04:33PM -0700, Alessio Sarti wrote:
> Hi all,
> this is a 'stupid' question:
> do you know how to teach emacs(xemacs) to treat .icc as .cc ones?
> (For example colors, use of tab to format, etc....)
> Alessio
> ______________________________________________________
> Alessio Sarti     Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara
>  tel  +39-0532-781928  Ferrara
> roma  +39-06-49914338
> SLAC +001-650-926-2972
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  La vita non e` un prodotto da essere rifiuti consumati da fare parte di
>  una lavata di omicidio l'anima dal vostro vegan in tensione delle mani
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  M. Pierini "That's why you really want to hit me"