

Hi all,

 I checked the effect of the last bug fixes in recoilNtp. They are

 1) fix in the size of pi0's vectors to avoid memory corruption (from ric)

 2) fix in the variable tproTrk. Before it was a random number (since it
    was not filled at all). This variable is used in the GTVL definition

 The statistics used is: data 56fb-1, all generic MC available (~60fb-1)

 This is the comparison data(without bugs)-data(withbugs):

 This is the comparison geneMC(without bugs)-geneMC(withbugs):

 This is the new comparison data-mc:


 1) the comparison in data make sense since the differences show up in the
number of charged tracks and in the Mx. This is correct. With the bug in
(I mean the tproTrk one) sometimes (in a randomic way) one track was
rejected and this introduced a shift down in the number od reconstructed
tracks and Mx

 2) the comparison in MC shows the same behaviour seen in the data but it
seems to be more evident. Moreover something new is present in the lepton
spectrum and in the fitted Mx spectrum (more events at high Mx). The trk
spectrum is completely different now.

 3) the new comparison data-mc shows a better agreement in the trk
spectrum. The fitted Mx before cuts for the depleted sample show large
disagreements (at high Mx)
