

Hi all,

 Ric showed me the distributions of the LAT variable for neutrals
belonging to the reconstructed B in the mes signal box and in the

 - top one is the signal box
 - bottom one are the mes sidebands

 Since the two distributions seem to be different we were curious about
checking the possiblity to cut on it in order to clean the breco sample.

 I studied the problem finding the neutral with the smallest LAT among the
ones that belong to the reco'ed B and cutting on its LAT value in each


 you find the mes distributions as a function of the cut for events that
pass a loose cut on the lepton in the recoil (in order to see the actual
improvement in statistcal significance for our measurement).

 As you see, the gain in purity is small. On the other hand the lost of
yield is large. We can conclude that this cut does not help.
