

Hi all,
a brief update:
rootfiles for gen cc and uds are done you can find them in usual place
recovery of data crashed with Tag Att BAse problem is ongoing. Hopefully
will be finished tomorrow.

I've commited the perl script that can be used for skimming: use it and
test it...

(here I've pasted the logfile for my committ..)

Added Files:
Log Message:
Perl script needed to submit skim jobs:

usage *.root  (use -d for data)
in this way the job:

-> run over single rootfiles and produces a skimmed file in a one by one basis
   (to switch on the chain option just use -c *chains)
-> the job wirtes skimmed files in /nfs/farm/babar/AWG12/ISL/sx-071802/skim_MC and /nfs/farm/babar/AWG12/ISL/sx-071802/skim_DA
   (to switch from data to MC just add -d option: -d --> DAta ; no flag --> MC)
   (to change the /nfs/farm/babar/AWG12/ISL/sx-071802/skim part you can use -p my_favorite_nfs_path)
-> the job writes a log file in ./skimlog/
   (to select a different directory just add -o path_to_your_favorite_logdir

-> If you do not want to submit 1000 jobs at the same time (especially when you run over signle rootfiles) you can use -w option (same as run script: submit jobs only if the batch queue has < #tot job files pending using -w #tot)

I hope that this is going to be clear for all...
The code is easy: I hope that it will work :) ...I've tested it and no problem is showing.....
Thanks for you patience...