

I was asked by Ric, before putting hand to the BAD, to
wrote down a bit what i was going to change/update/keep.

I came up with that proposal (were K  reads "keep",
U "update" & A "add").

Please let me know any suggestion/doubt/question/comment
about that proposal:
I'm going to wait a bit more before updating-committing
tex files :) !!!

Sorry about the long email and thanks for your help.



Proposed updates to the BAD:

2.2) MC samples

K-> Keep generic and cocktail description
A-> Add description of SP4 run1 and run2 differences and Ks bug
K-> Keep signal MC description (newly added MC needs
    documentation form Concezio)
U-> Redo plots in figure 3 (with all new-old MC)
K-> Keep nonreso and hybrid description
U-> Update table 3 with new numbers

3.7) Data-MC comparison

U-> Review the statement about cocktail and generic role in measurement
    (now we'll have a lot of generic too)
U-> Redo plots in figures 27-33. (phot7,trk7,ksfix2 from Urs)
A-> I propose to add at that point the breakdown btw B,B0 and B+
    and to store all the plots in the appendix.
    (shall we need Q0, Q1, Q2??)
U-> Comments: (those will be done after a final discussion on
	       last selection). However here are few major points:
	1) Keep comments about pcms (e-m)
	2) Trk and Neu multiplicty are showing problems (can
	   we say here few words about splitoffs,loopers??)
	3) mm2 still showing problems (mainly due to K0,neut:
	   do we want to put down that statement?)
	4) mxhadfit: agreement is quite good
	5) Qtot: still having problems (mention how sys are
	   taking care of that? mention Dsys role?)
	6) Eneut: decent agreement...
A-> Comment on general disagreement btw B0 and B+: we state
    that sys are going to take care of that discrepancy
U-> Redo plots for mm2 (keep them in bulk of BAD not appendix).
    (fig 35-36)
A-> Add in bulk of BAD same plots (as 35-36) for Mx and Qtot
    (crucial quantities)

6.5) Bkg composition

U-> Redo Guglielmo study
	(Am I in charge of that??? Probably yes)


Alessio Sarti     Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara
 tel  +39-0532-781928  Ferrara
roma  +39-06-49914338
SLAC +001-650-926-2972

"... e a un Dio 'fatti il culo' non credere mai..."
(F. De Andre')

"He was turning over in his mind an intresting new concept in
Thau-dimensional physics which unified time, space, magnetism, gravity
and, for some reason, broccoli".  (T. Pratchett: "Pyramids")

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Riccardo Faccini wrote:

> Hi,
> in order to be able to go back to the review process as soon as we have
> some results, I would suggest we start a review of the content of the BAD
> (while waiting for jobs, dead afs cells etc etc ..)...
> Here is the list of chapters to be updated and the person who could take
> care of it. Please correct me if it is incorrect. [P.S. I refer to the
> BAD as tagged today as rf-100402]
> 2.1 Urs
> 2.2 Alessio
> 3.1 Ric (with material from Urs)
> 3.2.2 Ric
> 3.3 Ric
> 3.4 Ric
> 3.6 Daniele
> 3.7 Urs/Alessio
> 5.X Daniele
> 6.X Ric (one more pass in general ...)
> 6.2.1 daniele
> 6.5 Alessio
> 	ciao ciao
> 	ric