

Hi Urs,
thhis then suggests that we should switch to using only the new MC asap.
It would be actually quite interesting to perform the mm2 scan only with
the new MC.
Alessio, what is the status of the production?

Riccardo Faccini
 U.C. San Diego, Universita' "La Sapienza" & I.N.F.N. Roma
tel  +39/06/49914338
Univ. La Sapienza. 2,Ple Aldo Moro, I-00100 Roma
Dipartimento di Fisica

"We need serenity to accept what we cannot change, courage to change what
we can and wisdom to distinguish between the two" [R. Kiplin, allegedly]

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Urs Langenegger wrote:

> Hoi Ric,
> what means  'it works'?  Yes, the  energy spectrum of  gammas from K0S
> will  be  fine  by construction,  but  that  is  not relevant  to  the
> analysis.
> shows plots
> comparing B0 cocktail  MC (left: o 2001 - 2000, right:  o 2002 - 2001)
> when applying the K0s killing. 2000 and 2001 MC contain only 'old' MC,
> 2002 only 'new'.
> There are still differences between the killed old and the new.
> Cheers,
> --U.