

Hi all,
it's time for an update on production.

Data has been finished and validated. I'm producing chains and I'm close
to have a final set of chains (with fast option included).

Generic MC has few problem:
1) We run out of disk space: I've just learned in the PAC meeting that
600GB have been assigned to us but we're not going to have any gain
because we need to migrate our stuff. We're not going to have NEW disk
space. It's just a matter of moving data to:

This is a serious issue: I have no spacde were to put hbook files.

2) The status of the production is (available rootfiles):
10M 2001 ChB ev
870k 2001 B0 ev
21.62M 2002 B0 ev
No Chb 2002

(but we have some chb 2002 and some 2000 data have been produced but
can't be h2rooted for disk space problems)

Disk space is now a majour issue and we need to figure out a solution.

What are the suggestion on how to proceed?
sulky13:/AWG7        1000652800 984412088  15225875  99% /a/sulky13/AWG7
surrey05:/f.bbr_AWG1 104857600  85910656  18946944  82%
surrey05:/f.bbr_AWG2 262144000 262104496     39504 100%
surrey05:/f.bbr_AWG3  52428800  52362508     66292 100%
surrey09:/f.bbr_AWG4 901775360 883313156  18462204  98%
sulky09:/AWG5        1000652800 959211328  41117744  96% /a/sulky09/AWG5
sulky13:/AWG6        1000652800 972209805  26723933  98% /a/sulky13/AWG6
sulky14:/AWG9        500340736 500164750    165136 100% /a/sulky14/AWG9
sulky14:/AWG10       500340736 490297557   9422224  99% /a/sulky14/AWG10
sulky14:/AWG12       619788288 619788288         0 100% /a/sulky14/AWG12

Alessio Sarti     Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara
 tel  +39-0532-781928  Ferrara
roma  +39-06-49914338
SLAC +001-650-926-2972

"... e a un Dio 'fatti il culo' non credere mai..."
(F. De Andre')

"He was turning over in his mind an intresting new concept in
Thau-dimensional physics which unified time, space, magnetism, gravity
and, for some reason, broccoli".  (T. Pratchett: "Pyramids")