

Hoi Alessio,

your proposal is fine, imvho. 

The servers of both disks are loaded in a similar way:

    Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
    surrey05:/f.bbr_AWG1 104857600 85911944 18945656    82%    /a/surrey05/f.bbr_AWG1
    sulky14:/AWG10       500340736 489680296 10001424    98%    /a/sulky14/AWG10
    sulky14:/AWG11       619788288 609001040 10113800    99%    /a/sulky14/AWG11
    sulky14:/AWG12       619788288 569231648 47397672    93%    /a/sulky14/AWG12
    sulky25:/AWG13       619788288 90428424 496274880    16%    /a/sulky25/AWG13
    sulky25:/AWG14       619788288 86307112 500138608    15%    /a/sulky25/AWG14
    sulky25:/AWG15       619788288 81829528 504338584    14%    /a/sulky25/AWG15
    sulky25:/AWG16       619788288  168376 580893672     1%    /a/sulky25/AWG16
    sulky25:/AWG17       619788288  168376 580893672     1%    /a/sulky25/AWG17
->  sulky25:/AWG18       619788288 410758632 195965336    68%    /a/sulky25/AWG18
    sulky25:/AWG19       619788288 220257800 374561064    38%    /a/sulky25/AWG19
    surrey05:/f.bbr_AWG2 262144000 262107464   36536   100%    /a/surrey05/f.bbr_AWG2
    sulky25:/AWG20       619788288  751880 580346672     1%    /a/sulky25/AWG20
    sulky26:/AWG21       619788288  168376 580893672     1%    /a/sulky26/AWG21
    sulky26:/AWG22       619788288  168376 580893672     1%    /a/sulky26/AWG22
->  sulky26:/AWG23       619788288  168376 580893672     1%    /a/sulky26/AWG23
    sulky26:/AWG24       619788288  168376 580893672     1%    /a/sulky26/AWG24
    sulky26:/AWG25       619788288  168376 580893672     1%    /a/sulky26/AWG25
    sulky26:/AWG26       619788288  168376 580893672     1%    /a/sulky26/AWG26
    sulky26:/AWG27       619788288  168384 580893664     1%    /a/sulky26/AWG27
    sulky26:/AWG28       619788288  168376 580893672     1%    /a/sulky26/AWG28
    surrey05:/f.bbr_AWG3 52428800 52362512   66288   100%    /a/surrey05/f.bbr_AWG3
    surrey09:/f.bbr_AWG4 901775360 883870288 17905072    99%    /a/surrey09/f.bbr_AWG4
    sulky09:/AWG5        1000652800 908663176 91270992    91%    /a/sulky09/AWG5
    sulky13:/AWG6        1000652800 891241296 102640832    90%    /a/sulky13/AWG6
    sulky13:/AWG7        1000652800 781913464 205071112    80%    /a/sulky13/AWG7
    sulky09:/AWG8        500340736 492076992 8199392    99%    /a/sulky09/AWG8
    sulky14:/AWG9        500340736 500170488  159752   100%    /a/sulky14/AWG9

They  are the  same hardware  (Fire 280R)  which is  fine  (though not
