

Hi all,
I've produced tcl files for generic unskimmed MC.
We have 102.560 M B+ and 97.760 M B0..
Tcl files are sampled in 10k events (you can have a quick idea of how many
tcl files I'm talking about.... :) !!!)
I'm going to submit few test jobs and verify that we're not above
bfobjy queue limit ..
Then production will restart:
I'm going to take care of 2002, ursl can do 2001 and henning 2000.
Al the various tcl file are under usual tcl area.
Names are:
(lower case !!)

Happy production to all,

Alessio Sarti     Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara
 tel  +39-0532-781928  Ferrara
roma  +39-06-49914338
SLAC +001-650-926-2972

"... e a un Dio 'fatti il culo' non credere mai..."
(F. De Andre')