

We are rapidly running out of disk space.
We do not have space were to put newly generic MC produced hbook neither
rootfiles (of course).

How are we going to deal with this?

Here's the situation of AWG disk space...
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
surrey05:/f.bbr_AWG1 104857600 78306528 26551072    75%
sulky14:/AWG10       500340736 486313384 13159328    98%
sulky14:/AWG11       619788288 618849312  880576   100%
sulky14:/AWG12       619788288 573350288 43535648    93%
surrey05:/f.bbr_AWG2 262144000 256189096 5954904    98%
surrey05:/f.bbr_AWG3 52428800 52362288   66512   100%
surrey09:/f.bbr_AWG4 901775360 883010432 18764928    98%
sulky09:/AWG5        1000652800 943936064 56284952    95%
sulky13:/AWG6        1000652800 955577904 42316280    96%
sulky13:/AWG7        1000652800 947641704 49700968    96%
sulky09:/AWG8        500340736 494898128 5403040    99%    /a/sulky09/AWG8
sulky14:/AWG9        500340736 499963680  353640   100%    /a/sulky14/AWG9

What can we do?

(I think that we still have 1-2 days before the complete stop..)

Alessio Sarti     Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara
 tel  +39-0532-781928  Ferrara
roma  +39-06-49914338
SLAC +001-650-926-2972

"... e a un Dio 'fatti il culo' non credere mai..."
(F. De Andre')