

Hi all,
it turned out today that AWG23 is completely full.
I can't copy in it the new generic.
So the chains posted by urs can be taken as the official ones (generic
and data).
For the signal we still need a bit of time in order to understand what is
missing (and why)...


PS maybe we need to review the policy for AWG23 usage?

Alessio Sarti     Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara
 tel  +39-0532-974328  Ferrara
roma  +39-06-49914338
SLAC +001-650-926-2972

"... e a un Dio 'fatti il culo' non credere mai..."
(F. De Andre')

"He was turning over in his mind an intresting new concept in
Thau-dimensional physics which unified time, space, magnetism, gravity
and, for some reason, broccoli".  (T. Pratchett: "Pyramids")

On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Urs Langenegger wrote:

> Hoi,
> I have produced new "final" chains. They are in
>   $BFROOT/www/Physics/Analysis/AWG/InclusiveSL/islrecoil/chains/csx-111202/
> Without the uds, cc, and brecovub* jobs they amount to 3x jobs. If the
> servers are not  bogged down, this amounts to about  4.x hours of wall
> clock time.
> I am trying to  make sure they are final but people  want them NOW. So
> take them, and feel free to correct them if they are wrong.
> Cheers,
> --U.