

Hi ric,

>    5.Finally I looked into the Mx scan for the B0. I compared the point
>at 1.3 GeV with the default one (using trk7gam7). The difference between
>the two results is BRBR= 0.0183788 +- 0.00409113(stat) +- 0.00266892(MC
>stat) vs 0.0264 +- 0.0046 +- 0.0029 of the default one. If one compares the
>default plot with the Mx>1.3 GeV one one can notice that the sum of the
>first two bins is not the same in the two data plots, while it should.
>Looking into the individual Mes fits, I noticed that in one case we are
>running with a sigma of 2.7 MeV on mes, while in the other case we have
>a sigma of 3 MeV. This is clearly an instability that we need to fix.

the fit is working fine. You are using two different root files for the
data. For the  default fit you used mine, for the 1.3 GeV the ones from
Urs. There is the famous 15% statistics less in mine...
