


I looked at 

  TFile f("/nfs/farm/babar/AWG23/ISL/sx-080702/b0cocktail/output/outputdir/b0cocktail-sp4-old2000-151.root")

I dumped all timestamps in that file: 

   void anaVub::dump() {

     int uid, lid; 

     TTree *t1;
     t1 = (TTree*)gFile->Get("h1");
     t1->SetBranchAddress("upperID", &uid);
     t1->SetBranchAddress("lowerID", &lid);

     Int_t nentries = Int_t(t1->GetEntries());
     Int_t nb(0), nbytes(0);
     for (Int_t jentry = 0; jentry < nentries; jentry++) {
       nb = t1->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;
       sprintf(line, "%x:%x ", uid, lid); 
       cout << line << endl;

  root [2] a.dump(); > bla                

and then I sort and uniq them: 

  shire04>sort bla > bla.sort
  shire04>uniq  bla.sort > bla.uniq

  shire04>wc bla
    2111    2111   27443 bla
  shire04>wc bla.sort 
    2111    2111   27443 bla.sort
  shire04>wc bla.uniq 
    2111    2111   27443 bla.uniq

I  do  not see  duplicate  events.   Could  you maybe  provide  better
evidence, please?
