

Hi all,

 these are the results fitting the data with the different selections from

 I fitted the new and the old MC. I also realized that the selection I
used to perform all the tests and scans is a bit different from our newest
selection. I had killTracks=1, killSlowPions=1, doTrackKilling=3 .

 My comments:

 - old-new MC's are the identical as far as the fit result is concerned
 - Bch results are stable with all the selections
 - B0 results show large differences between g00 and g01,2,3
 - MC shapes:
    * B0 g01 - B0 gdan show a very different shape, do we understand
    * Bch g02- Bch g03 show a very different shape, do we understand
 - data: according to me the three different selections (g01,2,3)
   change the data very slightly

 My final comment:

 - Bchs look very good. B0 don't. We should understand which is the cut
that change so much the result from g00 to g01,2,3 for the B0s
