

Hi all,

 here the last updated results and let me define them

 They include:

 - final implementation of the reweighting inclusive vs exclusive Vub
 - new B-D decays reweighting. Fix in both MC and PDG BR's.
 - new pstar factors (also separated for electrons and muons)

All   BRBR = 0.0197019 +- 0.00253248(stat) +- 0.0010378(MC stat)
B0    BRBR = 0.0245504 +- 0.00428074(stat) +- 0.00161026(MC stat)
Bch   BRBR = 0.0168213 +- 0.00304205(stat) +- 0.00143939(MC stat)
ele   BRBR = 0.0225651 +- 0.00349575(stat) +- 0.00139779(MC stat)
mu    BRBR = 0.0165709 +- 0.00358244(stat) +- 0.00156765(MC stat)
run1  BRBR = 0.0189394 +- 0.00506565(stat) +- 0.00133176(MC stat)
run2  BRBR = 0.0199751 +- 0.00289957(stat) +- 0.00103618(MC stat)
sb1   BRBR = 0.0158686 +- 0.00562976(stat) +- 0.00110556(MC stat)
sb2   BRBR = 0.0184778 +- 0.00366137(stat) +- 0.00119233(MC stat)
sb3   BRBR = 0.0221308 +- 0.00404376(stat) +- 0.000985617(MC stat)

and the checks for the hadronization

default        BRBR = 0.0197019 +- 0.00253248(stat) +- 0.0010378(MC stat)
multiplicity   BRBR = 0.0197606 +- 0.00268304(stat) +- 0.00268602(MC stat)
non res model  BRBR = 0.0203342 +- 0.00259124(stat) +- 0.00121938(MC stat)

error on multipl. fit has to be checked.

 I remind you that the last "official" number presented to the RC
were these:

The difference from those numbers (default for all events was 0.00191)
is due to:

 - final implementation of the reweighting inc vs exc Vub   +0.0008
 - new B-D decays reweighting                               +0.0006
 - new pstar factors	                                    -0.0007

 At the meeting we should discuss:

 - any other question and\or doubt about theo reweighting?
 - do we agree about B-D systematics reweighting?
 - happy with the new pstar factors?
 - status of detector systematics
 - happy with the theo systematics?
   we would like to quote in quadrature:
         * mb & a
         * exclusive BR (error on pilnu from PDG)
         * inclusive BR (our measurement)
         * hadronization difference from the multip fit & no res fit
 - MC stat error: are we sure about it with the new reweighting?
 - BAD 582: reading
 - BAD 540: fill missing parts

 Let me know if I forgot something.


p.s.Here the results on the depleted sample

All   BRBR = 0.05763 +- 0.0299703(stat) +- nan(MC stat)  <--- to be
B0    BRBR = 0.0893446 +- 0.0605634(stat) +- 0.0340421(MC stat)
Bch   BRBR = 0.0499866 +- 0.0229783(stat) +- 0.0130048(MC stat)
ele   BRBR = 0.103955 +- 0.0373919(stat) +- 0.0240548(MC stat)
mu    BRBR = 0.0236875 +- 0.0270954(stat) +- 0.0151656(MC stat)
run1  BRBR = 0.0425154 +- 0.042522(stat) +- 0.0129273(MC stat)
run2  BRBR = 0.0636233 +- 0.0257339(stat) +- 0.0122491(MC stat)
sb1   BRBR = 0.0258983 +- 0.0507019(stat) +- 0.0129249(MC stat)
sb2   BRBR = 0.0724585 +- 0.0341576(stat) +- 0.013035(MC stat)
sb3   BRBR = 0.051807 +- 0.0347233(stat) +- 0.0118275(MC stat)