


I am not  sure I understand the situation  completely (at the moment).
A  further complication is  that we  are sitting  on a  moving target,
since the fit  and the reweighting has been  changing. Anyway, the raw
numbers are

n04  without kaon killing                  oldFit  0.02118 +- 0.0027
n18  with muon killing                     oldFit  0.02276 +- 0.0027

n04  without kaon killing                  newFit  0.01895 +- 0.0023
n18  with muon killing                     newFit  0.01884 +- 0.0022

n25  with muon killing, repeat of n18              0.02067 +- 0.0024
n26  with muon killing, no fixed seed              0.02071 +- 0.0025
n27  with muon killing, no fixed seed              0.02136 +- 0.0025
n28  with muon killing, no fixed seed              0.02008 +- 0.0024
n29  with muon killing, no fixed seed              0.02025 +- 0.0024
n30  with muon killing, no fixed seed              0.02044 +- 0.0024
n31  with muon killing, fixed seed, with K killing 0.01900 +- 0.0071

Remember,  none  of the  systematics  jobs  originally  run with  kaon
PidKilling, that's why n04 is not  the default result. The big jump we
observed was in n18 (oldFit) vs. n04. 

Anyway,  if someone  feels  like extracting  a  systematic from  this,
please do so and recompute the systematics table.
