

Hi all,
here a a few clarifications on how the fit machinery has changed and on
how to obtain the default results.
1) The fit flag that switch on and off the reweighting is:
If you add that flag to the command line when launching a fit the fit will
apply the weights provided, otherwise (ie NO -Theosys flag) no matter what
are the weights they're NOT going to be applied. Results will be the
default one.

I just remind you that the OLD Defalt result (B & D sys reweighting on,
All B, 1.55 Mx cut) is:
BRBR = 0.0188272 +- 0.00249001(stat) +- 0.00113996(MC stat)

while the New default (B&D sys, All B, 1.55 Mx cut, -Theosys flag) is:
BRBR = 0.0209265 +- 0.00275093(stat) +- 0.00122476(MC stat)

2) When you use the -Theosys flag you need to provide to the fit the
weights that are going to be used.
You can take the file
as the example on how to provide the weights to the fit.
You need to add a
theomxweight  1  (that turns on the reading of the various weights)
command in the cut file
followed by the weights for each bin for B0 and B+ separately  in the same
wey that is showed in mysettings.dat_data file:
 theomxweight  1
bin0    1
bin1    4.09971
bin2    1.30544
bin3    1.763
bin4    1.39208
bin5    1.70889
bin6    1.87091
bin7    2.18299
bin8    1.62982
bin9    1.42043
bin10    2.34514
bin11    2.41272
bin12    2.01187
bin13    1.90189
bin14    2.45736
bin15    1.64077
bin16    1
bin17    1
bin0    1
bin1    5.20933
bin2    2.30252
bin3    1.34659
bin4    1.45464
bin5    1.45958
bin6    1.64968
bin7    1.52691
bin8    1.99392
bin9    1.57907
bin10    1.70728
bin11    1.86048
bin12    1.77522
bin13    1.80239
bin14    1.49867
bin15    2.56872
bin16    1
bin17    1.38739

For any urgent question you can reach me at +393889425406 ...
Hope that is clear enough...

Alessio Sarti     Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara
 tel  +39-0532-974328  Ferrara
roma  +39-06-49914338
SLAC +001-650-926-2972

"... e a un Dio 'fatti il culo' non credere mai..."
(F. De Andre')

"He was turning over in his mind an intresting new concept in
Thau-dimensional physics which unified time, space, magnetism, gravity
and, for some reason, broccoli".  (T. Pratchett: "Pyramids")