

Hoi Alessio,

 > The true KL energy (for true KL).
 > I'm looping against neutral candidates (MC). If I find a true KL (idMc ==
 > 130) I'm getting the fourmomentum and then plotting the energy.

In the lab or cms? 

 > I'm not applying constraint to the MC particle to be reconstructed in the
 > EMC: I'll add that constraint and redo the plots (btw: I do not have the
 > information in the MC block... how can I impose that constraint on true
 > KL???).

An acceptance cut? The usual photon cuts are for this purpose: 

    acc = ((thetaGam[i] > 0.410) && (thetaGam[i] < 2.54));

 > No constraint on EMC recostruction is applyed.
 > So I need to plot the ecalGam energy? But how can I do that selecting true
 > KL if the MC association is broken?

Are you sure the MC assoc is broken? For me the following does not
return nothing: 

  h1->Draw("ecalGam", "ecalGam>0 && idGam==130")

Maybe  the matching is  not perfect,  that is  something to  be looked

 > I can: a) Plot the true energy for true KL b) Plot reco/ecal energy
 > for KL that have the highest likelihood to be a kaon

Try to require idGam==130 for a match. 
