

Urs raised the legitimate point that it looks like that our partial
reconstruction for D*lnu is 100% efficient: we claim we kill 68% of the
events which is exactly the fraction of D*lnu events where a soft pion
I reobtained the result in a slightly different way (and actually got 70%,
but with some error...)
shows the distribution of prmm2 for the D*lnu events (as flagged at MC
truth level) after all cuts. I just counted the fraction of events above

I think that this effect can be explained because I already require the
soft pion to be present (qtot=0) and at this point the resolution is good
enough to contain all events. In addition to this the sample might be a
bit biased against D*->Dpi0 decays, due to the mm2 cut. finally some of
the killed events belong to the combinatorics, thus compensating for
possible inefficiencies.
