

Hi all,
I've tried to investigate a bit more the effect of reweighting applied
from Urs.
The mean of energy spectrum (best KLongs selected with likelihood method),
after Urs rescaling is shifted of ~4% (I remind you that the 20%
reweigthing is applied only to TRUE KL (associator) while the energy
plotted here is referred to ALL the KL selected via the likelihhod method.

The plots (Urs's files and old reweighted MC) are superimposed here:

This seems to be in disagreement with what shown here:
some time ago.
I've tried to trace back the problem and seems to me that the
normalization of two plots was wrong. I don't know why but the fake and
true histos have ~ the same number of entries (768 vs 771): this is really
suspicious and seems to be an artifact of the histo produced by the
comparison routine instead of the really eff (50%) expected for our

I've tried to recompute the efficiency of the idGam associator NOT by
looking at histograms but counting events. I'm still working on that
and tomorrow I'll have the eff numbers.

I can't calculate such eff. in Urs's produced files (the idGam for best KL
has not been dumped): if we want to perform the same study I need to
rerun against the MC and dump the idGam of best KL neutral.


Alessio Sarti     Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara

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