


another posting on muon systematics. 

o00   New try: default                         0.0202685 +- 0.00250473
o06   muon PidKilling, fixed seed, tables      0.0191543 +- 0.00496423
o07   muon PidKilling, no seed, tables         0.0199872 +- 0.00248346
o08   muon PidKilling, no seed, tables         0.0210061 +- 0.00248269 
o09   muon PidKilling, no seed, tables         0.0205583 +- 0.00393843 
o10   muon PidKilling, no seed, tables         0.0208805 +- 0.00250016
o11   muon PidKilling, no seed, tables         0.0212109 +- 0.00253065
o13   shifted o06 tables, fixed seed, eps +2%  0.0192217 +- 0.00598833   

Batch o06  is what  we had  to quote 5%  systematics (with  respect to
o00). Batches o07 - o11 show the random fluctuations; o06 seems to sit
in the tail.

o13 shows  the same as  o06 (with the  same random seeds)  but shifted
muon efficiency tables.
