

The VRVS room has been changed to Earth/Island !

Dear Colleagues,

 The next ALCPG Linear Collider Seminar will be
presented next Thursday, May 8.

Jon Bagger will be discussing

"TeV-scale Physics"

The presentation will take place from Brookhaven
in the Small Seminar Room, 4PM EDT. Additional meeting rooms
have also been arranged at:

Fermilab, WH12NW, 3PM CDT
Cornell, Wilson Lab Large Room, 4PM EDT
SLAC, Orange Room, 1PM PDT

The presentation slides will be posted to the
web and the talk will be available both through
a phone conference dial-in and VRVS broadcast.

Details can be found at:

            The ALCPG meeting organizing committee:

                Dan Amidei, Jim Brau, Sally Dawson, George Gollin,
                Norman Graf, Mark Oreglia, and Ritchie Patterson