

Hi all,
I've updated the web page that now has a large section dedicated to the q2
cut investigation.
There are still some problems and things to understand but the information
provided has been cross-checked and I think that it's ready to be read
from all.
Please read carefully the webpage: I've tried to be as clear as possible.
Let me know if something looks odd to you.

My comments are:
1) Two different executables (the stand-alone reweighting machinery
and the fit) agree on  one thing: the relative error on the efficiency of
q2,mx cut due to the  model (mb,a) drops while cutting harder and harder
in q2. The drop is ~ a factor of 2 (10-11% --> 5-6%)

2) The net effect on the efficiency of our selection (eps_u AND eps_mx,q2)
is reduced. The effect has been evaluated looking ONLY at the fit results.
Correlation of analysis cuts variables can be the origin of that.

3) While looking directly at BRBR results the power of q2 cut on reducing
model sys error (estmated looking at fit results and not efficiency from
fit) is nearly gone.

The deep understanding of that effect is ongoing.
I'm currently investigating possible differences btw resonant and
non-resonant effects of q2 cut in order to understand some of the results
presented in the web-page.

I'll keep everybody updated as soon as the study proceeds.

Alessio Sarti     Universita' & I.N.F.N. Ferrara

>>>I'm in Ferrara<<<

 tel  +39-0532-974328  Ferrara
roma  +39-06-49914338
SLAC +001-650-926-2972

"... e a un Dio 'fatti il culo' non credere mai..."
(F. De Andre')

"He was turning over in his mind an intresting new concept in
Thau-dimensional physics which unified time, space, magnetism, gravity
and, for some reason, broccoli".  (T. Pratchett: "Pyramids")