

Hello Brandon,
 Unlike the tracker hits, it would not be useful to write out all the hits from all the particles in the showers in the calorimeters. Therefore, there is some quantization which takes place in the simulations; i.e. energy depositions are not stored at the (x,y,z) position at which they occur but are associated to a calorimeter cell which contains that spacepoint. We have tried to keep the effect of this to a minimum by populating small calorimeter cells in the full simulation, and allowing the user to gang these at the reconstruction/analysis stage. 
 As written out from the full simulation packages, the cells for the EM calorimeter represent what we consider to be an achievable readout size of 0.5 x 0.5 cm. The hadronic cells are read out in roughly 1x1 cm cells, which for the current stainless steel and polystyrene design is probably not realistic. It does allow us to study the effect of cell size by ganging. Ron Cassell has developed a package which allows the user to gang cells at the analysis stage and thereby compare various "realistic" readout cell sizes.
 The tower ID represents a cell in a "projective tower" readout geometry, i.e. theta, phi, layer. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Drummond, Brandon William 
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 5:44 PM
To: lcd-sim
Subject: Calorimeter cells

Hello all,
	I was just wondering how the calorimeter cells are defined in the LCD code. Are they the smallest quanta of detector element? Or are they a 'ganging' of something smaller? I noticed some reference to a binning scheme. Is this a method of defining cells from some smaller element? If it is, and I alter the binning to work with a single 'element' how would this effect the towerID numbering?

-Brandon Drummond